德国排名前五,也是德国历史最悠久的莱比锡商学院HHL(FT管理硕士全球排名#21,FT管理类薪酬全球排名第#6,德国最佳创业高校、德国trendence最受欢迎商学院)邀你参加2017年4月4号(周二)— 7号(周五)在上海举行的“HHL中国行”系列活动。
申请中的候选人还可报名参加现场面试,由MBA项目主管Prof. Schwetzler主持,提前锁定录取。
时间 | | | | | | | REHAU China德瑞好公司 (HHL校友企业) | MBA教授公开课“评估创新商业模式–“Unicorns and Muppets – Valuing innovative Business Models” | | | | | | | |
» 预约与招生官的一对一咨询,或报名现场Interview,请发邮件给 Raluca Modoiu,我们会尽快与你联系,以确定时间段。 » 参加HHL公开课、校友聚会,请在线报名http://www.hhl.de/index.php?id=184#3
About HHL,关于莱比锡商学院
Ranked among the top 40 business schools in Europe andtop 5 in Germany by the Financial Times, HHL is truly one of Europe’s bestdestinations for seeking a graduate-level business degree. Situated in Europe’sindustrious economic engine, HHL is consistently ranked as Germany’s mostentrepreneurial business school and has a reputation for producing some thecountry’s most employable graduates and exciting start-ups. In fact, HHL alumnihave gone on to found than 160 companies and created over 3,500 jobs in thepast 20 years alone.
Over 70% of HHL graduates go on to establish prestigiouscareers in Germany within industries such as consulting, financial services,technology, automotive and start-ups. Our closely connected and supportivealumni occupy and support HHL from senior positions in companies such as TheBoston Consulting Group, McKinsey & Company, Deutsche Bank, Amazon,Microsoft, BMW Group, Volkswagen and leading German start-ups.
HHL is also Germany’s oldest business school and islocated in the city of Leipzig, Germany’s fastest growing city with over 1,000years of continuous history. Drawing upon its rich cultural legacy, Leipzigshares its history with names such as Johann Sebastian Bach and Johann vonGoethe. Modern Leipzig maintains a student friendly cost of living, and boastsmore than 1,400 cafés and restaurants and more than 67 museums and galleries –and is of course home to the Bundesliga’s rising star: RB Leipzig.
Accreditation AACSB, ACQUIN
Rankings Financial Times Global Masters in Management Ranking 2016
#21 Master in Management worldwide
#6 for Management Salary worldwide
Top 10 for Career Service worldwide Financial Times European Business School Ranking 2016
Top 5 in Germany Founder's Association for German Science Start-up Radar 2016
#1 in Germany for Entrepreneurship
trendence InstituteAbsolventenbarometer 2016
Favorite Business School in Germany
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Wechat: hhl_germany