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[校友答疑] IMD MBA Class 2018 交流答疑帖(已停止更新)

发表于 2018-4-10 05:48:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-4-10 13:26:17 | 只看该作者
hao14 发表于 2018-4-9 21:36
我原来是做石油服务的,长期驻外工作,八年多吧,工作地点大概十五六个国家,不是出差那种,持有过很 ...

典型的industry background,可以找和你背景类似的人聊聊。2017届有3个和你背景类似的学生 (印度人,Schlumberger),有去B2B做commercial也有去Amazon做operation的。



- 申请国内top consulting难度很大,申请中东的consulting firm 的 oil&gas practice 可做个选项;
- BP的leadership program待遇far below MBA average, shell的leadership项目似乎偃旗息鼓了;
- 金融方向:门槛较高,即使读了LBS未必能帮到你;如果真有壮士断腕的决心,花费大良时间考相关证书至少说明你是愿意并且有能力进入这个行业;
- LDP 之类的general management path 是个伪命题,每个公司都是希望花这么大代价hire的MBA产出相应的/更高的价值,大部分岗位是实际的position,挂着LDP的名义招收top MBA, pay premium;
- LDP的项目美国最多,欧洲很少,主要是Amazon 和Danaher;国内的LDP也不多,需求量远低于MBA供应量;

- IMD学习强度很大,你是不是考虑清楚要转型的方向,以便于充分利用这短短11个月时间来帮助到你;
- 既然行业/产业变化这么快,究竟具备什么样的能力/素质/资源可以活得很好?MBA能在多大程度上帮到自己?
- 如果就业目标就是国内,某些学校也了解下?

发表于 2018-4-10 14:32:53 | 只看该作者
lewixs 发表于 2018-4-10 13:26
典型的industry background,可以找和你背景类似的人聊聊。2017届有3个和你背景类似的学生 (印度人,Sch ...

-金融,虽然我很感兴趣,但是基本上放弃了这个选项,如你所说,门槛太高,而且这个行业是people business,没有行业积累即使进去了也是劣势.
-虽然很难,目前还是考虑转型咨询,事在人为嘛. 所以也不会放弃申请INSEAD.不过IMD咨询并不是想象的那么弱,本来IMD的大部分是来自industry,所以回到industry比例高也很正常.保持Open mind,不能局限于某个行业,不然就业太窄了.
-MBA对我来说是个手段,而不是目的,我也不是为了International exposure.但是MBA确实能短期内帮助门外汉建立一个基本的商业知识体系,各种case或者其他的作业很贴近真实商业生活,这才是吸引我的吧.至于人脉,这个靠运气.
发表于 2018-4-12 12:47:19 | 只看该作者
If you look for ROI, IMD is one of the best choices in the world.

But the journey is not easy, a lot of noise and frustrations. At the end, however, you will still get what you want.

 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-16 16:02:46 | 只看该作者
hao14 发表于 2018-4-10 14:32
-诚然,油 ...

If considering ROI, I'd like to give you data for average salary of IMD graduate in the first year:
Average annual salary is around CHF130k.
 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-16 16:12:32 | 只看该作者
hao14 发表于 2018-4-10 14:32
-诚然,油 ...

Hi Hao,

I'd like to build some comments mentioned by Garyuppsala,

When I review what I learn here, because I've already got CFA and ACCA qualifications, and I was finance manager for a giant company focusing on M&A, investment and fundraising. I don't expect to get more hard skills such as analytical skills or company analysis skills. What I want to improve are

1) my soft skills, and how to cooperate within an international team. (e.g., my team in module 1 is composed of 6 students, and they are from France, India, Brazil, US and Hong Kong). If you want to work for a global company, atmosphere at IMD is absolute good for you to get prepared.

2) In my view, since we have already worked for around 9+ years, what bottleneck our career development is probable platform. IMD provides candidates a good platform to connect the top companies in Europe.

3) Good Network with my classmates. At this moment, it is too early to say that how strong the network of classmates can help you in your career. Well, imagine that after 10 years after graduation, and most of graduates become senior members of companies, the power might be out of your current imagination.
 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-17 03:23:14 | 只看该作者

Dare and Care
The Courage to Act is the memoirs of Ben S. Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Research from 2006 to 2014. The book records how a Princeton professor changed himself to become a leader of the global financial market and acted with courage to fight crises.

Before I joined IMD, I admired leaders with the courage to act. In my view, such leaders are powerful, assertive and energetic when conquering challenges. However, after spending three months with my MBA classmates, especially teammates in the “dungeons” (study rooms), I gradually got the idea that courage itself was not enough. It is necessary for a leader to own the character as “dare and care”.

I was a finance manager in one of the top real estate developers in China, leading a team to complete M&A deals, share placement and land acquisitions. My boss praised me as a good team player, but I am learning genuine teamwork with my IMD mates.

(Photo: Brainstorm during Integrative Exercise)

Each member of an outperforming team is accountable for the others’ growth, and when everyone grows, the team gets stronger. I am grateful for the feedback from my “dungeon” mates who have helped me understand myself more deeply and have provided me with the power to be a better me – a man who not only owns the courage to act and change, but also has the warm heart to care about others when they are in need.

(Photo: Feedback from teammates in the Leadership Lab)

As a chartered financial analyst (CFA) and chartered accountant (ACCA), I asked myself countless times how I could contribute my strength to the team as well to the class. When finding that I could leverage my finance and accounting knowledge and make the needle move, I acted without hesitation. So far, I have held 4 accounting sessions after class, and I hope my work could help classmates overcome difficulties. We are in the same boat, and if our boat is full of care, I believe we can achieve far beyond our expectations.

(Photo: My team performed best in the outdoor games and won the chocolate!)

Cyril Chen

Linkedin (
发表于 2018-4-17 13:13:02 | 只看该作者
IMD2018 发表于 2018-4-16 16:12
Hi Hao,

I'd like to build some comments mentioned by Garyuppsala,

Hi Cyril,

Many thanks for your insight into the program. Indeed IMD is on top of my list. Anyhow, I haven't got any feedback since I submitted the application on Apr 3rd. Hope I can get a chance.
As far as I can see, IMD students are more mature probably because of age. I like the discussions in the IMD thread because I don't have to go through a lot of personal attacks in other programs.

I'll get back to you if I get an interview.

Best regards,
发表于 2018-4-17 14:57:53 | 只看该作者
hao14 发表于 2018-4-10 14:32
-诚然,油 ...

INSEAD在諮詢招聘上最大的優勢就是幾乎所有的諮詢公司都會去做校招 但是當然競爭上肯定也很激烈 畢竟你會和一堆有做過諮詢的人競爭

IMD的話17年基本上就是Mckinsey, BCG, Oliver Wyman, AT Kearney, Alix Partners還有一些比較boutique的諮詢公司有來校招, 如果想去其他的諮詢公司基本上都是透過alumni / personal network去安排company visit, 拿面試機會

INSEAD進諮詢的比例雖高 但是很多都是在進INSEAD之前就在諮詢做了
真正實現由非諮詢背景進入諮詢的學生 IMD在比例上我覺得應該是高一些
以17年為例子吧 進Consulting的大概20個 當中曾經做過諮詢的大概5個 其他基本上都是industry背景  
发表于 2018-4-18 11:36:25 | 只看该作者
Exousia 发表于 2018-4-17 14:57
INSEAD在諮詢招聘上最大的優勢就是幾乎所有的諮詢公司都會去做校招 但是當然競爭上肯定也很激烈 畢竟你會 ...

是的.INSEAD读MBA前咨询出身的比例很高,所以就业比例上咨询占比也高.我显然年龄偏大了,不过还是对咨询最感兴趣.再说现在的招聘都有case study,练练也没有坏处.
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