Logical predication 大家对此题型怎么复习?不知道怎么把握出题人意图,每次都是乱选。下面是几道OG16里面归类成Logical predication 题目,大家能不能给点意见,教教我怎么复习和做对这样的题目?
94. Schistosomiasis, a diseasecaused by a parasitic worm, is prevalent in hot, humid climates, and it hasbecome more widespread as irrigation projects have enlarged the habitat ofthe freshwater snails that are the parasite’s hosts for part of its life cycle. (A) the freshwater snails thatare the parasite’s hosts for part of its life cycle (B) the freshwater snails thatare the parasite’s hosts in part of their life cycle (C) freshwater snails whichbecome the parasite’s hosts for part of its life cycles (D) freshwater snails whichbecome the hosts of the parasite during the parasite’slife cycles (E) parasite’shosts, freshwater snails which become their hosts during their life cycles
我选的是B 答案是A,in和for的区别是什么呢?
112. Inuitsof the Bering Sea were in isolation from contact with Europeans longer thanAleuts or Inuits of the North Pacific and northern Alaska.
(A) in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than
(B) isolated from contact with Europeans longer than
(C) in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than were (D) isolated from contact with Europeans longer than were
(E) in isolation and without contacts with Europeans longer than longer than 后面加were (为什么加were) 109 Unlike the United States, where farmers canusually depend on rain or snow all year long, the rains in most parts of SriLanka are concentrated in the monsoon months, June to September, and the skiesare generally clear for the rest of the year. (A) Unlike the United States, where farmers can usually depend on rainor snow all year long, the rains in most parts of Sri Lanka (B) Unlike the United States farmers who can usually depend on rain orsnow all year long, the rains in most parts of Sri Lanka (C) Unlike those of the United States, where farmers can usually dependon rain or snow all year long, most parts of Sri Lanka’s rains (D) In comparison with the United States, whose farmers can usuallydepend on rain or snow all year long, the rains in most parts of Sri Lanka
(E) In the United States, farmers can usually depend on rain or snow allyear long, but in most parts of Sri Lanka, the rains 91. The Anasazi settlementsat Chaco Canyon were built on a spectacular scale, with more than 75carefully engineered structures, of up to 600 rooms each, were connected bya complex regional system of roads. (A) scale, with more than 75 carefully engineered structures, of up to600 rooms each, were (B) scale, with more than 75 carefully engineered structures, of up to600 rooms each, (C) scale of more than 75 carefully engineered structures of up to 600rooms, each that had been (D) scale of more than 75 carefully engineered structures of up to 600rooms and with each (E) scale of more than 75 carefully engineered structures of up to 600rooms, each had been