- 709730
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- 2012-1-10
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- 1970-1-1
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加拿大UBC毕业 生物本科 另有会计文凭
CFA考过一级 考过加拿大的CGA 但还没拿执照
在加拿大工作过一年 主要做的是基金方面的会计
在台湾的EY做auditor做了一年半不到 后转入新加坡的创投做analyst做了两年半
接着自己开了一间电商作网购 做了一年半 现在要把公司关掉去读MBA
GMAT只考680 大学GPA仅2.0 工作经验累计约七年
Submit application后三天就收到interview invitation 今天刚与新加坡那边的Admin Director面试完
- Why IE?
- Why did you choose not to continue biology as your career?- Use three words to describe yourself.
- Biotech is doing very well now. Have you ever regret giving up biology and going after accounting?
- There was a gap in your resume. What were you doing at the time?
- Do you know there is Buffet's Lunch? Who would be the person you'd like to lunch with? What is the one question you will ask him?
- What is the most important decision you have made in your career?
- How would you position yourself in a team?
- What have you learned from your VC experience?
- What is the proudest business decision you made during your career?
- What can you contribute to class?
- Assuming you are in the after-party of MBA graduation ceremony, how would your classmates talk about you?
- How do you handle conflicts in the team?
- If you were sent to a unknown place for conducting financial due diligence, how would you build up your own network?
- What's your career goal after you graudate?
- What's the weirdest thing you have ever done?
- What is you backup plan if we reject you?
- If we decide to reject you without telling you a reason, what do you think the reason is?
- Tell me something not on your resume.
- How many countries have you been to?
- How would you fund your MBA?
我们是直接用Skype面试的 问题主要都是来自于CV上的细节 以及回答后的追问
没有问任何专业性的问题 或是时事之类的 整个面试大约是1小时
面试我的这位Dirk Hopful应该是位德国人 在IE做了25年 现在是在新加坡做admission的head
感觉人不错 问问题也蛮和缓 有说有笑 不像INSEAD的面试者那样咄咄逼人
目前正在等结果 也祝各位申请IE的朋友好运!