50. It is called a sea, but the landlocked Caspian is actually the largest lake on Earth,which covers more than four times the surface area of its closest rival in size,North America’s Lake Superior. (A) It is called a sea, but the landlocked Caspian is actually the largest lakeon Earth, which covers (B) Although it is called a sea, actually the landlocked Caspian is the largestlake on Earth, which covers (C) Though called a sea, the landlocked Caspian is actually the largest lakeon Earth, covering (D) Though called a sea but it actually is the largest lake on Earth, thelandlocked Caspian covers (E) Despite being called a sea, the largest lake on Earth is actually thelandlocked Caspian, covering
54. Despite its covering the entire planet, Earth has a crust that is not seamless orstationary, rather it is fragmented into mobile semirigid plates. (A) Despite its covering the entire planet, Earth has a crust that is notseamless or stationary, rather it is (B) Despite the fact that it covers the entire planet, Earth’s crust is neitherseamless nor is it stationary, but is (C) Despite covering the entire planet, Earth’s crust is neither seamless noris it stationary, but rather (D) Although it covers the entire planet, Earth’s crust is neitherseamlessnor stationary, but rather (E) Although covering the entire planet, Earth has a crust that is notseamless or stationary, but
楼主的疑问是关于despite。以及OG对于50题选项E的解释。 在54题的OG 选项D解释中,他这样说,Despite and although are very close in meaning. However, despite is a preposition and needs to be followed by a noun or noun phrase, while although is a conjuction and should be followed by a finite clause.
对于50题E 的解释,楼主也表示看不懂,求大牛啊啊啊 OG: Despite being called a sea indicates, somewhat illogically, that the largest lake being called a sea would lead one to expect it not to be the Caspian. This makes little sense, especially to those who are familiar with the name Capian Sea.