更新下class of 2016 和2017 Full Time就业情况。2017还有个别同学在面试中。offer截至10月底。 Class 2017 (Full-Time, as of 10/31/2016) | Company | Industry | Function | Location | Count | PWC consulting | Consulting | Consulting | Dallas, TX | 1 | Apple | Tech | Operations | Cupertino, CA | 1 | Adobe | Tech | Marketing | San Jose, CA | 1 | Dell | Tech | Product Management | Austin, TX | 1 | Dell | Tech | Commercial Marketing | Austin, TX | 1 | Dell | Tech | Social Media Marketing | Austin, TX | 1 | Microsoft | Tech | Operations | Seattle, WA | 1 | A.T. Kearney | Consulting | Consulting | Shanghai | 1 |
Class 2016 (Full-Time, as of 10/31/2016) | Company | Industry | Function | Location | Count | Apple | Tech | Operations | Cupertino, CA | 1 | Amazon | Tech | Operations | Baltimore, MD | 1 | Toyota Financial Services | Automotive | Finance | Plano,TX/Torrance, CA | 1 | Strategy& | Consulting | Consulting | Dallas, TX | 1 | Private Equity | Private Equity | Private Equity | China | 1 | Vanguard | Financial Services | Asset Management | Philadelphia, PA | 1 | PE | Financial Services | | Beijing | 1 | Fund | Financial Services | | Austin | 1 | HP | Tech | Finance | Houston | 1 | Dell | Tech | Sales/Marketing | Austin | 1 |
***************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 各位CDer,感谢大家持续关注UT Austin McCombs!
Class 2018 Round 2的申请结果已于3月下旬公布!我们非常高兴今年是McCombs历史上招募中国大陆及台湾同学最多的年份,截止目前已向30+位同学发出邀请,即使在罕在考虑国际生的第三轮依旧给予不少我们的同学最后的面试机会。可见McCombs有多倾向国内的同学,也希望大家能进一步了解我们,一同感受这个滋养着Austin——美国人趋之若鹜,全美最小资、发展最快,集科技、能源、金融与音乐、自然、创业为一体的城市的MBA Program 。
也许我们不是最早开始宣传自己的MBA Program, 这本身也缘于我们有才、热诚却低调的文化。得益于近年来中国大陆和台湾同学的优异表现,不仅仅在学业、就业等传统指标上,更在CommunityService这一美国文化所关注的方面显现出我们的领导力,McCombs对中国生源有了更大的诚意,期待大家的加入:)
现在正直Final季,各种final presentation, group project, final exams,大家都忙得要死要活,不过为了帮助大家更好的了解UT MBA项目,我们整理了下近三届中国学生的就业情况。 以下是Class 2015, Class 2016, Class 2017 (intern) 中国大陆及台湾同胞的就业去向(以accepted offer为统计标准),供关注的同学们参考:
最后小注:UTAustin虽名为奥斯汀分校,实为Universityof Texas的旗舰主校,简称就是“UT”。与远在Arlington的UT Arlington分校(简称“UTA”)是两所学校。请同学们明鉴!
Class 2015 (Full-Time Position) | Company | Industry | Function | Location | Count | Apple | Tech | Operations | Cupertino, CA | 1 | Citi | Financial Services | Corporate Banking | New York, NY | 1 | Dell | Tech | Operations | Austin, TX | 1 | Freescale | Tech | Operations | Austin, TX | 1 | Hongxiang Investment | Financial Services | Asset Management | China | 1 | Hunt Realty Investments | Real Estate | Real Estate Investment | Dallas, TX | 1 | Peabody Energy | Energy | General Management | St. Louis, MI | 1 | Yue-Sai Kan Productions Inc | Entertainment | Marketing | New York, NY | 1 | boutique fund | Financial Services | Equity Research | Austin, TX | 1 | Walmart | Retail | Finance | Bentonville, AR | 1 | Dell | Tech | Corporate Development | Austin, TX | 1 | ZS Associates | Consulting | Consulting | China | 1 | (增加 Dell Taipei office, Product Marketing)
Class 2016 (Full-Time Position) | Company | Industry | Function | Location | Count | Apple | Tech | Operations | Cupertino, CA | 1 | Amazon | Tech | Operations | Baltimore, MD | 1 | Toyota Financial Services | Automotive | Finance | Plano,TX/Torrance, CA | 1 | Strategy& | Consulting | Consulting | Dallas, TX | 1 | Private Equity | Private Equity | Private Equity | China | 1 | Vanguard | Financial Services | Asset Management | Philadelphia, PA | 1 |
Class 2017 (Internship) | Company | Industry | Function | Location | Count | Apple | Tech | Operations | Cupertino, CA | 1 | Amazon | Tech | Operations | Tennessee | 1 | Adobe | Tech | Marketing | San Jose, CA | 1 | Dell | Tech | Product Management | Austin, TX | 1 | Dell | Tech | Commercial Marketing | Austin, TX | 1 | Dell | Tech | Social Media Marketing | Austin, TX | 1 | Dell | Tech | Strategy | Austin, TX | 1 | Microsoft | Tech | Operations | Seattle, WA | 1 | Johnson Controls | Manufacturing | Internal Strategy | Milwaukee, WI | 1 | Red Hat Software | Tech | Marketing | North Carolina | 1 |