Question: "How is Darden's reputation amongst consulting companies - especially the big 5, and also management consulting firms that have a business-technology practice? "
Answer: "We have an excellent rep with the big 5. The only one that does not recruit on grounds is McKinsley, but it is not hard to difficult to get hired into McKinlsey through the Alumni network. The reason that we were dropped from one of McKinsley's core school is b/c a couple of years ago they made several offers, but only one student ended up signing with McKinsley"
However McKinsley is still the top 1 recruiter for international students for class 2003-2004 according to Darden 2004 Brochure.
Question: ". What entrepreneurship education and programs does Darden MBA offer?"
Answer: "We have the batten institute (darden progressive incubator) which gives students the opportunity to develop their ideas. I know of a second yr student that received $4 million dollars to start his own company"