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[学校信息] 欧洲 ie商学院 ie business school MBA 分享--学院背景、申请流程、签证、课程、费用、奖学金...

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-26 19:14:05 | 只看该作者
aluzeing 发表于 2014-3-25 05:04
问下,IE一直宣传自己在创业学很有特色,请问哪个公司是IE校友创立的,能share下吗 ...

hello, 今天问了一下venture lab的工作人员,除了之前我提到的那些start--up, 在venture lab的官网上有一个section是专门share校友创建start-up的故事 , 很励志啊 ~ 和你分享一下 :>  

地址在这里 : 

Jose María Castillejo, CEO, & Founder Zinkia MBA, Class of 1988

My entrepreneurial journey began when I was a kid watching my grandfather’s example of the daily life of an entrepreneur. By the time I finished my MBA, I already had my first company running. It was a great success during its first two years, but it went bankrupt in its third year! It was a good first lesson. Over the last 25 years, I’ve started and sold companies in different sectors: distribution, agricultural process and biotech, fashion and design, construction and energy, and now I’m extremely happy with Zinkia, the company we found in 2001 that created Pocoyó and many other animated characters for kids and preschoolers. We created a global company from scratch, which means that we are competing on a global stage against the “big guys” in the entertainment industry. Nonetheless, we have won many important awards, and we fight every day for the quality of our creations, for the smile of our clients, and of course, for growth. Within the next two years, 90% of our income will come from outside of Spain, and we will have two more great properties supporting Pocoyó, as we continue our expansion into becoming a global entertainment company.

Miguel Arias, CEO & Founder IMASTE Venture Lab Alumni & Mentor Part-time MBA, Class of 2005

I founded IMASTE in 2004 while still a part-time MBA candidate. Although IMASTE’s initial focus was on organizing live career fairs to bridge the gap between companies seeking talented employees and university graduates, we are now the European leader in the organization of virtual events and fairs, with more than 100 successful events delivered in more than 10 countries. I am a civil engineer by training, so before coming to IE Business School, I knew very little about marketing, human resources, strategy, etc. But my MBA experience prepared me to overcome the problems and challenges of a start-up’s initial phases by strengthening my capacity to analyze, execute and adapt the original business idea. Sharing ideas with other entrepreneurial students, teachers and mentors was essential to my evolution. IE Business School’s powerful investor and entrepreneur network also provided us with invaluable early feedback that both enhanced our company’s chances of early survival and eventually laid the groundwork for our successful expansion into Europe and the United States. As an active member of IE Business School’s entrepreneurial community, I also currently serve as a member of the Venture Lab’s Selection Committee and as a mentor to student entrepreneurs in the Venture Lab.
For more information about IMASTE, please go to:

Miguel Braz, Ignacio Garcia de Quevedo, Stephen Graziano & Sung Ha Lee, Founders Social Fish Venture Lab Alumni IMBA, Class of 2010

Since winning the Venture Lab competition in May 2010, we have been actively involved in first-round funding and prototype creation. Our project, Social-Fish, is a web application that allows users to create profiles and receive targeted ads as they surf the web. The proceeds from the online ads fund microfinance projects chosen by the Social-Fish user. It’s a great way for Internet users to receive discounts from advertisers and support social projects without actually donating their own money. Winning the Venture Lab competition brought much credibility -- and more importantly, investment opportunities -- to our project, both in Europe and in the USA. We attended IE Business School precisely because of its renowned entrepreneurial culture. The Venture Lab allowed us to bring our idea to life. When we present our business plan to investors, we know that finance professors who are active venture capitalists have vetted our financials and that field professionals have assessed our market research.

Gonzalo Castellano Benlloch & Philipp Hasskamp, Founders City Deal Iberia Venture Lab Mentor IMBA, Class of 2009

We are co-founders of CityDeal S.L.U., currently the fastest growing company in the Internet space. Our friendship and future partnership started after we studied in the same section. In February 2010, shortly after finishing the IMBA, the Samwer brothers (German serial entrepreneurs) offered us the chance to found the Spanish branch of CityDeal. A few months later, Groupon acquired CityDeal to form the world’s leading social commerce site, offering one great deal, everyday, in more than 170 cities across Europe, the US and Latin America. Our MBAs not only provided us with many concepts and experiences that we later used in starting up our company, but also allowed us to nourish ourselves within a strong entrepreneurial environment flourishing with innovative ideas. Moreover, it allowed us to establish ties with other students and teachers who then have supported us in our journey. Since graduating from IE, we have also gotten to know the larger entrepreneurial community thanks, in part, to networking events and speaker series sponsored by the Venture Lab. In our fast expansion, we count and will count on the support of many people thatw e met at IE Business School and that are now, in some way or another, part of our organization.
For more information about CityDeal - Groupon, please go to:

Claus Biernoth, Ian Paterson, and Philippe Remise, Founders Respiro, Venture Lab Alumni IXMBA, Class of 2008

Respiro Car Sharing was born in the Venture Lab. During our MBA, we became increasingly interested in the commercialization of green technologies as an ingenious way of doing well by doing good. Respiro is the first car-sharing company in the center of Madrid. We offer an all-inclusive, e-based, pay-as-you-go service for 0,15 € per minute. Respiro empowers people to make smart economical and ecological transportation choices, and gives access without ownership, wheels when you want them. We are part of a global phenomenon of transforming modern cities into more sustainable environments.
For more information about Respiro Car Sharing, please go to:

Marino Giocondi, Suzanne O’Brien, Henry Okafor and Fabio Pisi Vitagliano, IMBA, Class of 2010

While we were students at IE Business School, we established the Foundation for African Leadership in Business, which creates MBA scholarships for African students, partnering with universities, corporations and other NGOs for funding. At IE Business School, entrepreneurial spirit is infused in every interaction among students, professors, staff and alumni, and that spirit inspired us to create our foundation. Gayle Allard, our economics professor, not only helped us develop the idea, but also put us in touch with world-famous foundations. Laura in the bookstore helped us to find a printer. Victoria in Alumni Relations introduced us to key alumni, and Dean Santiago Iñiguez invited us to a very private dinner with an important leader in the world of foundations. Thanks in large part to this continuing support, we have established partnerships with several organizations, including IE Business School, and have already created 2 scholarships for African citizens.
For more information about the ALB Foundation, please visit

Teresa Gonzalo, CEO & Founder Ambiox Biotech Venture Lab Alumni IE Master in Biotechnology Management, class of 2009

My passion for medicine and my desire to continue learning led me to undertake the MBM in 2008, with the vision of founding a biotech company with colleagues at my research lab. Our product aims to help prevent the spread of HIV. IE Business School’s entrepreneurial spirit combined with the MBM’s integrative vision helped transform our scientific discoveries into a successful biotech venture, Ambiox Biotech. The MBM helped me develop my leadership, marketing and business management skills. This dual training is essential, given that biotech entrepreneurs must be fluent in the different languages expressed in the scientific and business worlds. In addition, because biotech start-ups need investors to survive, the training in finance and managing venture capital was key, as are the introductions and opportunities to present to biotech venture capitalists that we have received thanks to the Venture Lab.

Drury E. MacKenzie, CEO & Founder RenewEn Venture Lab Alumni IMBA, Class of 2009

I came to IE Business School because of the Venture Lab. My company, RenewEn, is a smart energy solutions provider, committed to providing everyone everywhere with cost-effective and technology-appropriate clean energy systems. At IE Business School, I was enveloped in an unbeatable entrepreneurial ecosystem formed by diverse and globally minded professors and students who helped me to transform my idea into a company. Without the support of my classmates (Kannan, Vitaliy Bubka, Ashutosh, Agrawal, Carlos Morodo, Ajibade Ogunbiyi and Andre Franciss), RenewEn might never have been born. My finance professor (and Venture Lab mentor), Paz Ambrosy, helped me to develop a partnership with one of the world’s largest renewable energy companies, and we are also about to engage two customers in Haiti for small-scale renewable energy systems and water-purification systems. IE Business School has helped me to make my dream – RenewEn – a reality.

Damià Tormo, Ph.D, CEO & Founder BiOncoTech Venture Lab Alumni Master in Biotechnology Management 2010

After intense research in various labs in Spain, Germany and the USA, I led a discovery on new molecular strategies to induce a targeted auto-degradation of malignant melanoma cells. Our results received international praise, because melanoma is almost incurable, and effective treatments have been elusive. We published our findings in prestigious scientific journals, and I was poised to continue accumulating theoretical knowledge. But I resolved that it was time to translate our data into clinical reality, and I joined IE Business School. I am still amazed that a part-time degree can provide so many tools and connections to prepare entrepreneurs to overcome leadership, marketing and business management challenges. We have launched BiOncotech, a start-up with international projection that targets melanoma and other (orphan) cancers. Through the Venture Academy, I have met investors specialized in biotech and I am working with a mentor to further develop our market objectives. Within just a few months, we have attracted public and private funds and are ready to embark on the clinical development of our product.

发表于 2014-3-26 20:30:36 | 只看该作者
E1001 发表于 2014-3-26 19:14
hello, 今天问了一下venture lab的工作人员,除了之前我提到的那些start--up, 在venture lab的官网上有一 ...

以我对此君的了解,他可能会说,没什么有名的公司啊,这才几个啊,哪个学校没几个创业的啊 。。。。。。。
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-26 20:58:01 | 只看该作者
tinydream 发表于 2014-3-26 20:30
以我对此君的了解,他可能会说,没什么有名的公司啊,这才几个啊,哪个学校没几个创业的啊 。。。。。。 ...

没关系啊,每个人考虑问题角度不同  :>  可能上面的同学也有不同的看法吧?

我觉得任何企业都是由小做大,ie 能够提供给学生一个系统性的创业学习课程、和切实参与idea/team building的机会. 考虑到一些ie start-up的成立时间,很多还是做得非常不错的
发表于 2014-3-27 00:05:23 | 只看该作者
tinydream 发表于 2014-3-26 20:30
以我对此君的了解,他可能会说,没什么有名的公司啊,这才几个啊,哪个学校没几个创业的啊 。。。。。。 ...

你不用没事就作跳梁小丑吧,看到个视频就那么兴奋,你要不要找那个同学签名合影?  作为一个没出过国的,你不用没事就代表IE吧,难道你就是视频主人公的马甲?
发表于 2014-3-27 00:24:18 | 只看该作者
aluzeing 发表于 2014-3-27 00:05
你不用没事就作跳梁小丑吧,看到个视频就那么兴奋,你要不要找那个同学签名合影?  作为一个没出过国的, ...

你如何看到我兴奋了啊?人家IE 那个视频看起来就是好温馨,好和谐啊,还需要别人怎么粉饰吗?尤其都是混申请网站的,看到某个“热门”学校的视频,贡献出来让大家知道不好吗?是不是人家WHL大神在IE那么受欢迎惹你嫉妒了啊,再说人家大神在CD上大神嚷嚷两三年了,突然消失不见这么久了,见到真人感慨一下不行吗

你身上的哪个“眼眼”看出我是代表IE啊,我从来都没有捧IE,我说过IESE,我说过ESADE,我就唯独没怎么说IE怎么样,为啥没说捏?!因为我曾经做过旁观者看的清楚:CD里因为某些人跟WHL大神看起来有仇,所以谈到IE就谈到WHL大神,然后以攻击IE 来攻击WHL,又以攻击WHL来攻击IE。所以我肯定知道,只要我一扯上IE,就肯定会有什么拍IE马屁论,马甲论啥的。而你呢,在我看来就是这些跟WHL有仇的一员。

你为啥不攻击攻击IESE,ESADE,OX,CAM,WBS,HEC神马的,偏偏跟IE过不去呢?那你是不是那个曾经谁了,我想想,ID叫做什么,就是那个人有个什么383838XXX马甲那个,然后冒充MIT 那个,四处喷那个人的,后来被集体灭掉那个人的马甲啊

发表于 2014-3-27 00:40:09 | 只看该作者
tinydream 发表于 2014-3-27 00:24
你如何看到我兴奋了啊?人家IE 那个视频看起来就是好温馨,好和谐 ...

发表于 2014-3-27 00:47:45 | 只看该作者
aluzeing 发表于 2014-3-27 00:40
我 ...



发表于 2014-3-27 06:24:51 | 只看该作者
tinydream 发表于 2014-3-27 00:47

教育部那东西是国与国政策的事情,目测跟学校质量 ...

发表于 2014-3-27 11:52:28 | 只看该作者
aluzeing 发表于 2014-3-27 06:24
教育部的事情可大可小,你25岁的时候觉得落户不落户无所谓,等你30要买房成家了,这个就不是简单的事情了 ...




我不知道哪个帖子里面写了,IE 的MIM 和IMBA项目已经可以认证了,只不过是没有把整体的学校名放在教育部的那个名单上。

发表于 2014-3-28 05:03:50 | 只看该作者
tinydream 发表于 2014-3-27 11:52
怎么说你咧,你忒不知道进退了,看起来岁数都比我大,我话都说到那份上了,还没完没了,你想继续就继续吧 ...

说句很实际的话,中国人选学校是很实际的,排名不能当饭吃,说难听教育质量如何也无所谓。归根结底要找个好工作,无论在欧洲或者在中国都行,你别天天提一个特殊例子,有空不如去问问学校最近3年的就业情况或者你崇拜的人就是了, 如果回国当然需要考虑国内的游戏规则,欧洲又不是只有西班牙学校能提供MBA.

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