Caribou are wary animalswith excellent hearing, so stalking them over the treeless landscape,getting close enough to kill it with nothing but a handheld lance, asDorset people did, required exceptional hunting skill. A. so stalking them over the treeless landscape, getting close enough tokill it B. so to stalk them over the treeless landscape and get close enough tokill one C. so in order to stalk them over the treeless landscape and get closeenough to kill one D. and so in order to stalkit over the treeless landscape, getting close enough to kill it (B) E. and so stalking them over the treeless landscape and getting closeenough in order to kill it 这道题正确答案选B,但不明白为什么不选C,两个选项只有to和in order to的区别,in order to 表强调难道不可以吗?求指教!!!