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[SC资料] 饺子之RON视频详解——And as connector

发表于 2015-12-17 14:55:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
这是我第一次开始认真地听ron的视频,以前觉得这画面清晰度实在不佳,口语也不好听,但是因为是背水一战,我决定一咬牙开始看ron视频!并且对每道例题做较为深入的理解和分析!希望自己在SC上真的能够做到像cd上的大牛一样,不是靠细碎的small things而是整体的感觉得到提高!

"And" creates a parallel structure between elements that are:
    1. *presumed to be independent(unless they are in sequence)
    2. *equal in priority /importance
     eg.I like apples,grapes,and bananas.
     (three separate foods I enjoy with presumably comparable levels of enjoyment)
     特例:We ate dinner,saw a show and (then) went to a club.
     (three sequential events-still pretty much independent--with equal priority)
分析:A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, and I was late to work.
因为两句都是independent,且用and连接,是并列关系,故I was late for some reason other than the  truck crash.
   1.A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, making me late to work.
     Comma-ing is to signify a proximate or casual relationship between the main clause and the modifier.
    2.A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, and I was thus late to work.
      Alone, "and" implies relative independence.
      However, you can pair "and" with other connectors, such as the ones above,to signify this kind of relationship.或者用 so...consequently...
      但如果用hence,一定表明了logical relationship.
   A.Ron devoured his lunch,crunched loudly, and burped at regular intervals.
   B.Ron devoured his lunch, crunching loudly and burping at regular intervals.
   C.Ron devoured his lunch, gulped down the drinks,and fell asleep.
   D.Ron devoured his lunch, gulping down the drinks and falling asleep.
1.Three separate actions;none of them is prioritized over the others and none is a component of an other one(同等地位时)——need parallel structure.
2.Future description of the former one---they should be a modifier  
BUT you can't judge grammatical structures until you know what message they are intended to convey.
从意思上分析,devour吞食,crunching咯吱咯吱的声音,burping打嗝 后两个是前面devour的解释,所以选用modifier形式;而gulp一大口,fell asleep明显是之后的动作,表示sequence,故选择parallel structure.最后B,C为正确。 can't have a comma on only one side of a modifier(unless it begins or ends the sentence).
Level2 做题必备
What is the intention of the sentence?
Use 2 things:
1.common sense/ real-world thinking
2.The sentence is a unit in the sense that it should convey some sort of unified meaning.,
First Read:
*Fast--you are not picking through and trying to find errors.
*get the meaning...including is this parallel?
*if anything is blatant enough that you notice it will reading quickly, then use it to eliminate. If not, wait until you see splits in the answer choices.
例题1 Scientist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have succeeded for the first time in mining heat from the Earth's interior and producing energy on a commercial scale, enough for efficient generation of electricity and heating factories and homes.
A. and producing energy on a commercial scale, enough for efficient generation of electricity and heating
B. and producing enough energy on a commercial scale for electricity to be generated efficiently and to heat
C. for energy production on a commercial scale,enough for generating electricity efficiently and to heat
D. to produce energy on a commercial scale, enough for generating electricity efficiently and for heating
E. to produce enough energy on a commercial scale for efficient generation of electricity and heat
根据ron学生的一语道破,因为句子中使用了and连接,mining heat has nothing to do with producing energy,也就是说mining heat和producing energy两者是separate的,那么利用common sense真的是这样么?显然并不是,就如同现实中砍树为了造纸一样,这里是有前后联系的,而非像I like apple,banana and pie.中每一个都是相互独立的。(如果习惯用语法做题,很容易掉进陷阱里,即看到scientist  have succeed for the first time in mining and producing...然后还沾沾自喜觉得很不错,然并*)
沿着这个思路,将AB排除,剩余CDE,接下来是时候观察下半句会发现明显的parallelism出现。efficient generation of electricity---heating of homes或者 generating electricity efficiently---heating factories and homes.两者皆可
Scientist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have succeeded for the first time in mining heat from the Earth's interior and producing energy on a commercial scale, enough for efficient generation of electricity and heating factories and homes.
A. and producing energy on a commercial scale, enough for efficient generation of electricity and heating
B. and producing enough energy on a commercial scale for electricity to be generated efficiently and to heat
C. for energy production on a commercial scale,enough for generating electricity efficiently and to heat
D. to produce energy on a commercial scale, enough for generating electricity efficiently and for heating  √
E. to produce enough energy on a commercial scale for efficient generation of electricity and heat


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-17 14:56:37 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-19 13:01:35 | 只看该作者
整理2012,MARCH 15ron视频
The electronics company has unveiled what it claims to be the world's smallest network digital camcorder,the length of which is that of a handheld computer, and it weighs less than 11 ounces.
A. to be the world's smallest network digital camcorder,the length of which is that of a handheld computer and it weighs
B. to be the smallest network digital camcorder in the world, which is as long as a handheld computer,weighing
C. is the smallest network digital camcorder in the world,which is as long as a handheld computer, and it weighs
D. is the world's smallest network digital camcorder, which is as long as a handheld computer and weighs
E. is the world's smallest network digital camcorde, the length of which is that of a handheld compuer,weighing

第一步从后面看发现ACD有and,而发现BE和其他不同,用了weighing表示modifier来修饰前面的length.但这明明是两个separate things,就例如一个人的身高和体重一样。

DON'T forget how parallelism works---figure out the structure from what follows the signal words
CHOICE D: is *and* weighs 使得句子成立
(1)is as long as...
(2)weighs xxx amount
而CHOICE C: The electronics company has *and*it weighs... It 指代the electronics company..

Noun1+prep+Noun2+,+which...which 根据从context只带noun1 or noun2
eg.Emily Dickinson’s letters to Susan Dickinson, which...
Here, “which” is “letters (to SHD)”-----an acceptable construction.

The army cutworm moth is a critical source of fat for as many as a third of Yellowstone National Park's grizzly bears; they overturn rocks to find them, as many as 40,000 per bear in a single day.
A.bears; they overturn rocks to find them, as many as  
B.bears; overturning rocks to find the insects, up to   fragment
C.bears, overturning rocks to find them, as many as  变成the moth is overturning rocks
D.bears, and they overturn rocks to find them, up to  
E.bears, which overturn rocks to find the insects, as many as  

2 facts:
1)this thing is a critical source of fat
2)the bears go hunting for ridiculous numbers of them
they are NOT independent observations 1)is the reason/rationale for (2).
Therefore, And is not an appropriate connector.
Digression:Assignment of the -ING action in comma+-ing modifiers
Matt's sister slapped him,angering the children's father.

Matt was slapped by his sister,angering the children's father

if you see a pronoun taken out replaced by a specific noun, you should be strongly suspect that the pronoun is incorect.(although you should still check the pronoun rules)
看到pronounce就直接对比有无specific noun,明白what it should stand for.

1.Can the comma+ing ever modifiy the touching noun?
If the modifier comes after a clause,then no.
If it just follows a noun(not a clause), then yes.
eg. The injured birds, flapping their wings, searched for the food. many as 40000 per bear in a single day.---a reference to rocks or to insects?
*Basic principle of modifiers: modifiers go as close as possible to the stuff that they are describing.
*Common sense: the sentence is about the cutworm moth糖蛾;[植保] 切根虫;夜蛾科. It would be really weird if the author ignored the moth in order to describe the nmber of rocks that the bear overturns

The Achaemenid empire of Persia reached the Indus Valley in the fifth century B.C., bringing the Aramaic script with it, from which was derived both northern and southern Indian alphabets.
  (A) the Aramaic script with it, from which was derived both northern and
  (B) the Aramaic script with it, and from which deriving both the northern and the
  (C) with it the Aramaic script, from which derive both the northern and the
  (D) with it the Aramaic script, from which derives both northern and
  (E) with it the Aramaic script, and deriving from it both the northern and

the "and"implies independence.
These things are not independent---the second part(the north and southern Indian alphabets come from here )is Description/ add information about the Aramaic script.
So,"and"doesn't make sense.

If you have "from which" "to which","according to whom".etc...,you actually need a legitimate CLAUSE (with a subj+verb)
On the counter is a large box, in which found most of my store coupons.× No subj

On the counter is a large box, in which are found most of my store coupons.√
即most of my store coupons are found in...
Reverse consturction(subject after verb)
On the beach was a single pigeon hunting for food.         There is one car in the driveway.
On the beach were two single pigeons hunting for food.     There are two cars in the driveway.

On the counter is a large box, in which you can found most of my store coupons.√


AD和时态无关,和后面的宾语有关。both the northern and the southern.前面必须是复数形式的verb,而A是was derived, D是derives,排除
prioritize:don't miss obvious splits.
Also---verb tense is a minor error.

The #1 principle of all modifiers:
put the modifier AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to the stuff that it's talking about
CDE...(close) better

"derive" and "are derived"
This is one of VERY few verbs whose meanign isn't very different between active and passive forms
X derives from Y----Y is the source of X(genernal statement of fact)
                    sugar dervies from sugarcane.
X is derived from Y--this is acutually performed(usually by people)
                     Sugar is derived from sugareane.
Species X is derived from species Y---Doesn't make sense unless you are talking about literally....
 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-19 21:28:03 | 只看该作者
2010 january 21平行
Basic mechanical principle of parallelism:
*The parallel structures are indicated by parallel tags(or signal words or makers)
the tags are the words that require parallel structures  
eg.  either/or in this case
if you have either X or Y, then the X and the Y must be parallel.

Basic mechanical principle:
The words that follow these tags are automatically included in the parallel structures.
   you cannot omit words that follow one of these tags!
These following words must have parallel grammmer.

What about parallel tags that only have one component(such as And and Or---which are two most common parallelism tags)
*proceed from right to left in your analysis
*look at the words following the tag-these words must be right-hand parallel structure
*then, decide what words you need on the left.

Remember that Modifiers don't have to and shouldn't be parallel to the MAIN ACTION.
eg. Joe ran down the street, flapping his arms wildly.
    Joe ran down the street, flapping his arms wildly and screaming at the top of his lunges.
On the gmat,if you have a list of 3 or more things, there must be a comma before the final "and".

例题:cells either secreted hormones, in which case they were endocrine cells and thus part of the endocrine system, or conducted electrical impulses, in which case they were nerve cells and thus part of the nervous system.
This is 100% perfect parallelism. Not all parallelism is this perfect.But if you encounter parallelism
that is this perfect,you should definitely pick it.

eg.hand signs used by natives and appearing in local rituals.
              Participial phrases   participial phrases   
             both used as adjective describing hand signs
OG: A mushroom spawned...and extending....

  They argue just as frequently and about the same topic as the couple living next door to them.
              ADVERB            prep.phrase That is used as an adverb,
              modifying ARGUE   modifying ARGUE
If you have AND or OR,then the parall structures should still make sense BY THEMSELVES.
exception: between X and Y, then you need to have both.
也就是说只有在between X and Y 结构时,整句话需要XY都存在才成立,而一般的AND OR平行结构中,有其中一个X或者Y就可以成立。

This student cheats on exams by copying other students' answers and stealing food from the school cafeteria.
if these are parallel, then we are saying that both of them are methods of cheating.


Evaluating parallelism is still a mechanical procedure...
but you can't USE the mechanical procedure UNTIL YOU KONW WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO USE IT!!

1)if they are required by 2-part parallel signals(both...and, either...or...)
2)to resolve AMBIGUITY.

eg.I can run faster than my brother.                 CORRECT
   I know more about Shakespeare than my brother.  INCORRECT
   I know more about Shakespeare than my brother, who has not studied literature, does.---Awkward.
   I know more about Shakespeare than my brother does, who has not studies literature. ---wrong    you can not put a verb between a noun and a noun-modifier.

 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-20 15:21:16 | 只看该作者
Hydrocarbons, with which fruit flies perfume themselves in species-specific blends, are known to be important in courtship, and apparently this assists flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish their own species from that of others.
A. and apparently this assists flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish their own species from that of
B. and apparently this assists flies when they taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in distinguishing their own species from those of
C. which apparently assists flies that tastes the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in being able to distinguish their own species from
D. apparently assisting flies to taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish their own species from those of
E. apparently assisting flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in distinguishing their own species from
第一步 明确上下半句句子之间的关系
the red stuff is an EXPLANATION of the blue statement.
There should be some sort of modifier(or other indicator, such as a colon)that indicate this relationship.

comma-ing-----describe previous clause
The red words are a more elaborate explanation of the same idea that is in the previous clause,so this kind of modifier makes sense.
第二步 比较结构内容和idom
in (d) assisting X to VERB----not idiomatic
        ...also not the right idea
        ...distinguishing their own species from Other species=others
        those of does not stand for anything

Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India date from the time of the Kushan Empire, fashioned either form the spotted sandstone of Mathura or Gandharan grey schist.
A.Empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
B.Empire,fashioned from either the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
C.Empire,either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
D.Empire,and either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
E.Empire,and were fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from

Step1 比较结构(from right to left)
You can actually solve this whole thing with basic parallelism:
Either X or Y (x and y have to match)
a x=from the sandstone, y=schist
  x=the sandstone,      y =from the schist
  x=fashioned from the sandstone y =the schist
  x=fashioned from the sandstone   y=from the schist
  x=from the sandstone y=from the schist

Step2 从and入手
Should I have a modifier or should I have AND?
Here are the two ideas:
(1) The images are X numbers of years old
(2) The images are made from one of 2 years of rock
Two independent ideas
--Modifier does not make sense.Eliminate a,b,c
--Should be parallel. You must pick a choice that Creates a parallel structure..Even though the original sentence doesn’t have one!

Many house builders offer rent-to-buy programs that enable a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to be able to move into new housing and to apply part of the rent to a purchase later.
(A) programs that enable a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to be able to move into new housing and to apply
(B) programs that enable a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to move into new housing and to apply
(C) programs; that enables a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to move into new housing, to apply
(D) programs, which enables a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to move into new housing, applying
(E) programs, which enable a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to be able to move into new housing, applying

第一步 判断句子前后关系
1)be able to move into new housing
2)apply part of the rent to a purchase later
These are separate.
So We need “and”.

Enable sb to be able to-----redundant.

The largest trade-book publisher in the United States has announced the creation of a new digital imprint division, under which it will publish about 20 purely digital works to be sold online as either electronic books or downloadable copies that can be printed upon purchase. to be sold online as either electronic books or to sell them online, either as electronic books or and it will sell them online as either electronic books or as, and selling them online as either electronic books or as, and it will sell them online either as electronic books or  

第一步 分析and是否需要
1.publish the books
2.sell the books
  publish in order to sell(not independent--modifier)
  publish and also sell? (viewed as independent--parallel structure)
根据前面的digital imprint division--可知道不是这个division要sell
故选择publish in order to sell.
don't pay too attention to the small things

第二步 分析either...or...结构

发表于 2015-12-20 16:54:53 | 只看该作者
仝介 发表于 2015-12-19 21:28
2010 january 21平行
Basic mechanical principle of parallelism:
*The parallel structures are indicate ...

发表于 2017-1-26 17:30:38 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-6-4 10:02:20 | 只看该作者
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