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[作文互改] 想请大家帮我改一改,改得语言地道一点,老师说的,没办法,急需!!!!!!

发表于 2015-11-25 16:53:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
拜托各位了,这是一个 presentation,大家帮忙改一改,语言改得地道一点,不用太书面化,谢谢啦!!!!
Hello, everyone, my name isxxx. I’m very glad to give you a presentation here. First, let me introduce myself: I’m a student from college of Materials Science and Engineering, majoring in Materials Engineering. Today, I’d like to illustrate some information about my subject——Lithium Ion Batteries.
What is battery? The device that could transform chemical energy into electrical energy can be called Batteries. Generally speaking, Batteries usually are made up of anode、cathodeelectrolyte and separator. If one batteries’s anode is composed of lithium composite, the batteries could be regard as “Lithium Ion Batteries”.
There are many many many materials with good capability, why Lithium-Ion-Batteries drawn much attention from researchers and also be seen as one of the most potential candidates as the energy storage devices. The reason are as follows: (1)Lower cost; (2) flat voltage profile; (3) abundant materials supply; (4)environment benignity; (5)high energy densities ; (6) fairly long circle life .
Now, I think you would be confused about what I research for, let’s take an example to realize it. Maybe someone of you have noticed that OPPO produced a new type of mobile phone last summer—R7— which announced calling two hours with charging only five minutes. It’s really a great breakthrough. And as for my major, we focus on how to reduce the charging time and prolong the standby time, which is to say,we need to use variety of materials and technologies to make batteries possess high energy densities and high rate of charge and discharge.
As we all known, Lithium Ion Batteries have conquered the small-sized markets many years. For example: portable electronic device, computer, digital camera. However, boosted by the rapid advance of Science and Technology in the field of energy materials. Application targets of LIBs are moving from small-sized mobile device of information technology to large –scale electric vehicles and energy storage systems.
The well-known electric vehicles company-Tesla-have taken a further research on electric vehicles and already made a great achievements. I do believe the time when electric vehicle officially enter the automobile market might not be far off.

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