(OG1585)According to a recent poll, owningand living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of amajority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.
A like that of earlier generations
B as that for earlier generations
C just as earlier generations did
D as have earlier generations
E as it was of earlier generations
This sentence compares a single goal sharedby generations. The second part of the sentence must have the same structure asthe first part: a clause with a subject and a verb. The phrase owning … land is the subject of thefirst clause; in the correct sentence, the pronoun it refers back to this phrase and is the subject of the secondclause. The first verb is alsoparallels the second verb was. Theprepositional phrases of a majority ofyoung adults and of earliergenerations are parallel and correct.
A. Phrase, without subject and verb, is notparallel to the main clause.
Theword like is the most commoncomparison marker.
Frank’sbuild,LIKE that of his brother, is broad and muscular.
Frank’sbuild,LIKE his brother’s, is broad and muscular.
E. In this sentence as shows comparison and introduces a subordinate clause in whichall grammatical elements correspond to those in the main clause.
关键是对于这句:Like不能比较两个of结构。因为Like就近比,此处是adults和that比,而that指代goal不可比。感觉有点问题。我个人感觉两个of结构,a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.这里的that指代goal,两个goal平行也挺合适的。也没有哪本书明确指出Like不能比较两个of结构,有大神有什么依据拿出来说服一下小弟么?