Pioneered by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, BEAM robots are not programmed to walk; instead they use brainlike circuits called neural networks to learn to walk through trial and error.
ABEAM robots are not programmed to walk; instead they use brainlike circuits called neural networks to learn to walk through trial and error 分析该选项
BBEAM robots learn to walk through trial and error by using brainlike circuits called neural networks instead of by programming them 分析该选项
CBEAM robots are not being programmed to walk but instead using brainlike circuits called neural networks and learning to walk through trial and error分析该选项
Dbrainlike circuits called neural networks are used instead of programming for BEAM robots learning to walk through trial and error 分析该选项
Ebrainlike circuits called neural networks are being used for BEAM robots that learn to walk through trial and error instead of being programmed 分析该选项
首先根据句意 Pioneered的对象只能是 BEAM robots而不能是 brain(dangling modifier) 排除DE
其次B learn to walk 后面接两种平行的学习方式 using networks 和 programme robots只能被programmed而不能主动programming 改成被动更为恰当
C改变了原句的intended meaning 原句的意思应当是learn to walk through trial and error 后面by修饰学习的方式 (not通过编程 but using networks) 而这里则把programmed 与 using和learning 相并列 改变了句意
Manhattan里有讲 The most common parallel markers are the three conjunctions: and, but, and or.
包括后面给出的例句 They contended that the committee was biased BUT dinate that it should not be disbanded. 也是这样要求的 [ X but Y(open)]