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[校友答疑] IMD MBA 2017 交流答疑贴 (持续更新中)

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发表于 2017-4-3 19:39:51 | 只看该作者
一年前的这个时候,我们一同参加了Assessment Day。一年之后,(虽然遗憾其中一人最终放弃了Offer)这天,我们五人相约出现在相同的地点,站在相同的位置,摆着相同的姿势,挤出相同的笑容,留下了相识一年的记忆。



我住在加拿大,临行到瑞士之前的一天,我爸问我:“放着美国的学校你不读,抛妻弃子到瑞士,不是找事吗?” 事实上,每个人对IMD都有不同的见解 -- 劳命伤财、跋山涉水到底为了什么?两个半月悄悄溜走,在此不谈课业,只谈人事。

来到这里,每天呼吸在90个人的圈子里,不可逃避的与不同的同学产生各种交集。而这90个人呢?除了我,每个人都身怀绝技、聪明过人。人嘛,除了我阴晴不定,89个人里:有的人随意、有的人刻板、有的人乐观、有的人易怒、有的人无私、有的人自我,等等等。请原谅我平凡的人生所带来的普通观点,我认为这90个人建立的环境非常特殊 -- 90个完全开放和平等的个体,完全没有壁垒的环境(你说什么做什么,最后大家大概都知道),以及强制性的团队项目和活动。这一切,就是我眼中IMD的特性 -- 让你在没有逃避和选择的情况下;并且在高强度的压力下,从被动到主动、从陌生到本能的的去观察和发现每个人的特性,并去努力达成最佳的共识和共赢的出路。


发表于 2017-4-5 06:04:50 | 只看该作者
2017IMD 发表于 2017-4-3 19:39
一年前的这个时候,我们一同参加了Assessment Day。一年之后,(虽然遗憾其中一人最终放弃了Offer)这天, ...

发表于 2017-4-14 16:51:17 | 只看该作者
结束了第一个phase的学习和考试,同学们纷纷踏上了Easter Day 之旅。祝愿今年的准备申请IMD的同学一切顺利,答疑区的我们会不定期回答大家的问题。


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发表于 2017-4-15 19:28:20 | 只看该作者
Freedom finally!
今天上午module 1 考试终于结束,开始四天来之不易的假期模式(其实这篇断断续续从考试结束写到了现在……)

首先要提的无疑是IMD的环环相扣的课程设计,我们会在accounting课堂上请marketing教授结合marketing一起分析案例,会在operation,finance,entrepreneurship课堂上邀请企业高管做相应专题讲授,其他soft skill专题如演讲、沟通、领导力等等都在课程中间穿插进行,你会惊叹于不知不觉中所学所想已渐成体系。短短三个月里,除了紧张的早8晚6课程,我们还需要与小组成员一起完成各种小组项目,周末也基本在小组会议与作业中开始和结束。这其中最具特色的无疑是startup项目,仅两个月多月的时间里90个人分为15个小组分别与创始人一起完成了处于不同阶段的startup项目。IMD startup competition每年都会吸引大量初创项目参赛,而分配给我们做的就是赢得比赛的15个,可想而知,这种 real world real learning的实践练习,不仅使我们自己对business的理解和分析更进一步,也为初创企业提供了不同的发展理念和建议。

在之前的帖子当中其他同学已经反复提到了leadership development是IMD的核心竞争力和最具价值的项目之一。关于leadership是否可以训练培养这个话题,当置身于经过IMD精挑细选,各色背景,各有所长和潜质的90个人中时,或许就会有答案。我们曾经讨论,与职场的相对松散联系不同,90人组成的无领导团体看似规模并没有多大,但90人是每天每天都在面对面交流沟通,加上集中的课堂及小组讨论,其实是将所有人置身于密集的思想碰撞中,不同文化不同观念的冲击是每天都可以预期的事情,达成所有人,哪怕是小组6人的一致意见都是mission impossible,在这个过程中每个人每天都在从彼此身上学习新的东西,并获取成员反馈。IMD更悉心为我们配备了专业领导力导师及PDE咨询师以帮助我们更好的认识自己和理解他人行为模式从而改进领导力,你会时不时突然留意到谁谁谁的哪方面已经改进很多……

目前为止是否有遗憾或者后悔入IMD?最常听新老校友讲到IMD时光的一句话就是“the best year of my life”,我们当然还无法做此定论,但就个人而言,之所以非常喜欢IMD不仅仅因为我来自制药而IMD有极强的行业背景,更因为90人40多个国家的多样化背景,因为优秀成熟稳重又活力满满的同学,因为自身从leadership中获益良多,还有就是洛桑真的很美……

假期回去后将开始module2的学习,新的小组,新的上课座次,还有各种leadership&career service等课程,时间应该是一样紧张的,但经过了module1的洗礼,相信不管是处理小组关系还是各种新的项目,我们都会是更好的自己!想想还有8个月,似乎已经觉得该倍加珍惜……

发表于 2017-4-18 02:18:50 | 只看该作者
guxmhappy 发表于 2017-4-15 19:28
Freedom finally!
今天上午module 1 考试终于结束,开始四天来之不易的假期模式(其实这篇断断续续从考试 ...

It is indeed the best year of my life !
IMD is influencing me every day, even 2y after graduation.
Enjoy the rest of time and be positive about challenges ahead of you !
发表于 2017-4-22 00:02:47 | 只看该作者


我从2008年开始在两间瑞士银行工作,今年到瑞士进修就是为了IMD享负盛名的“领袖”课程 。除了一系列的理论课、小组项目和野外领袖活动之外,让我收获最多的就是小组的反馈环节。

组员们在反馈环节会先认真的思考过去一段日子里,观察到或者感受到我们个人有什么强项和需要改进的地方,还有我们的行为对小组有什么贡献或者负面的影响。然后每一个人都会有机会听取其他组员真诚和有建设性的意见,有些意见是我这么多年都没听过、但听到后会觉得很对的,这就是“Johari Window”模型里面说的“unknown public self”,亦是自己的盲点。

成为一个良好领袖的过程中,其中一个重要的环节就是了解自己。在IMD除了组员们的反馈外,还会有专业“领袖教练”和“心理分析师”定期和我们约谈,帮助我们找寻“unknown self”,也就是发掘未知的自己。


Yik Long
发表于 2017-4-22 00:07:37 | 只看该作者
Liangdoudoud 发表于 2017-4-18 02:18
It is indeed the best year of my life !
IMD is influencing me every day, even 2y after graduation. ...

Thanks a lot, we are here to take over the honor established by our alumni.  
Hope you can take chance back to Lausanne.
All the best.
发表于 2017-4-25 03:41:34 | 只看该作者
Post an alumnus who has the startup companies experience for 7 times.

WHO: Bryan Guido Hassin

WHAT: a one-year, intensive, full-time MBA program focusing on leadership and international business

WHERE: IMD, the International Institute of Management Development, on the shores of Lake Geneva in Lausanne, Switzerland

WHEN: 2008-1-7 - 2008-12-3

WHY (develop leadership): Not to be melodramatic but . . . to help save the world. We are becoming increasingly dependent on sources of energy that are bound to run out. We cause major damage to the environment. There is a worldwide increase in political and religious intolerance. We need strong leadership to overcome these challenges.

Whether on the athletic field, in the business world, or in volunteer organizations, I am constantly answering the call for leadership. However, if I really want to help solve the world's problems, I must be a responsible, effective, global leader. Until now my leadership development has been purely experiential. I have decided to augment my background with formal leadership education and international experience to help me grow into such a leader.

WHY (this program): IMD is just what I was seeking. IMD is:

Small: only 90 students per class year. This allows the program to be highly personalized, providing leadership coaching and mentoring to each student every day throughout the year. Why only 90?
International: the 90 students come from 44 countries and speak an average of four languages. The IMD Class of 2007's profile
Excellent: IMD is consistently one of the highest-rated MBA programs in the world; this year it even earned the global #1 ranking from the Financial Times "Ranking of Rankings." I'm the first person to take rankings with a grain of salt, but I like that IMD does best in the rankings that reward schools for producing responsible, grounded graduates. IMD is elite without being elitist.
Selective: Attendees have the highest average work experience (over 7 years) of any full-time MBA program in the world. If I'm going to be learning from my peers all year, I want them to be experienced, accomplished, and knowledgeable! Applicants are subjected to two rounds of grueling applications: the initial application has 13 essays and those who make the second round are subjected to a full day of grilling interviews, ad hoc presentations, timed group projects, and case analyses. Accordingly, attendees are not only qualified, they also have to be highly motivated even just to apply--again, this is the type of person I want to be around! The IMD admissions process
Intense: 16 hours a day, 6 days a week, with the only vacation in July.
Real-world: Half of the program isn't in classrooms at all; it's spent on consulting projects for governments of countries with difficult business environments or for CEOs of multibillion-Euro companies. The IMD program structure

I wasn't sure this was for me until I interviewed on-campus. The challenges were hard and I learned a lot from them. The other applicants (Most of the day's affairs were conducted in groups.) were incredibly smart, successful, and diverse. I learned more that day than I had in probably my previous several months on the job--just imagine what I could learn in a whole year! Needless to say, I came back ready to sign on if accepted. Just a few days later I received the call from IMD's Admissions Director and I was on board.

HOW (did/will this happen): None of this would have been possible without the tremendous support I received this year from friends, family, and colleagues. I engaged 50+ people in my "information gathering" stage to determine what my options for leadership development were and which would be most appropriate for me. Everyone provided incredibly valuable insight and I used all of it in my decision-making process.

When I finally made the decision to apply to IMD, there was only one week left before their final deadline. I had to mobilize myself (essays, GMAT, application forms) and others (recommendations) on very short notice. Without my recommenders and essay editors, I probably never would have been accepted; they were invaluable.

Now, as I prepare to move halfway around the world for a year (or maybe longer!), everyone's support continues to be my greatest asset. As I rent out my house, sell my car, apply for a visa, find a place to live in Lausanne, read assigned books, prepare assigned writings, transition my R7 responsibilities, transition some (but not all!) of my Rice Alumni responsibilities, buy cold weather clothes for the first time in 10 years, etc., etc., knowing that everyone is behind me keeps me going.

What will I do after I've finished this program? I don't know. For once in my life I'm not overplanning! My mind is open to all possibilities; in the meantime I am focused on personal growth. One of the hardest decisions a person can make is to leave a comfortable situation. I am leaving a life I love for a year of extremely hard work and no clear outcome. However, I owe it to everyone who believes in me if, by doing so, I can prepare myself to make the world a better place. I am eager to begin and excited to see where unknown opportunities will take me.

HOW (to stay in touch): My electronic contact information will remain the same and I will post new phone and address information once I have it. This blog will serve as the primary medium for me to publish updates, pictures, and stories. My plan is not to email everyone every time I have something to say. Instead, those interested can subscribe (using RSS) to this blog and be automatically notified every time I post. I hope to be able to catch up with everyone before I leave and, even more, I hope to stay in touch throughout this adventure!

发表于 2017-4-25 20:19:44 | 只看该作者
2017IMD 发表于 2017-4-22 00:02

上周期中考试后,同学们往欧洲各地旅游休息四天,这周二回来洛桑就迎来一场春雪和“领 ...

发表于 2017-4-25 20:21:27 | 只看该作者
今天收到Apr 1st deadline round的面试邀请,5.30 洛桑;
从决定读MBA开始IMD就一直是No1 Dreamy School,从来没有动摇过
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