A42. “In general, the best managers are those who trust their employees to work on their own without close monitoring.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. 一个成功的经理应该不是一个close “monitor”而应该是一个advocate 1每个人都有自己的专长。在处理具体事务的时候专家是各个部门的员工而不是经理。 2without close monitoring员工会觉得自己是得到信任的有助于他们更好的完成工作 3这样做的前提是经理可以知人善用,并且有适当的激励和惩罚体制杜绝道德风险moral hazard
2.I think monitoring is needed in some case,EX,for the newcomer of a company,especially for a newly graduated student, the company should offer some trainning and monitoring
3.To motivate the employee,the manager should discover the merit and strength inside the employee, and make good use and lead them to dedicate to the company,for most case, the employee should be trigered to their most edge.....