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[申请定位] 美本申请定位,PhD in Strategy or MO

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-6 03:09:07 | 只看该作者
CCdreamer 发表于 2014-7-30 06:31

不是我打击人啊,博士有这么好 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-6 03:15:32 | 只看该作者
CCdreamer 发表于 2014-8-1 15:10
Really?   I have stated that everything I said is just my personal inference... If I was wrong, do ...
这是我们学校管honor的一个教授的文章,比较有参考价值,里面完全没有提到master degree的问题,如果你要申请econ的phd是个不错的参考。
An Economics PhD is not for everyone. It is very rigorous and math intensive, usually taking 5 or 6 years to complete. Most PhD programs have qualifier exams after the first year to “weed out” those who are not successful. The last 3-4 years are then spent developing your own research portfolio. Those students that are very successful at creating independent research have a shot at an academic job in a research-oriented university like OSU. Other PhD students land jobs at liberal arts colleges, consulting firms, or government agencies like the FTC. Highly-ranked schools only train their students to become research professors; you should not enter a high-quality PhD program if your career goal is in the private sector, like consulting. If you are interested in becoming a research-active professor, you should try to get in a top-10 to top-20 PhD program; PhD students from lower-ranked schools are less likely to get academic jobs at research universities. If your goal is to be a teaching professor (not research-active), you can generally succeed at lower-ranked schools.

To get admitted to a top-ranked Econ PhD program (Harvard, Stanford, etc.), you should have all of the following, ranked roughly in order of importance:

Some research experience as an undergraduate with an Econ faculty member who knows your research well enough to write a letter of recommendation. This should be in the form of a completed research paper that can be included in your application packet.
A strong letter of recommendation from at least one research-active Econ faculty member (someone who has published research in good journals within the past few years). Getting a good grade in their class is not enough; they need to be able to talk about your potential as a researcher, not just as a student.
Math courses at least up to Real Analysis I. Focus on taking proof-based courses like number theory as much as possible.
A near-perfect score on the GRE Quantitative section and a strong score on the GRE Verbal section.
A strong GPA. There’s no set cutoff, but top schools are going to want near-perfect grades, especially in your Econ and Math courses. But taking easy courses just to bolster your GPA is a bad idea. Grad schools really appreciate students who are taking challenging courses, even if their grades aren’t perfect.

The good news is that motivated undergraduates at OSU can and do get admitted to top schools in Economics.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-6 03:19:53 | 只看该作者
CCdreamer 发表于 2014-7-30 06:31

不是我打击人啊,博士有这么好 ...

你所谓的top50含金量高也有点胡扯,你可以从这个教授的文章看出基本top 20后就很难找到tenure track的research university的工作了。所以真正读top20后的phd真的要好好考虑下,特别是如果你想留在美国然后在学术界混。还有多做点功课,既然要申请了,很多错误的信息会让你失去很多机会的。
发表于 2014-8-6 06:52:58 | 只看该作者
double911031 发表于 2014-8-6 03:19
你所谓的top50含金量高也有点胡扯,你可以从这个教授的文章看出基本top 20后就很难找到tenure track的res ...


 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-6 07:35:26 | 只看该作者
CCdreamer 发表于 2014-8-6 06:52

楼主你是生气了么?小弟自认为语气还算小心翼翼啊。。。如果我说错了什么让你不高兴了,那我为 ...

我没生气,只是希望你能有自己的判断力,我原来和你一样,就是喜欢自己瞎想或者听别人人云亦云,但是后来和很多教授和成功申上的同学交流后发现坊间传言误导很多,很多人错过了很好的offer。我是个很认真的人开这个帖子也是希望里面的讨论比较客观正面,你从我的帖子的内容就可以看到。希望我的建议对你有帮助。而且我并没有觉得你背景不如我,而是你说是和我背景差不多这的确不妥。你的帖子说你是申金融的,而我是申战略管理方面的,专业首先不一样。而且我说GPA和GRE也只是强调我们的背景确是不同的。而且你真的没有认真读我的帖子,我的标题已经说了我要申strategy或者MO,你回复却都是说经济金融的。有点文不对题。而且你说top 50 phd是神级的也很欠妥。因为很多人读phd是为了将来能做faculty,但是你也可以从我贴的那篇文章看到了top 20以后的就很难达到这个目标了。这个会很误导别人。因为我们学校econ department网站上经常会有往年毕业的phd继续登他的信息,因为又失业了。我想说phd只是走了学术路线,并没有那么牛。
发表于 2015-6-3 17:51:45 | 只看该作者
double911031 发表于 2014-8-6 07:35
我没生气,只是希望你能有自己的判断力,我原来和你一样,就是喜欢自己瞎想或者听别人人云亦云,但是后来 ...

top 50 econ phd 真没那么难..不过school的phd录取感觉还是比较tricky 毕竟单个program招的人太少人。不知道题主最后拿了那里的offer~
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