724. At the end of 2001, motion picture industry representatives said that there were about a million copies of Hollywood movies available online and expected privacy to increase with high-speed Internet connections that become more widely available. A. online and expected privacy to increase with high-speed Internet connections that become more widely available B. online and expect the increase of privacy with the wider availability of high-speed Internet connections C. online, and that they expect more privacy to increase with the wider availability of high-speed Internet connections D. online, and that they expected the increase of privacy as high-speed Internet connections would become more widely available E. online, and that they expected privacy to increase as high-speed Internet connections became more widely available 这题当中expected为什么不能与said平行呢? 之前看ron的课程中说,从右往左看,右边的expected不能与左边的said平行么? 还有就是,D答案中用的would是对的么? expect表示的是未来的事情,所以是跟will;这里用了expected,所以应该对应would,这样分析有错误么? 希望大家解答一下~