Since it is the first year, we do not know exactly what the proportion of domestic versus international students will be among the students who enroll. About half of the international applicants have been from China. The director of the program is Professor John Straub.
I am actually an assistant to the program. The director is Professor John Straub.
We are actively promoting our program and recruiting Chinese talents.
We are expecting a class size of 20.
Hi 这里是托福要求
我们要求学生的托福成绩在100分以上。 如果在84分以上,我们会提供provisional admission. 来校后你会参加进一步的语言考试,如果没有过的话,需要上一下语言的课程。
Please note that you can’t be considered for admission to the University if your IBT TOEFL and IELTS scores do not meet the minimum requirements for provisional admission.