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Another大龄剩女with 1 million RMB/year income, MBA or not?

发表于 2010-3-9 23:34:34 | 显示全部楼层
32 is not too old, I know fresh MBAs who are older than 35.

The annual income of US$140k (RMB 1M) is not too much either, I have friends who are making that much but are eager to give it up for an MBA.

On Business Week or some other MBA forums, I have seen a young American guy who's running his business with a $200k annual revenue got rejected by all the programs he applied to. He was kinda mad so he posted his application PDF file online and asked for feedbacks such as why HBS rejected him twice. Some people just suggested him to put aside his ego and be honest about why, fit, and career goals. (Sorry, can't find the link...)

I have never been in any MBA programs, but I can certainly tell you that age and income are not the most important factors.

Perhaps you can apply for some first, after getting some offers, ask yourself whether the MBA itch is still there, then decide which one to go. Even if you end up not going, you can still learn a lot about yourself during the application process.
发表于 2010-3-10 11:54:46 | 显示全部楼层
认识一些fob (fresh off the boat), 有小留学生,老移民,他们去银行,出去办事,每当听到有人夸他们的英语很像native的时候都很开心。在一个party中,一个fob 对一个cbc (canada born chinese)说,你说英文很像native。 cbc听了跟我说他觉得很offended。


再说,大把鬼佬可适应中国的生活了,可有很多在来中国前别说像native chinese,可能连中文都只懂你好谢谢对不起。口音不代表adaptability。跟老美工作过几年只代表你或许可以根老美合作无间,但工作只是生活的一部分。例如别人跟你聊LeBron James, Sidyney Crosby时, 就算你不知道Caveliars and Penguins的排名,最好也可以说最近忙,没怎么看篮球和冰球。在北美头晕,肚疼什么小病都没得看医生,看了也只是叫你回家喝水睡觉,去emergency如果不是血流不止就肯定要等上几个小时。我上次一朋友打球骨折,在emergency痛了7个小时才有得治疗。不像国内,托托关系说不定能插个队。

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