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[学校信息] 清华-康奈尔双学位金融MBA项目招生说明会

发表于 2014-10-29 10:05:28 | 显示全部楼层
这个项目很适合现阶段已经在国内的金融圈取得一定成绩的同学,因为是在职,所以既可以积累工作经验又可以同时获得北美Top MBA的文凭(跟全职在北美读书的一样),因此从读书的成本上来看很多人能达到净收入。
发表于 2014-10-29 10:18:27 | 显示全部楼层
The Cornell-Tsinghua MBA/FMBA is a dual degree program offered by Johnson at Cornell University and PBC School of Finance (PBCSF) at Tsinghua University. The program will operate in Beijing at Tsinghua University and appeal to executive corporate and organizational leaders across China. This two year program is the only part-time, post-experience program, conducted bilingually in English and Chinese (Mandarin) currently offered in the market. It is also the first top U.S. business school at an Ivy League University to offer a degree program in mainland China. The 60 credit program is designed to be bilingual for the purpose of recruiting high quality students and the possibility of enrolling both Mandarin and English-speaking students all over the world. Recruiting will be done primarily in the Greater China region.

Faculty from each respective school will share half of the teaching responsibilities. Approximately 75% of the program will be delivered in China, primarily in Beijing and some classes in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The remaining approximate 25% of the program will be delivered in New York City and/or Ithaca, NY. The opening ceremony and matriculation for the first intake of the Program will begin on May 5, 2015. The first U.S. residential session is scheduled for October 1-17, 2015, and the second U.S. residential session is scheduled for April - early May, 2016. The approximate two-week study program on Cornell’s Ithaca and NYC Tech campuses will consist of a case competition, a Wall Street trek and integration with Johnson MBA and Executive MBA, to provide an optimal learning environment and opportunities for intense collaboration. The expected number of students making up one section of a class is approximately 65 for the inaugural year.

Degrees Awarded: Cornell University MBA and Tsinghua University FMBA
Locations: Tsinghua PBCSF, Beijing, China (primarily) and Johnson at Cornell, Ithaca, NY and New York City, USA
Length: 2 years
Start Date: May, 2015
Full Program Tuition: ~$95,000* (US dollars approximately) or 580,000 RMB.
发表于 2014-10-30 09:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
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