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发表于 2012-4-30 10:06:53 | 显示全部楼层
UCLA, NYU and Duke have better finance phd programs than Upenn and Columbia.
发表于 2012-4-30 13:00:20 | 显示全部楼层
Hass Finance我倒是觉得应该是比较用心的program, 年年有star...今年的Matteo Maggiori也是很好,拿到无数多的onsite, 最后好像是去了NYU吧(不对请纠正)。 Hass的人总感觉即使没有r&r或者forthcoming, 软条件很好。

-- by 会员 nbjimmy (2012/4/30 10:44:01)

Matteo also had offers from Chicago and MIT, he is definitely a star this year.
发表于 2012-4-30 13:06:02 | 显示全部楼层
嗯,对的,他去了RES Tour。 我记得前几年(还是去年) 还有一个star, 记不清楚了。 他们就是太重econ了,我都没敢申...

Haas总的来说是非常偏econ,非常强调independence的。很多学生上market的时候就是没有publication,因为JMP基本上不co-author。今年的那位去了RES Tour,应该是finance最近几年最大的star之一吧。
-- by 会员 zzmypster (2012/4/30 10:52:35)

-- by 会员 nbjimmy (2012/4/30 10:56:10)

U mean Bradyn? I personally think Bradyn is stronger than Maggteo. Maggteo has a cute idea and super strong presentation skill, not sure about his technical background though.
发表于 2012-4-30 13:10:04 | 显示全部楼层
UCLA这几年下降得厉害, 连faculty hiring都freeze了, 毕业生placement也不算好(当然了,top U怎么都不会差), 我指相对其它几个同档次的来说。

UCLA, NYU and Duke have better finance phd programs than Upenn and Columbia.
-- by 会员 moontroy (2012/4/30 10:06:53)

-- by 会员 nbjimmy (2012/4/30 10:45:13)

They still send job offer every year, just need more luck to hit the target. They do have much stronger placement record than Columbia and Wharton in recent years.
发表于 2012-4-30 13:11:29 | 显示全部楼层
-- by 会员 judydongxueni (2012/4/30 13:08:04)

He is handsome and very social ;) I didn't go to his job talk, but had some nice talk with him last year.
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