Unlike the nests of leaf cutters and most other ants, situated underground or in pieces of wood, raider ants make aportable nest by entwining their long legs to form "curtains" of antsthat hang from logs or boulders, providing protection for the queen and thecolony larvae and pupae.
(C) leaf cutters and most other ants, whose nests are
(D) leafcutters and most other ants in having nests
OG 解释是D选项会让人觉得situated underground……是在修饰后面的raider ants,然而我认为如果题干中下划线没有包括逗号的话会有这样的歧义,然而实际上逗号也被替换了,也就是说D选项nests后面是没有逗号的,这样的话situated肯定是修饰的前面的事物啊。是我的理解有误还是有别的更好地理由把D推翻?请前辈们解惑~