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AI092 终于碰到我的克星了

发表于 2005-9-1 15:09:00 | 只看该作者

AI092 终于碰到我的克星了

斑竹, 今天我终于碰到了我不太擅长的一类文章. 之前, 由于都是商业类的文章, 所以对于本来学商科, 现在又从事相关工作的我来说问题不大. 其实我比较头痛的就是这些比较抽象的概念, 例如, 政府啦, 环境啦, 历史拉. 总觉得举例子也不是那么容易的一件事. 今天瞎编乱造了一番, 麻烦你们帮我提提意见.

由于最近一直在摸考, 所以每天两篇掐时间的作文是免不掉的. 既然写了,就拿上来和大家交流. 希望每天都有进步.

92. “Government should establish regulations to reduce or eliminate any suspected health hazards in the environment, even when the scientific studies of these health hazards are incomplete or contradictory.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

It is a controversial issue whether government should establish regulations to reduce or eliminate any suspected health hazards in the environment, even when the scientific studies of these health hazards are incomplete or contradict. People with different backgrounds and experiences hold various opinions. Some people contend that government should establish regulations to reduce or eliminate the suspected health hazards. However, other people assert that government should not hastily to do so before the outcome of the scientific research is revealed. As far as I am concerned, government should establish such regulations.

The reasons for my perspectives are illustrated as follows.

First, government can forcefully avoid the occurence of a health hazard by establishing such regulations. A typical example is the SARS hazard happened in 2003. At the beginning of the spread of the disease, the Chinese government was not aware of it. Once the government realized the existence of such possible diseases, it immediately regulated that people stay at their current city and do not move between cities. Although at that time, the scientific reasearch concerning this disease was still under process, the government had established the regulation that each public place be cleaned at least three times a day. Thanks to the timely regulation established by the government, the SARS was at last controlled. The regulation indirectly saved many lives.

Second, it is the responsibility of the government to establish such regulations to protect the environment. A good environment cannot only do well to the health for its citizens but also can attract more tourists and investments. For instance, in Shanghai, one of the metropolitans in China, the government has established several regulations with regard to the control of health hazard in the environment. These regulations secure the stability of the city and ensure the development of it. Many international companies as well as overseas tourists are attracted to visit it, spurring the further development of Shanghai.

Admittedly, the government should also pay some attention to the scientific research in order to establish more effective regulations. Because sometimes, the research outcome shows that some health hazards should be coped by specific ways and therefore the government's effort will be useless.

To sum, I back up that the government should establish regulations to reduce or eliminate the hazard health in the government even when sometimes the scientific research is not complete or contradict. After all, avoidance outweighs fighting and a sound environment brings more opportunity rather than hazard.

发表于 2005-9-1 16:13:00 | 只看该作者


P.S. 模版弄出来之后就没必要每篇都写了,整理出自己的观点和提纲就行了~比较有效率和节省时间

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-1 16:50:00 | 只看该作者

谢谢,请问happyfish, 黄金80篇的提纲讨论稿再哪里可以找到,可不可以提供各linkage?

发表于 2005-9-1 22:04:00 | 只看该作者

judy的提纲汇总  [ 2]



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