以下是引用Smallant在2003-6-3 9:09:00的发言: 各位DX: May I ask whether non-MBA graduate application need interview? If yes, where can I have some valuable experiences?
as i know, most such programes have no interview requirement; but some may ask for a phone interview. If you are interested in Business-related Master or PHD programs ,you can refere to this post: http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=14&ID=325
Background: W/E 5 years: 2 years in a manufacturing JV, 3 years in a small JV. G: 750 T:610 GPA:2.3 本人的申请属于硬伤一片,T不高,GPA就更低。申请时的工作职位也不是很好,才是一个project coordinator/sales assistant. 申请开始也很晚,选校非常匆忙。一共申请4所US学校,top 10 1个,top 20 1个, top 30 两个。结果:top 10 waitlist, top 30: 1 admission.
when you did not have good work experience, How did you sale yourself , How did you let them know you are potentai,And how did you answer their questions during the interview? I am really want to share these experience with you since I don't have good experience either...
I did not have good position in the application season, and only was promoted this March, when UNC's ding letter was on the way. Regarding how to sell myself, the important thing is you may not in a manager's position, but you did have some good experience in management. I digged out some experience which can show my creativity, my talent in management, my own advantages, as rational, quick learner etc. Try to find out everything that makes yourself feel proud, both from work, study, and personal life. They can judge your potential from the essays you present to them.
Interview is actually related to the essay questions, just express the answers in oral English way. Do mock interviews with others, it is better to find someone does have good management experience and can give you constructive suggestions.
You should say that you don't have good position, but not you don't have good experience, you do have and you need to find out them by yourself.
以下是引用ypzhng在2003-3-25 6:30:00的发言: graduated from send level niu xiao too. also a us lao xiao. 4 yr w/e. g 700. got two fellowship (one tier 2 and one tier 3), two ads (, tier 2 and tier 3 each, waiting for money, chances are small for tier 2). one top 30, ad only , 3 rejections (top 20, tier 2, 3 each), others no info so far
请教斑竹,飞雪及各位DX: 我刚拿到G成绩单750,T647,GPA3.2。自信也有足够潜力,与人沟通和团队合作。三年知名国企国际采购经历。老板早就想提升我,可是大家也知道国企的体制啦,还没等到机会。可是我的弱点有二:第一与你一样没有好的职位让简历引人注目;第二我本科专业是英文,会影响到我的申请吗?Actually I didn't attend any advanced math courses,although I got 50 in math of my GMAT. Thank you in advance!!
School doesn't care about your major very much. Your W/E is much more important. Honestly lacking of Fortune 500 W/E will somewhat impact your chance at top-3 (H/S/W). However, you are very competitive in the rest of schools.