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学院中专门设有的CMO ,即career management office 学院里非常给力的帮助,有专门的系统,同时会经常开设各种包括简历、面试经验、招聘会等的workshop以及mock,并督促我们更块更好地做好对于找工作的准备。非常热情并且尽职尽责(比如我们第一个学期会督促学生按要求帮助你修改好简历,需要系统通过审查,我三次才通过并且老师还经常主动发邮件催我赶紧预约跟他们聊天给我提建议)。
还有一大亮点是我们系里还有专门管学生就业的director, Matt, 你可以经常找他唠唠嗑,信息多,人脉广,性格好,善于沟通,非常能说哈哈,是我们找工作很好的资源和帮助。
截至目前我们上一届2015年12月底毕业的学姐学长中已经有24个人在美找到了full time的工作~比例很高了哈,相信接下来会有更多好消息的~
As far as this year's numbers, at this point we are 4-5 jobs ahead of where we were last year. Organizations who have hired from our program include Cardinal Health, Progressive Insurance, Goodyear (2 students), Cleveland Clinic (2 students), JoAnn Fabrics, MTD Products, Niagara Bottling, Stanley-Black & Decker just to name a few. We have two students working in LA (few others I am told moved there and are looking for work but are not in contact with me) 3 in Columbus and the majority in the Cleveland/Akron area so far. The U.S. Government has held up the process of students finding jobs because of the fact that they are 30-40 days behind with issuing EAD cards.
As we have every year, there is a sizable portion of our class that moves back home to pursue job opportunities and the two I've heard from have landed jobs in China with top firms Accenture and IBM. So that speaks loudly to how well our students are doing at home. Another had to move home to fulfill a military obligation and others because they had no intention of staying. So at this point it is premature to be able to give you percentages of the whole that are working. In numbers we have about 24 and a few that have outstanding offers that are contingent on them receiving their EAD cards or having the Immigration Council approve specifics to the job offer.
去年毕业学生就业数据和详细介绍: https://weatherhead.case.edu/degrees/masters/ms-management/operations-research-supply-chain/careers
3. 生活
1 新生手册2015V1.0手机版
2 Safety Guide for Chinese Students in US
3 Digest of ohio motor vehicle laws (教你考驾照)
克利夫兰是美国老牌大型工业城市,这里有繁华高楼林立的downtown,也有美丽的伊利湖边公园。有着Cavalier,Brown等知名球队,学习之余看场球是个很棒的享受。这里的剧院在全美享誉盛名,仅次于纽约百老汇,经常有各种剧目在downtown的一条大街两旁的剧院中上演,喜欢看剧的朋友不容错过。不可否认黑人在这里占了不小的一部分人口,但是大部分黑人朋友并不像大家说的那样可怕,大部分人还是很有素质并且友好的。此外关于城市和治安的问题,其实大家来了美国就会发现除了纽约芝加哥这样的大城市,其他大部分都比较大农村,克村其实相比来说已经是设施很好的城市了哈哈,并且还有很多不错的企业在这里,临近五大湖地区,是我们supply chain专业很好的选择,并且基本大部分城市都有他们治安不好的地区,一来学校我们会进行安全的指导的,只要大家平时不要去不安全的地区,是没有问题的~ 并且学校专门为我们提供了晚上七点到凌晨三点之间的safe ride,也是为了安全接送我们学生回家~非常贴心实用~
希望我们提供的信息能帮到大家~并且我们还会不断更新内容的,也希望大家还有什么疑问都不要犹豫联系我们~欢迎来到case orsc的大家庭~!!
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