26. Of all the possible disasters that threaten American agriculture, the possibility of an adverse change in climate is maybe the more difficult for analysis.
(A) is maybe the more difficult for analysis
(B) is probably the most difficult to analyze
(C) is maybe the most difficult for analysis
(D) is probably the more difficult to analyze
(E) is, it may be, the analysis that is most difficult
Choice B is the best answer. The sentence compares one thing, an adverse change in climate, to all other things in its class-- that is, to all the possible disasters that threaten American agriculture, therefore, the sentence requires the superlative form of the adjective, most difficult, rather than the comparative form, more difficult, which appears in choices A and D. In A and C, the use of maybe is unidiomatic, and difficult should be completed by the infinitive to analyze. Choice E is awkwardly phrased and, when inserted into the sentence, produces an illogical structure: the possibility ... is... the analysis that.
ets说Choice E is awkwardly phrased 是指的it may be吧,说它是笨拙的作为短语,怎么理解?
另外说when inserted into the sentence, produces an illogical structure: the possibility ... is... the analysis that.
当插入句子中,产生了一个没有逻辑的结构......可我觉得没有it may be ,e的结构已经没有逻辑了,根插不插入这个it may be没有任何关系牙?
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