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[面试经验] Rice Telephone Interview

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发表于 2007-2-8 12:23:00 | 显示全部楼层

Rice Telephone Interview

昨天面了Rice, 电话面试,深夜12点,面试人是二年级学生,name Mike,口音比较怪,(德州+澳洲),但能听动,语速适中,整个过程还算比较轻松。我从办公室打过去的,稍有紧张,忘了自己的员工号,没法用固定电话打,那时候已经过了2分钟了,赶紧用手机拨过去和他说等我几分钟,折腾了一会,恢复记忆,拨通,忙说sorry,他说没事。


1. He told me he just got my resume, so could you please introduce yourself and tell me why you would like to apply MBA...

2. Go detail to my why MBA, I said I aspire to be a reformer for SOE. He said do you think how to implement what you learn in America to China, will it work in China too...? (Very good question, frankly, I have not think it clearly. so, just tell him what I have in minds at that time...It seems he is not that much convinced, sigh...)

3. What is your professional achievement?...

4. Study in Rice is very intensive and big workload, how do you plan to take the pressure from study? (Are you kidding? I told him, consulting is intensive too. On every project, I thought it had met my bottom line what I can bear. Everytime I felt pressure, I will tell myself to keep going, never give up...I will bring this attitude to my MBA study. Also, I would like to work with team together, ask questions to professors whenever possilbe, to make study more efficient....sigh, it seems I didn't answer so well again.)

5.What function you will focus on during your MBA study?...

6. Questions to do you like Rice? How does Rice support student to find a job? How is the study in Rice?( He said normally 8 hours study. Only classes no life...faint~) Ask him to introduce ALP...

Then, 12:41, he said it is late for you, if you have any question just call me or email me (I said it doesn't matter, I have drunk three cups of coffee. He laugh..oh, my god, the first time to hear he leave email address...

Then, byebye

Then, thank you letter.


希望对后面的XDJM有用...总之,放轻松! Good luck...

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-8 14:35:59编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-8 13:21:00 | 显示全部楼层

to iris:我申请的是R2,学校动作比较快,一周后就给邀请了.SOE就是国企啦

to robert:看上去不错? 呵呵,谢谢.

Rice 的学生都很nice, 我就喜欢small size program,每个人都能认识熟悉.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-8 13:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
I'm not SOE background. I work for consulting
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-28 15:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
Not yet.  It will be released on decision date, which is 3.15.  That is what I was told.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-6 13:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
Finally, got in Rice with $60,000 scholarship.
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