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[申请总结] 请问是否应该Reapply, 求建议!!

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发表于 2011-3-1 15:00:02 | 显示全部楼层

1. 就我看来,LZ的硬指标已经过关了,除非T能上110,不然也差不了多少。
2. CFA要花很多时间准备的,就算考出来也只是反应对finance感兴趣而已。多花这么多时间去证明,值得么?
3. 内部transfer我觉得也不容易。而且就算转成了,要想在简历上有东西写,essay里有故事说,还是要好好干,这很费时间。
4. essay真的很重要。
I am admitted to Emory MBA program with 75% tuition free. However, I'm not sure whether to go to Emory or reapply. My career goal is investment bank, but I guess Emory cannot give me too much help to realize my goal. Actually, I tried some top schools including Wharton, CBS and Tuck this year, but failed to get admission. I hope to hear some advice. Thanks.

My brief background:

G 760, T 104, 3.5 years working exp. in big 4.  

If choose to reapply, I believe I could better my candidacy in five ways:
1.       Re-take the TOEFL to gain a more competitive score;
2.       Pass the CFA level 1 this June.
3.       Transfer from audit department to financial advisory department of big 4.
4.       Have months to refine my essays.
5.       Apply in the early round.

I know that nothing could guarantee an admission to Columbia, Wharton or the other top tiers. But I believe the admissions from second tier b-schools such as Ross, Darden, Cornell and UCLA are reachable. Is it a wise decision to give up on Emory (and the $$$) and spend another year struggling for such second tier ones. Pls give me advices regarding my dilemma. Thanks for reading my post and look forward to any advices.
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/1 11:16:39)

-- by 会员 breadwgy (2011/3/1 13:17:51)

发表于 2011-3-1 15:05:34 | 显示全部楼层
1. 就我看来,LZ的硬指标已经过关了,除非T能上110,不然也差不了多少。
2. CFA要花很多时间准备的,就算考出来也只是反应对finance感兴趣而已。多花这么多时间去证明,值得么?
3. 内部transfer我觉得也不容易。而且就算转成了,要想在简历上有东西写,essay里有故事说,还是要好好干,这很费时间。
4. essay真的很重要。
I am admitted to Emory MBA program with 75% tuition free. However, I'm not sure whether to go to Emory or reapply. My career goal is investment bank, but I guess Emory cannot give me too much help to realize my goal. Actually, I tried some top schools including Wharton, CBS and Tuck this year, but failed to get admission. I hope to hear some advice. Thanks.

My brief background:

G 760, T 104, 3.5 years working exp. in big 4.  

If choose to reapply, I believe I could better my candidacy in five ways:
1.       Re-take the TOEFL to gain a more competitive score;
2.       Pass the CFA level 1 this June.
3.       Transfer from audit department to financial advisory department of big 4.
4.       Have months to refine my essays.
5.       Apply in the early round.

I know that nothing could guarantee an admission to Columbia, Wharton or the other top tiers. But I believe the admissions from second tier b-schools such as Ross, Darden, Cornell and UCLA are reachable. Is it a wise decision to give up on Emory (and the $$$) and spend another year struggling for such second tier ones. Pls give me advices regarding my dilemma. Thanks for reading my post and look forward to any advices.
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/1 11:16:39)

-- by 会员 breadwgy (2011/3/1 13:17:51)

1.在四月把T考到110+... 分数肯定越高越好
2.六月考CFA level I...考这个一方面是因为自己的兴趣,一方面也是使我跟去年相比有所提供,re-essay里面也有写的点-参加考试是为今后职业发展做知识储备,essay里写价值不大。
3.考完之后转部门,并开始申请. 如果可以,尽早转部门

-- by 会员 jianxinl6 (2011/3/1 15:00:32)

发表于 2011-3-1 15:14:21 | 显示全部楼层

1. 就我看来,LZ的硬指标已经过关了,除非T能上110,不然也差不了多少。
2. CFA要花很多时间准备的,就算考出来也只是反应对finance感兴趣而已。多花这么多时间去证明,值得么?
3. 内部transfer我觉得也不容易。而且就算转成了,要想在简历上有东西写,essay里有故事说,还是要好好干,这很费时间。
4. essay真的很重要。
I am admitted to Emory MBA program with 75% tuition free. However, I'm not sure whether to go to Emory or reapply. My career goal is investment bank, but I guess Emory cannot give me too much help to realize my goal. Actually, I tried some top schools including Wharton, CBS and Tuck this year, but failed to get admission. I hope to hear some advice. Thanks.

My brief background:

G 760, T 104, 3.5 years working exp. in big 4.  

If choose to reapply, I believe I could better my candidacy in five ways:
1.       Re-take the TOEFL to gain a more competitive score;
2.       Pass the CFA level 1 this June.
3.       Transfer from audit department to financial advisory department of big 4.
4.       Have months to refine my essays.
5.       Apply in the early round.

I know that nothing could guarantee an admission to Columbia, Wharton or the other top tiers. But I believe the admissions from second tier b-schools such as Ross, Darden, Cornell and UCLA are reachable. Is it a wise decision to give up on Emory (and the $$$) and spend another year struggling for such second tier ones. Pls give me advices regarding my dilemma. Thanks for reading my post and look forward to any advices.
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/1 11:16:39)

-- by 会员 breadwgy (2011/3/1 13:17:51)

-- by 会员 ilovecathy (2011/3/1 15:00:02)

-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/1 15:09:19)

发表于 2011-3-1 17:05:21 | 显示全部楼层
其实说实在的,做完这5点真不会有质的飞越,很多big 4er走在前头了
CFA3 750+ 105+ with IB goal, 这样的人比你想像的要多很多,他们在top10申请里同样面临how to differentiate的问题

-- by 会员 AllenZX (2011/3/1 14:41:10)

this one makes a lot of sense. lz would probably own a killer resume next year if he quit his job and just do want ever he wants for a while.  gotta spice it up, man.
-- by 会员 WendyT (2011/3/1 14:54:27)

Thanks for posting.

"quit his job and just do want ever he wants"

I would love to hear more on this point? Could you please be more specific? That'll be very much appreciated.

Btw, if I can choose, take aside the IB dream, I would go back hometown and become a teacher in my home middle
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/1 15:07:58)

Do so, you won't regret
-- by 会员 ManInTheMirror (2011/3/1 15:16:40)

hehe.. can't agree more. coz it sounds much more fascinating than passing CFA3 in 2013 and becoming an IBD associate in 2015...  lol..  just kidding..
-- by 会员 AllenZX (2011/3/1 15:27:59)

but seriously....there are a bunch of big four ppl who apply, if lz wants to stand out...he/she can't just rely on a piece of paper indicating a cfa1 (PS: i don't think cfa1 makes much of a difference....)...buf if lz does something like this, for sure he's gonna stand out....chinese (including myself) needs some gutts to do things like this, to show that we are not boring people who just go by the book...
-- by 会员 ManInTheMirror (2011/3/1 15:34:25)

一直觉得goal其实并没有好坏之分,关键在于如何justify,把自己的经历跟自己的goal紧密地联系起来。之所以四大人写IBD没有竞争力,是因为与其他有投行或者PE背景的人相比,过去的经验不足以保证将来可以顺利地做这样一个career switch,B-school最concern的说到底还是毕业以后学生能不能找到工作。而这个短板通过课外活动本身也不足以弥补。
1>有比较高的G,可以demonstrate academic excellence,所以个人觉得T不是短板,CFA也加不了多少分(我当时面试Chicago的时候,还解释了半天什么是CICPA,什么是ACCA, 感觉别人不是特别care的)。
2>Background不是特别special,四大申请的人实在太多,包括已经被Emory录取的其他同学中也有一些和你一样background的,甚至有G更高的,也同样在纠结中。所以明年申请,竞争也会一样很激烈(大家都会多多少少有一些volunteer的work,extra curriculum的特长)。能换到advisory会增加exposue,但老实说一年半载的也学不到特别多的东西,而且对学校来说大概也还是算四大finance pool的吧?不会有太本质的区别。

-- by 会员 hellosunshine (2011/3/1 16:34:11)

发表于 2011-3-1 21:00:28 | 显示全部楼层
LZ啊,偶觉得增加international exposure挺重要的。感觉你似乎不是有很多international exposure。如果实在没有的话,package里面要体现出你的global mindset吧。至少对某些学校还是挺重要的,偶觉得。

另外,你的CG是IB的话,如果你其他方面不是特别强的话,还是挺难进的哈。很多BIG4的都有CFA神马的,分数比你高的也有挺多的。如果你的ESSAY不是特别有亮点CG又是IB的话,可能真的挺难让你自己stand out的,top 10还是比较困难的。建议深入挖掘你工作以外比较独特的方面。如果以前不是有很多community service的话,不建议从这方面入手。可以好好回顾一下你的过往经历,看看除了IB以外神马样的CG最合理,然后业余多专研搞搞和CG相关的副业也会有所帮助吧,你的ESSAY也会有挺多其他有意思的内容的。

-- by 会员 JoeyTribbiani (2011/3/1 18:40:44)

Joey也是四大的?! 这个帖子激起了好多big 4er的共鸣...咳...
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/1 20:40:52)

发表于 2011-3-2 12:33:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-3-2 14:36:54 | 显示全部楼层
-- by 会员 ilovecathy (2011/3/2 12:33:21)

偶的看法, 找工作的时候比申请有用...如果是在美国...那CFA有用些...大陆的话看你找的什么行业的工作了吧...两个证都还是比较有含金量的. 记得看到过一个说法叫做3A: CFA+CPA+MBA...是投行的敲门砖...可能肤浅了一点...但是也说明一定问题吧.
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/2 13:49:03)

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