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[面试经验] 刚刚面完USC ACC PHD [2012-02-14]

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-17 05:43:25 | 只看该作者
Who 鲔鱼?Irem Tuna ? (Does Australian and Turkish wife change last name after they get married?) The couple of Scott Richardson and Eran Tuna got a joint tenure offer from Michigan a couple of years ago. But they finally picked LBS probably for their own reasons. I guess the biggest contribution for Eran Tuna to LBS would be bringing her husband to the group eventually. Florin Vasvari rejected Chicago and Wharton several years ago. He will get tenured next year. But since British pounds significantly depreciated in 2009, it has been hard for the group to get good faculty.
Richardson was publishing paper on top journals even when he was in BGI. He got pretty rich and came back to the academia as a chair professor and the new head of the department. Richardson is also in the editors' group of RAS and he is young.
发表于 2012-2-17 05:52:38 | 只看该作者
Ricardson的老婆, Irem Tuna.

Who is 鲔鱼?

-- by 会员 IVOWELCH (2012/2/16 4:52:39)

-- by 会员 phdaccounting (2012/2/17 5:43:25)

发表于 2012-2-17 06:49:28 | 只看该作者
Who 鲔鱼?Irem Tuna ? (Does Australian and Turkish wife change last name after they get married?) The couple of Scott Richardson and Eran Tuna got a joint tenure offer from Michigan a couple of years ago. But they finally picked LBS probably for their own reasons. I guess the biggest contribution for Eran Tuna to LBS would be bringing her husband to the group eventually. Florin Vasvari rejected Chicago and Wharton several years ago. He will get tenured next year. But since British pounds significantly depreciated in 2009, it has been hard for the group to get good faculty.
Richardson was publishing paper on top journals even when he was in BGI. He got pretty rich and came back to the academia as a chair professor and the new head of the department. Richardson is also in the editors' group of RAS and he is young.
-- by 会员 phdaccounting (2012/2/17 5:43:25)

richardson做的是还不错了,但是跟成为skinner的那个档次还是差的远啊,skinner出名的94,97都是solo,richardson好像有名的solo paper就是他的dissertation,最后不也是被据多次,发到ras上了,跟sloan能扯上关系,对于他这种还算senior的人,发在ras和当ras的editor,其实没那么难。

 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-17 10:16:14 | 只看该作者
Who 鲔鱼?Irem Tuna ? (Does Australian and Turkish wife change last name after they get married?) The couple of Scott Richardson and Eran Tuna got a joint tenure offer from Michigan a couple of years ago. But they finally picked LBS probably for their own reasons. I guess the biggest contribution for Eran Tuna to LBS would be bringing her husband to the group eventually. Florin Vasvari rejected Chicago and Wharton several years ago. He will get tenured next year. But since British pounds significantly depreciated in 2009, it has been hard for the group to get good faculty.
Richardson was publishing paper on top journals even when he was in BGI. He got pretty rich and came back to the academia as a chair professor and the new head of the department. Richardson is also in the editors' group of RAS and he is young.
-- by 会员 phdaccounting (2012/2/17 5:43:25)

richardson做的是还不错了,但是跟成为skinner的那个档次还是差的远啊,skinner出名的94,97都是solo,richardson好像有名的solo paper就是他的dissertation,最后不也是被据多次,发到ras上了,跟sloan能扯上关系,对于他这种还算senior的人,发在ras和当ras的editor,其实没那么难。

-- by 会员 IVOWELCH (2012/2/17 6:49:28)

我怎么觉得女人如果能被richardson看上已经无比幸运了,哈哈。tuna现在在LBS过得不要太爽哦,paper老公每年带着发,自己主要照顾家和看看小孩。住的是st johns wood的house(伦敦市区的house就和纽约upper east比较吧,可不是suburb哦)。早上带着小孩在regents park跑步,中午来吃吃超级丰盛的lunch, 有心情就找同事喝喝下午茶。办公室也是系里面朝regents park的最大最豪华的,教课任务也是系里最轻松的,绝对的事业家庭双重丰收。tuna看起来绝对是好老婆的,生了小孩发胖了,但是绝对看得出年轻时是美貌的。

发表于 2012-2-17 11:12:56 | 只看该作者
Who 鲔鱼?Irem Tuna ? (Does Australian and Turkish wife change last name after they get married?) The couple of Scott Richardson and Eran Tuna got a joint tenure offer from Michigan a couple of years ago. But they finally picked LBS probably for their own reasons. I guess the biggest contribution for Eran Tuna to LBS would be bringing her husband to the group eventually. Florin Vasvari rejected Chicago and Wharton several years ago. He will get tenured next year. But since British pounds significantly depreciated in 2009, it has been hard for the group to get good faculty.
Richardson was publishing paper on top journals even when he was in BGI. He got pretty rich and came back to the academia as a chair professor and the new head of the department. Richardson is also in the editors' group of RAS and he is young.
-- by 会员 phdaccounting (2012/2/17 5:43:25)

richardson做的是还不错了,但是跟成为skinner的那个档次还是差的远啊,skinner出名的94,97都是solo,richardson好像有名的solo paper就是他的dissertation,最后不也是被据多次,发到ras上了,跟sloan能扯上关系,对于他这种还算senior的人,发在ras和当ras的editor,其实没那么难。

-- by 会员 IVOWELCH (2012/2/17 6:49:28)


我的哥妈啊,大哥,你能有点追求不?我嚼着50多的charles lee都比你插得深看起来精神多了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tuna现在在LBS过得不要太爽哦,paper老公每年带着发,自己主要照顾家和看看小孩。住的是st johns wood的house(伦敦市区的house就和纽约upper east比较吧,可不是suburb哦)。早上带着小孩在regents park跑步,中午来吃吃超级丰盛的lunch, 有心情就找同事喝喝下午茶。办公室也是系里面朝regents park的最大最豪华的,教课任务也是系里最轻松的,绝对的事业家庭双重丰收。tuna看起来绝对是好老婆的,生了小孩发胖了,但是绝对看得出年轻时是美貌的。

-- by 会员 phdaccounting (2012/2/17 10:16:14)


发表于 2012-2-17 11:22:28 | 只看该作者
跟charles lee这种百年难遇风采逼人的大帅哥比,谁都得败下阵来,呵呵
Who 鲔鱼?Irem Tuna ? (Does Australian and Turkish wife change last name after they get married?) The couple of Scott Richardson and Eran Tuna got a joint tenure offer from Michigan a couple of years ago. But they finally picked LBS probably for their own reasons. I guess the biggest contribution for Eran Tuna to LBS would be bringing her husband to the group eventually. Florin Vasvari rejected Chicago and Wharton several years ago. He will get tenured next year. But since British pounds significantly depreciated in 2009, it has been hard for the group to get good faculty.
Richardson was publishing paper on top journals even when he was in BGI. He got pretty rich and came back to the academia as a chair professor and the new head of the department. Richardson is also in the editors' group of RAS and he is young.
-- by 会员 phdaccounting (2012/2/17 5:43:25)

richardson做的是还不错了,但是跟成为skinner的那个档次还是差的远啊,skinner出名的94,97都是solo,richardson好像有名的solo paper就是他的dissertation,最后不也是被据多次,发到ras上了,跟sloan能扯上关系,对于他这种还算senior的人,发在ras和当ras的editor,其实没那么难。

-- by 会员 IVOWELCH (2012/2/17 6:49:28)


我的哥妈啊,大哥,你能有点追求不?我嚼着50多的charles lee都比你插得深看起来精神多了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tuna现在在LBS过得不要太爽哦,paper老公每年带着发,自己主要照顾家和看看小孩。住的是st johns wood的house(伦敦市区的house就和纽约upper east比较吧,可不是suburb哦)。早上带着小孩在regents park跑步,中午来吃吃超级丰盛的lunch, 有心情就找同事喝喝下午茶。办公室也是系里面朝regents park的最大最豪华的,教课任务也是系里最轻松的,绝对的事业家庭双重丰收。tuna看起来绝对是好老婆的,生了小孩发胖了,但是绝对看得出年轻时是美貌的。

-- by 会员 phdaccounting (2012/2/17 10:16:14)


-- by 会员 IVOWELCH (2012/2/17 11:12:56)

发表于 2012-2-17 11:33:56 | 只看该作者
好吧,就是觉得phdaccounting说的有点扯了。你说richardson做的不错,我承认,但是你要说是下一个skinner,那完全是扯淡啊,skinner94,97全是solo,skinner的学生一堆,现在好多还都靠着他发paper, richardson毕业也有块10年了,到现在大部分paper还都是跟sloan或者dechow,或者比richardson名气还大的人一起发的,完全没听说过他有过什么学生。同是澳大利亚人,形象也跟skinner完全比不了啊。

跟charles lee这种百年难遇风采逼人的大帅哥比,谁都得败下阵来,呵呵
Who 鲔鱼?Irem Tuna ? (Does Australian and Turkish wife change last name after they get married?) The couple of Scott Richardson and Eran Tuna got a joint tenure offer from Michigan a couple of years ago. But they finally picked LBS probably for their own reasons. I guess the biggest contribution for Eran Tuna to LBS would be bringing her husband to the group eventually. Florin Vasvari rejected Chicago and Wharton several years ago. He will get tenured next year. But since British pounds significantly depreciated in 2009, it has been hard for the group to get good faculty.
Richardson was publishing paper on top journals even when he was in BGI. He got pretty rich and came back to the academia as a chair professor and the new head of the department. Richardson is also in the editors' group of RAS and he is young.
-- by 会员 phdaccounting (2012/2/17 5:43:25)

richardson做的是还不错了,但是跟成为skinner的那个档次还是差的远啊,skinner出名的94,97都是solo,richardson好像有名的solo paper就是他的dissertation,最后不也是被据多次,发到ras上了,跟sloan能扯上关系,对于他这种还算senior的人,发在ras和当ras的editor,其实没那么难。

-- by 会员 IVOWELCH (2012/2/17 6:49:28)


我的哥妈啊,大哥,你能有点追求不?我嚼着50多的charles lee都比你插得深看起来精神多了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tuna现在在LBS过得不要太爽哦,paper老公每年带着发,自己主要照顾家和看看小孩。住的是st johns wood的house(伦敦市区的house就和纽约upper east比较吧,可不是suburb哦)。早上带着小孩在regents park跑步,中午来吃吃超级丰盛的lunch, 有心情就找同事喝喝下午茶。办公室也是系里面朝regents park的最大最豪华的,教课任务也是系里最轻松的,绝对的事业家庭双重丰收。tuna看起来绝对是好老婆的,生了小孩发胖了,但是绝对看得出年轻时是美貌的。

-- by 会员 phdaccounting (2012/2/17 10:16:14)


-- by 会员 IVOWELCH (2012/2/17 11:12:56)

-- by 会员 nymphetmi (2012/2/17 11:22:28)

发表于 2012-2-17 11:41:57 | 只看该作者
那你觉得40岁左右,rising star都有哪些啊?

好吧,就是觉得phdaccounting说的有点扯了。你说richardson做的不错,我承认,但是你要说是下一个skinner,那完全是扯淡啊,skinner94,97全是solo,skinner的学生一堆,现在好多还都靠着他发paper, richardson毕业也有块10年了,到现在大部分paper还都是跟sloan或者dechow,或者比richardson名气还大的人一起发的,完全没听说过他有过什么学生。同是澳大利亚人,形象也跟skinner完全比不了啊。

-- by 会员 IVOWELCH (2012/2/17 11:33:56)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-17 12:22:56 | 只看该作者
木有觉得doug skinner比scott richardson帅啊,哈哈,体型身材都比不上嘛。不过doug的发型好像是五十年不变的。比的是真人哦。tuna美貌是真的,只是身材太毁了。

richardson去BGI之前是AP嘛,而且wharton群牛在那里,当时哪里会有什么学生啊,估计曾经的员工有一些,毕竟人家是MD。不过,他正式回academia也就是几个月前的事情,学生怎么样可能5,6年后才知道哦。他毕业这么不到10年吧,钱赚的比大多数accounting professor好几十年都多,AP从wharton出去,回来就chair professor, 能做到research赚钱两不误,accounting这些老师同年龄的里面估计数不出几个吧。能被大牛频频垂幸还能带着lp一起被垂幸也是牛的,况且人家这么多年发paper都是赚钱当主业,发paper当副业搞.

richardson自己也是有能力发paper的,他的career目前看第一阶段是在wharton全职帮牛打工攒paper,第二阶段是在BGI赚钱兼职帮牛打工捞paper, 第三阶段估计就是到LBS搞个山头自己干了。他有魄力,善于搞速成,业界人脉底子好,搞capital market有优势,拉着AP run data,自己三天把writing搞定,一周两周后present。说richardson,说的是潜力。估计accounting学术圈提到richardson应该没有人敢小看他的,记住,人家这么多年都是副业发paper。
发表于 2012-2-17 12:53:21 | 只看该作者
长的像50多的,实际年龄也有40了的人还谈什么潜力啊,要是wharton的ap出去,回wharton当chaired prof,当然是牛,可以,他是去lbs。说实话,他们那些东西就是自娱自乐罢了,真搞trading strategy,搞不过finance的人,而accrual pricing又不被accounting的big guy认可。

你说他比其他的accounting prof有钱,那是肯定的,说他能发paper,也没人否认,但是你非要说他帅,和有潜力,那完全就是你个人的看法了。

木有觉得doug skinner比scott richardson帅啊,哈哈,体型身材都比不上嘛。不过doug的发型好像是五十年不变的。比的是真人哦。tuna美貌是真的,只是身材太毁了。

richardson去BGI之前是AP嘛,而且wharton群牛在那里,当时哪里会有什么学生啊,估计曾经的员工有一些,毕竟人家是MD。不过,他正式回academia也就是几个月前的事情,学生怎么样可能5,6年后才知道哦。他毕业这么不到10年吧,钱赚的比大多数accounting professor好几十年都多,AP从wharton出去,回来就chair professor, 能做到research赚钱两不误,accounting这些老师同年龄的里面估计数不出几个吧。能被大牛频频垂幸还能带着lp一起被垂幸也是牛的,况且人家这么多年发paper都是赚钱当主业,发paper当副业搞.

richardson自己也是有能力发paper的,他的career目前看第一阶段是在wharton全职帮牛打工攒paper,第二阶段是在BGI赚钱兼职帮牛打工捞paper, 第三阶段估计就是到LBS搞个山头自己干了。他有魄力,善于搞速成,业界人脉底子好,搞capital market有优势,拉着AP run data,自己三天把writing搞定,一周两周后present。说richardson,说的是潜力。估计accounting学术圈提到richardson应该没有人敢小看他的,记住,人家这么多年都是副业发paper。
-- by 会员 phdaccounting (2012/2/17 12:22:56)

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