想多了吧,来MMPA就安心毕业考个CPA,进CPA firm积累经验,以后转行去internal audit or financial analyst or controller。银行的internal audit还是可以的,firm里待三年跳槽。至于券商,这是国内的叫法,这边几乎没机会。一年才几个上市IPO或者并购重组的,想做投行业务,去国内北清复交读个硕士或MBA,考CPA和司法,还能赶上这两年新三板和IPO火爆的行情,刚入职年薪30万不在话下,比如申万宏源。
Just a little suggestion: the policy may be updated and the amount of cash you can bring with you may change. Remember to double check the policy to avoid any troubles when the immigration officers at the border ask you to declare how much you bring.
Transferring money from a Chinese bank account to a Canadian bank account takes around two or three business days.
Just a little suggestion: the policy may be updated and the amount of cash you can bring with you may change. Remember to double check the policy to avoid any troubles when the immigration officers at the border ask you to declare how much you bring.
Transferring money from a Chinese bank account to a Canadian bank account takes around two or three business days.