德国 WHU 商学院:在管理教育领域首屈一指
- 是欧洲顶尖的商学院
- 在所有核心活动领域实现了真正的国际化
- 拥有享誉全球的国际化师资
- 在《金融时报》的欧洲商学院排名中名列前茅
- 拥有高质量的学术项目
- 与合作院校、企业和校友组成了强大的关系网络
德国 WHU 商学院招生宣讲会 - 上海 (9/27)
时间:19:00 - 23:30
地点:上海 JW 万豪酒店(上海黄浦区南京西路399号,明天广场)
- 19:00-19:30 签到
- 19:30-20:30 致欢迎辞 & 主题演讲
By WHU 教授 Felix Reimann(Professor of International Business and Supply Management)
- 20:30-23:30 与教授、校友和在校生共进晚宴(小型宴会厅)
诚邀您9月27日加入我们,全面了解 WHU 如何帮助您实现职业生涯中的飞跃!
Our Master Programs
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
1. The Program
- 12 months full-time study
- International Modules at Kellogg School of Management (Chicago, USA), CEIBS and FUDAN (Shanghai, China) and IIMB (Bangalore, India)
- Mid-Term Challenge and Future Leaders Fundraising Challenge
- Integrated Personal Leadership Module
2. Class Statistics
- International Students: 70-80%
- Class Size: maximum 45
- Average Age: 29
- Female to male ratio: 40:60
More about our Full-time MBA Programs
Master of Science (MSc)
1. The Program
- Option of Master in Management, Finance or Entrepreneurship
- Ranked as the best Master in Management Program in Germany (FT)
- 17 or 21 months full time
- Integrated internship
- International exchange or international Capstone Module
2. Class Statistics
- International Students: 30-40%
- Class Size: 130-150
- Average Age: 23
More about our MSc Programs