以下是引用jnlvo在2005-6-15 5:42:00的发言:同感于5楼。B中despite of似乎没见过这种表达。
关于despite of,最初偶是在金山词霸《现代综合英汉大词典》里看到将“despite of”列为惯用语,意为:不顾,尽管和任凭,还以为这是idiomatic的用法,后来在Columbia Encyclopeda才查到正式解释如下:
As a preposition, despite is used alone to head a prepositional phrase (despite his concern; despite their intervention) and should not be combined with of (despite of this; despite of that, both of which are Nonstandard) except in the archaic in despite of, which is really a compound preposition with the noun despite in the middle: In despite of everyone’s urging, he chose not to comply. The more usual (and more widely appropriate) phrase (also a compound preposition) is in spite of, which can replace the preposition despite in all situations.
所以肯定despite of是非正式用法!同时在那里也查到了despite the fact的用法,不过偶查到的几十个列子全部是用despite the fact that的句型,如Despite the fact that he did not have a law degree, he was admitted to the bar in 1913 after a brief period of study at Albany law school. In 1934, he was appointed general counsel of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. 而涉及到名词或名词词组,都只能看到despite+n的形式。
同意5楼,尽管此题答案确信为A,但其中的despite the fact of 是否有redundancy之贤,偶认为还有待商榷。
补充一点:感谢IceOnMe的回复,偶的确也没有在正式的ETS的所以资料中查找到have no intention of 的用法;
顺便提及一下intent/intention的用法,在Columbia Encyclopeda查到的:
Intent usually combines with the prepositions on or upon, as in We were so intent on [upon] winning that we didn’t notice the rain. It can also combine with about, as in She’s very intent about her work, and can be used with in plus a gerund, as in She was intent in getting her message across, and with to plus an infinitive, as in He was intent to learn how the problem might be resolved.
关于Intent/Intention These are synonyms in some uses, especially when we speak of purpose, aim, meaning, and the like: It is my intent [intention] to run in the next primary. Intention is not entirely interchangeable with intent in the specialized reference it sometimes has to a man’s and woman’s plans for their sexual relationship: Their parents insisted on knowing what their intentions were (living together? getting married?). Sometimes jocular or ironic, this use is also a rather poignant euphemism for puzzled elders. In An important consideration for the courts is the legislative intent behind this bill, intent is almost interchangeable with intention, but the idiom is legislative intent.
1. Intent 后面一般跟upon/on,有时也可更about/in。
2. Intent/Intention在表达一般目的,想法等时可以互换,但表达sexual relationship时只能用intention。
3. 涉及立法等相关时,idiomatic的用法是用intent。
而在GMAT中所有的涉及此类的考点一般就是with intention to do的用法错误考查,在大全中的题目几乎都是改成intend to do,尽管with intention of 也是正确说法!至于IceOnMe提到的with intent to do的用法,偶没有查到,而且感觉就算GMAT中出现,应该也不是优选答案。
最后再补充一点,A中impose stricter regulations on 也应该比B中putting stricter regulations on 好,尽管偶还是坚持A中插入语明显割断了that对于corporation的修饰,但此题中A的确是优选答案!
Leave open to discussion!!! 
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-15 10:06:45编辑过] |