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NN, 我刚又读了一遍你的文章,并做了重点笔记。你强调的Decision Point 和Differentiate,我的理解就是在各个选项的变化处找考点从而来排除错误选项。我觉得我现在还欠缺的是两点,一方面是缺乏对DP敏感度(重点语法知识可能还有欠缺),就是我可以看到变化,但是我不知道他要考我啥;再不就是看的不细,明明DP就在眼前,我却视而不见。这个我会继续再看错题,总结OG解释里大部分选项都有的错误来增强下这方面能力,也会按照主要的几个语法点来单语法点(其实就是DP啦)刷一下OG,锻炼对重要DP的敏感度。另一方面是我如果采用纵向比较的方法(可能我没有养成好的习惯)就会混乱出错:经常第一个点被我排除的选项,我在第二点或者第三点的时候又放进来了,最后很可能还把因为第一个点排除了,最后一个点却对了的错误选项选了。因为是机考,也不能在电脑做标记。我现在在训练自己,在草稿纸上写A,B,C,D,E,然后找到一个错误,就把对应选项划掉。不知道NN有没有什么更好地方法推荐。
最后,希望NN可以分享一下这个找DP的思路让我们学习一下。我提供一道我Manhattan模考做错了的题,这题难度被列在700-800(我发现我卡在600-700这段,700-800的错误率还是蛮高,总会被再降下来)希望NN指教!感谢!!我一上来就在the fact 上死了·····
The bowerbirds of Australia derive their name from the fact that the males build elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs to attract females, decorating them with flowers and other vegetation in a display of courtship.
A. the fact that the males build elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs to attract females, decorating them with flowers and other vegetation
B. the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs that the males build and decorate with flowers and other vegetation in order to attract females
C. the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs, decorated with flowers and other vegetation that the males use to attract females
D.the fact that the males build elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs, having decorated them with flowers and other vegetation, to attract females
E.the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs that are built by the males and decorated with flowers and other vegetation to attract females |