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[备考日记] 【老帖新开】奋斗的道路没有尽头之*写作练习*

发表于 2013-3-26 21:37:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

这个帖子其实是很多年以前我为了二战托福而开的帖子,写每日总结,英文日记,范文赏析之类的。现在我又回来了,最近渐渐意识到自己中文表达能力极度退化,英文表达能力也离native speaker有很大差距。所以想要练习一下中英写作,一方面在中文上能表达的清楚,另一方面英文表达能满足我日常工作需求。
大概介绍一下自己背景,2014年来到美国读会计研究生,2016年毕业在Boston的pwc工作,至今工作两年,做的是core assurance,主要做mutual funds audit,最近刚刚转组,以后将主要审technology clients。意识到自己写作短板,导致平时工作中对自己写的memo,documentation没有信心,决定集中提高一下。考虑了很多平台,自己的微博/blog 吧 有点无聊,只有自己一个人,没人跟我说话;其他陌生的论坛吧,没有归属感;国外的writing forum吧,大部分都是喜欢写作,想要出书,非常serious那种,我这种business writing为主的人羞于发帖。所以最终还是决定回来CD论坛,这个我最初启程的地方。这么多年了,即使完成了当初自己的目标,writing也还是不能停歇。所以说,没有什么是一劳永逸的(大概除了死亡)。在这里,没有太多人会关注哈哈,因为大家都忙着准备考试 申请出国;但是又会有一些关注,比如跟我有缘的人刚好点进我的帖子,而我有限的经历又刚好能帮人解答一些问题,我就可以在每天练习写作之余帮助到别人,which is perfect.

我的目标:每天或者隔天发一些每天阅读的新闻,应该会以wall street journal或者经济学人(看是否需要花钱订阅) 为主,会highlight出我觉得好的用法,词汇。然后有针对性地自己练习写,具体topic还没想好,走一步看一步把!!


一战 R28 L22 S20 W25



每天念三遍:我的目标是R30 L28 S24 W28=110!!!!!

出分了 29 28 24 27 =108 虽然没能达到自己的dream score,但是没关系,这个分数我已经挺满意的了~ 至少说明了我的说和写还有很大问题,想要在北美混的好,接下来我得自己练说和写了! fighting!


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-27 22:17:47 | 只看该作者
In order to improve ability of expression, I decided to state all the daily work and conclusion in English!!!

Today I spent one and a half hours in speaking, and I came up with a problem.
I can't show detailed information or idea on reasons I offered.
For example, I meet a question: Describe the skill you want to learn most.
Cooking come to my mind! Yes, I really want to learn cooking!
And I have several true reasons:first, I will go study abroad, so I want to cook for myself . Second, I want to cook for my parents and friends. Seeing the suprised faces of them will make me feel proud
And later, I came up with another reason: Food security is a big problem in China, so it will be safer for us to cook for ourselves instead of eating out.

Then, however, I don't know how to show detail about these three reasons. I have learned from book that we need to develop detailed thoughts about our points, not to provide many points without detail!!!!

I really don't know how to make my points detailed. So I told my problem to my friends. And she said" What if you are going to talk about that topic in Chinese, what will you say about your points?" And I immidiately realized that I can use examples!  I can even make up some examples or cite news from newspapers, Internet or from friends. That's it !!!!  As for the point that food security is a problem, I can cite the examples of myself. For example, one day, I ate at a restaurant , and the dishes are tasty, but few hours later , I felt like vomiting and have diarrhea. Since then, I have kept skeptical about all the tasty food. And I finally realize that I could cook for myself. I can cook food that is both healthy and tasty.
See? The example is simple , but it enriches my reasoning and makes my statement more real.

I will work in that way tomorrow~

Today, I also work on the wrong anwser that I made yeaterday of the listening part . I realized that listening and reading are so similar! They all have consice and clear structures.
Take a listening passage that comes from TPO10 as an example:

引出全文OK. If I ask about the earliest thing you can remember, I will bet for most of you, your earliest memory would be about from age of 3, right?
给出定义As I said, this phenomenon refers to the adults not being able to remember the childhood incidents.

老的解释Well, once a popular explanation was that
另外两种解释So let’s put that explanation aside and concentrate on just two.

对第二种解释的重点描述So PRJ’s theory of cognitive development .Well, finally in the 1980s, study was done
推翻第二种解释的一个实验now, test showed that there was a faster way of forgetting among the youngest children but most
实验的结论importantly it shows that the development of the recall did not depend on language development.

>>>一个新的解释 there is something called the rate of forgetting

And here goes the questions:
1.main idea
2.某句话的作用(The first sentence is not a nonsense, because the teacher intends to introduce the topic of this class by this sentence. )
3.作者的总体态度(All the old theories were negated or at least have not been justified, and the new theory has not been justified too. So the overall attitude of teacher is that the problem is under research.)
4.细节(relevant&irrelevant,all the relevant info in all the theories, regardless old ones or new one.)
6.实验的结论(conclusion is always important! And the conclusion of an important experiment is especially important!!!!You can never afford to ignore it!)

That's all about today. Hope my strive will finally pay off, and I believe it will.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-28 22:55:45 | 只看该作者
Today, I failed to accomplish all the tasks signed
I practice speaking for more than 2 hours~

What's more, I found podcast so boring that I decided to listen to TED tomorrow. Hope I enjoy it.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-29 23:33:12 | 只看该作者
How can I speak in 10 minutes about the bonds of women over three generations, about how the astonishing strength of those bonds took hold in the life of a four-year-old girl huddled with her young sister, her mother and her grandmother for five days in a small boat in the China Sea more than 30 years ago, bonds that took hold in the life of that small girl and never let go.That small girl now living in Sanfrasisco and speaking to you today. This not a finished story. It is a jigsaw puzzle still being together . Let me tell you about some of the pieces. Imagine the first piece, a man burning his life’s work. He is a poet , a play write, a man whose whole life had been balanced on the single hope of his country’s unity and freedom. Imagine him as a communists coming in to S, confronting that his life had been a complete waste. Words, for so long, his friends now mocked him. He retreated into silence. He died broken by history. He is my grandfather. I never know him in real life. But our lives are much more than our memories. My grandmother never let me forget his life. My duty is not allow to have it been in vain and to learn that, yes, history tried to crush us, but we endured. The next jigsaw is a boat in an early dawn slipping silently out to sea. My mother was 18 when her father died already in an arranged marriage already with two small girls. For her, life has stilled in to on tough task the escape of her family and a new life in Australia. It was inconceivable to her that she would not succeed. So after a four-year saga that defies fiction, a boat slipped to sea disguised as a fishing vessel. All the adults know the risks. The greatest fear was of pirates, rape and death. Like most adults on the boat, my mother carried a small bottle of poison. If we were captured, first my sister and I then she and my grandmother would drink. My first memory of the boat was the steady beat of the engine, the bow into each wat, the vast and empty horizon. I don’t remember the pirates who came many times but were bluffed by the bravado of the men on our boat, or the engine dying and failing to start for six hours. But I do remember the light of the oil .. off the .. , and the young man who clasped and died, the journey’s end too much for him, and the first apple I tasted given to me by the men on the rig. No apple has ever tasted the same. After three month in the .. camp, we landed in Melbourne. And the next piece of jigsaw is about four women across three generations shaping a new life together. We settled in .., a working-class suburb whose demographic is layers of immigrants. Unlike the middle-class suburb whose existence I was obviously off, there was no . The smell from the ..door was. And the snippets of halting English were exchanged between people who had one thing in common, they were starting again. My mom worked on a farm then on a car assembly line, working six days double shifts. Somehow she time to learn English and gain IT qualifications. We were poor. All the dollars were allocated and extra tuition in English and Mathemetics was budgeted for regardless of what missed out, which was usually new clothes, they were always secondhand. Two pairs of stockings for school, each to hide the wholes on the other. A school uniform is down to the ankle because it had to last for six years.
To be an insider can so easily mean collapsing the horizons, can so easily mean accepting the presumptions of your province. I have to stayed outside of my comfort zone enough now to know that yes the world does fall apart, but not in the way that you fear.


My favorite area in the city (常去的/重要的/最爱的地方)
When it comes to “my favorite area in the city”, my answer will always be the park in our community. I usually go there, because it just takes about ten minutes to go back and forth.
If I get up early, I will jog in the park or take a nature walk. If I am tired of study or work, I will go for a walk in park to refresh my mind and recharge my battery.  After that, I can better focus on my study.
What’s more, you know, nowadays, air pollution is a serious problem in the city. But I believe the air in the park is fresh and clean. So I sometimes go to park simply to breathe the fresh air.

When you have problem, will you search on the Internet, check the reference book or ask the teacher?
Well, that depends.
But usually I will first go searching on the Internet, since it is convenient and I can get a bunch of information. Most of time, I can get the answer based on these information. But I do fail sometimes. Then, I will go to library to check the reference book. And, finally, if unfortunately I was still stuck, I would ask the professors for help.
After all, I will not go to teacher every time I have any problem, since I don’t want to bother them too often, you know.

I realized today that when I was answering the 4 and 6 question. I should not bother to remenber and talk about the any little detail. I should state the general structure and fill the detail that I was lucky enough to remenber to the structure. So the rator will learn that I have understood the overall context. And since I provide some detail, they will consider me a good listener~
To sum up, don't just try to write down any detail and miss the important structure. Otherwise, I will fail to show the big picture of the material and just show some broken details, making me appear to be a bad listener.

Another 4 speaking material are also good and worthy typing down. But it's too late, I will post them tomorrow.
If students want some place to talk to each other or something, there are lots of such places, library, study center or even classroom on campus. School’s cafeteria supposed to be a relaxing place.
It is an unnecessary concern.
College students are no longer kids, they are adults already, and if they want to be more social able and lag up in this competitive environment . They’ll manage to form interpersonal relationship no matter what.
Echo location
Many bats have developed echo location to find their way and hunt the preys in complete darkness. This process helps to determine where location is the prey, how big it is and what direction it is moving.
My favorite video program is coming on in the few minutes but I can’t receive the signal from the school radio station. I don’t know what’s going on.
When I checked the radio station, someone told me that the school’s broadcast system was broken down.
This is driving me crazy.
Take it easy, the broadcast system is ancient, and it has broken three times.
One solution to cope with the current situation is to invite a new system. That will save a lot of headaches(免去一些让人头痛的事) and get it access to wide range of programming.
I don’t know is it feasible, a project like that will be expensive and the budget for recreational program isn’t too large.
The students union can put on a special radio program and invite celebrities and other special guests on, the school will collect ad revenue enough to cover the costs of building a new system.
We can get the mechanical engineering students to take a look and repair our system, I’m sure they’ll appreciate the practical experience.
玩的重要性(表达情绪,舒缓intenseanger;建立creativity motivationsocial skills…
Children have fun when playing games, but playing is also essential to children’s development because it contributes to their physical, social and emotional well-being. For example, playing allows children to obtain a sense of control, when playing is allowed to be child-driven, children practice decision making skills, move on their own pace, discuss their own area of interest and ultimately engage fully in the passions they wish to pursue. However, when all their other aspects such as dining and eating are controlled by adults, children will lose their creativity, motivation and social skill. Play can also help children to express themselves in a way that reduces tension and anxiety, and thus allows them to gain control of their emotions. For example, children often react fear and anxiety by smashing something, so that they can feel better. Therefore, people usually see a children building a toy house and then destroy his work afterward. Playing in such a case allows children to express their anger and thus allay their intense emotions. Thus children who smash their toys should not be punished by their parents.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-30 20:36:14 | 只看该作者
I want to talk social innovation and social entrepreneurship.
I happen to have triplets. Being gay and fathering triplets is by far the most socially innovative, socially entrepreneurial thing I have ever done.
The real social innovation I want to talk about involves charity. I want to talk about how the things we’ve been taught to think about giving and about charity and about the nonprofit sector are actually undermining the causes we love and our profound yearning to change the world. But before I do that, I want to ask if we even believe that the nonprofit sector has any serious role to play in changing the world. A lot of people say now that business will lift up the developing economics and social business will take care of the rest. And I do believe that business will move the great mass of humanity forward. But it always leaves behind that 10 percent or more that is most disadvantaged or unlucky. And social business needs markets, and there are some issues for which you just can’t develop the kind of money measures that you need for a market. I sit on the board of a center of the developmentally disabled, and these people want laughter and compassion and they want love. How do you monetize that?  And that’s where the nonprofit sector and philanthropy come in. philanthropy is the market for love. It is the market for all those people for whom there is no other market coming. And so if we really want, like Buckminster fuller said, a world that works for everyone, with no one and nothing left out, then the nonprofit sector has to be a serious part of the conversation. But it doesn’t seem to be working. Why our breast cancer charities cannot come close to finding a cure of breast cancer, or our homeless charities not come close to ending homelessness in any major city? Why has poverty remained stuck at 12 percent of the U.S. population for 40 years? And the answer is, these social problems are massive in scale, our organizations are tiny up against them, and we have a believe system that keeps them tiny. We have two rule books, we have one for nonprofit sector and one for the rest of the economic world. It’s an apartheid, and it discriminates against the nonprofit sector in five different areas, the first being compensation.
So in the for-profit sector, the more value you produce, the more money you can make. But we don’t want nonprofit sector to use money to incentivize people to produce more in social service. We have a visceral reaction to the idea that anyone would make very much money helping other people. It is interesting that we don’t have a visceral reaction to the notion that people would make a lot of money not helping other people. You know, you want to make 50 million dollars selling violent video games to kids, go for it. We’ll put you on the cover of wired magazine. But you want to make half a million dollars trying to cure kids of malaria, and you’re considered a parasite yourself. And we think of this as our system of ethics, but what we don’t realize is that this system has a powerful side effect, which is, it gives a really stark, mutually exclusive choice between doing very well for yourself and your family or doing good for the world to the brightest minds coming out of our best universities, and sends tens of thousands of people who could make a huge difference in the nonprofit sector marching every year directly into the for-profit sector because they are not willing to make that kind of lifelong economic sacrifice. Businessweek did a survey, looked at the compensation packages for MBAs 10 years out of business school, and the median compensation for a Stanford MBA, with bonus, at the age of 38, was 400000 dollars. Meanwhile, for the same year, the average salary for the CEO of a 5 million-plus medical charity in the U.S. was 232000 dollars, and for a hunger charity, 84000 dollars. Now, there is no way you are going to get a lot of people with 400000 talent to make a 316000 sacrifice every year to become the CEO of a hunger charity. Some people say, “well, that’s just because those MBA types are greedy.” Not necessarily. They might be smart. It’s cheaper for that person to donate a 100000dollars every year to the hunger charity, save 50000dollars on their taxes, so still be roughly 270000 dollars a year ahead of the game, now be called a philanthropist because they donated 100000 dollars to charity, probably sit on the board of the hunger charity, indeed, probably supervise the poor SOB who decided to become the CEO of the hunger charity, and have a lifetime of this kind of power and influence and popular praise still ahead of them.

Opportunity/ challenge/ experience
Once upon a time, I participated in an academic contest in the university. In the final part of the contest I was asked to give a presentation on the stage in front of many people, teachers, students and my competitors. I was so nervous because I had no confidence in my English and presentation skills, so I decided to give up.
But my friend encouraged me that this was not a disaster but an opportunity/ challenge. She inspired me. So I finally decided to have a try.
Although at last I didn’t win a medal, my performance was not bad. This experience strengthen my confidence and improve my presentation skills.

Important decision
The most important decision is that I decided to go to U.S. for further study.
First, you know, it will be a big challenge for students like me to live in a foreign country. I will have to cope with all kinds of problems all by myself, to deal with complex interpersonal relationship and culture confliction between I and many other students from all over the world.
On the other side, this is also a good opportunity for me, since I major in finance, which is thrive in U.S. I will have access to advanced method, theory and knowledge and be able to get touch with famous scholars and authorities in this area.

Students should be required to learn art and music in secondary school.
I agree that Students should be required to learn art and music in secondary school.
Some people hold the opinion that art and music have nothing to do with other subject such as physical and math.
However, I have many evidences to refute this cliché. For example, we all know that da vinci was not only a great artist but also a biologist and a medical scientist. So there do exist relationship between art and music and other subjects.
What’s more, scientists have discovered that art and music can inspire people and stimulate people’s imagination. Therefore, learning art and music will help students to be more creative and imaginative. They could express themselves in the form of art and music.
He later recalled the experience: "I suddenly had two emotions, fear and desire: I had fear for the dark cave but curious about whether there was any monster in the cave." His life where beam by(怎么翻译?一生都被这两种情绪羁绊) these two kinds of emotion: He was frightened by mysterious that he was unknown or unable to detect, and wanted to expose this mysterious, to explain its meaning, and describe its spectacular.

Education involves cultivating intellectually, culturally, morally and physically. We go to school to learn different things from books and teachers. We go to school to get training of various kinds in order to be well-behaved, intelligent, considerate, creative, imaginative and useful to society. We get to know cultural differences of different times and different countries; we learn to distinguish right from wrong and cultivate our patriotism; we also have physical training to build up good health. Every kind of knowledge learned at this period will offers us a window to a more splendid world of science and culture, and will help us develop our healthy characters and a good structure of knowledge.
In improves our existence by enhancing, changing and perpetuating our cultural composition.
Art is a thoughtful and emotional expression. It has many forms, such as painting, sculpture, architecture and calligraphy.
Art is a means of communion as well as communication.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-31 22:19:03 | 只看该作者
Today I went to People Square with my friend. And I bought a dress and a short sleeve T-shirt. Although they are not on sale, I save 200 RMB by filling a questionnaire
And I realized my legs are so 粗....that I have to dress long skirt to conseal my legs   I will soon beat the TOEFL and GMAT , and then I can take time to lose weight!!!
I want to build a sexy and healthy body figure!!!!!!

Today I haven't practiced speaking.... But I will review the speaking matierals that I posted in the other day.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-1 22:04:32 | 只看该作者
I was so down. I can't see the hope..... I am still stammering when speaking...

And I realized that when I continue to speak for a long time, my mind will stop working!!! I will just repeat what has been in my mind and not try to creat. Maybe this is the reason why I will stammer!

So tomorrow I will try my best to think think think!!!!!!!!!!

I will beat you TOEFL!!

PS. Don't stop reading ,listening good staff. you know  ,no in , no out我也不知道咋说,就是 没有输入就没有输出呀!

Speaking Tips
Useful tips: (suitable for all questions)
☛Make it NATURAL, pauses, such as “well”, “um”, and “you know”, are
advisable, but don’t do it too much.
☛CORRECT your mistakes as soon as you find out, for example, “... I
really like standing in, I mean, ON the mountain,”(I know it’s a bad
example. What I’m trying to clarify is that it is OK to make mistakes,
but you gotta correct it once you made it.) so the examiner would not
count down your score.
☛There is NO NEED to use freaking words, like “exonerate”, which
means absolve, and “flamboyant”, which means showy. But those
words are good to use in your essay.
☛“The FIRST way, the LAST way, the NEVER FAILING way to develop
self-confidence in speaking is--TO SPEAK.” --Dale Carnegie
Independent speaking (Question 1 & 2)
In this section, you are asked to present your own opinion and provide
examples to support your ideas.
Useful tips:
☛Your answer should be as SPECIFIC as possible. You need to stick to a
point UNTIL you finish it, have done with it, and need never return to
it again.
☛The key to score high is to make each point WELL-DEVELOPED, and
that DOES NOT mean you need to make as much points as you can,
two would be great.
☛Truth and REASONABLE LIES are totally acceptable.
☛DO NOT say “I have three(or whatever) reasons to support my idea”,
or some thing like that after you state your opinion. There is no
guarantee that you are able to finish your answer within 45 seconds.
Instead, you can say “I have a couple of reasons to say.”
Question 1
Your answer can go like this:
“Personally, I would have to say that, um, my favorite ... is ... . And there
are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you
know, ... . What’s more, ... . So that’s why ... .”
Question 2
Your answer can go like this:
“Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ... .
The first reason that I wanna say is that ... . More importantly, ... . So,
uh, that’s why I choose ... for the two reasons listed above.”

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-2 13:00:56 | 只看该作者
Day 6

I’m all for…  (I agree with)
Kick back and relax; wind up (relax)
Eye-opening (broaden ..horizon)
Decent (good)
Let off steam; ease your mind (release pressure)
A fortune ( a great amount of money)
Do someone a favor (help sb)
Give it my best shot (try one’s best)
Celebrity (famous people)
Worn-out (tired)
Have mixed feelings about (like&hate)
Get cold feet (want to give up)
Time-honored (has history)
Aromatic (food)
Fragrant (flowers)
Check out (feel)
Carry out ; Go about (do sth)
Work out (do exercise)
Get so worked up  (nervous)
Get…stuck (trapped)
Expand one’s knowledge/outlook  (broaden one’s horizon)
Dynamic (有活力的)
Bogus (山寨的adj.)
Knockoff (山寨版n.)
Aromatic dishes 香喷喷的饭菜
Recreational activities 娱乐活动
Has a nice figure (女性)身材好
Amenities 生活和休闲设施(such as store, sports centers and parks)
A xx-year-old  (xx岁的小孩)
Bustling (繁华的)
Calm your nerves 让你的心灵平静
Cultural diversity 文化多样性
Customer base 顾客群

越毒小分队某一篇->>>>>>about social isolation, loneliness of old people
Scientists have long known that both social isolation and feelings of loneliness can increase risk of illness and death in people. But it has been less clear whether isolation, which can lead to loneliness, undermines health, or whether either factor, acting alone, can harm well-being. Today, researchers report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that limited contact with family, friends and community groups predicts illness and earlier death, regardless of whether it is accompanied by feelings of loneliness1.
The scientists analysed data from 6,500 people aged 52 and older enrolled in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, which monitors the health, social well-being and longevity of people living in England. The researchers evaluated social isolation on the basis of the amount of contact participants reported having with family, friends and civic organizations, and they assessed loneliness using a questionnaire. They tracked sickness and mortality in study participants from 2004 to 2012.
The researchers found that social isolation was correlated with higher mortality — even after adjusting for pre-existing health conditions and socioeconomic factors — but loneliness was not.
“When we think about loneliness and social isolation, we often think of them as two faces of the same coin,” says Andrew Steptoe, a psychologist and epidemiologist at University College London, who led the study. But the findings suggest that a lack of social interaction harms health whether or not a person feels lonely, he says. “When you’re socially isolated, you not only lack companionship in many cases, but you may also lack advice and support from people.”
The findings contradict two recent studies that suggest loneliness is associated with declining health and increased mortality in older people2, 3. “I think it’s kind of a puzzle that we now need to solve,” says John Cacioppo, a psychologist at the University of Chicago in Illinois, and a co-author of one of the earlier studies. He says more work is needed to understand cultural factors that may influence results, such as differences in the way people report loneliness.
Steptoe says that he plans to examine whether social isolation affects treatment and outcomes during illness. That does not mean loneliness should be ignored, he says.
“We should make every effort to try to alleviate the loneliness of older people,” says Steptoe. “But at the same time, we need to attend just to the sheer amount of social contact that people have and make sure that people do maintain their social contacts. That might be just as important.”
2011-8-2 Independent Writing
Does modern technology help students learn more information and learn it more quickly?

Marvelous as it looks at first sight, modern technology does not help students learn information at a greater speed and with higher efficiency in most cases; or it could work towards the opposite direction which led students to lose their initiative to learn and explore.
First of all, one property of modern technology is latently harmful to any learning mind it distracts. One thing we feel about when we are searching for information online is that the internet, as an outstanding example of modern technology and even regarded as the innovator of education, provides us with not only relevant results to make use of, but also external links to click. More than once I turned on my computer to check school library for resources, but ended up watching Youtube videos. In this case, computer as a representative of modern technology plays a negative role in learning information. We do acquire more information with the convenient tool, yet most of them are irrelevant and in the end procrastinating would lower our learning.
第一,分散注意力,举例:电脑  例子:自己身上的事情
Also, students would easily become disoriented in the huge sea of information. Although modern technology could equip us with easy access to information, the huge amount of resources would actually leave us discombobulated. Therefore, it is only we possess information more quickly rather than we learn it more quickly. An illustrating example is my experience with a HK digital library which stores almost all the books I desire. At first I enjoyed downloading them from the database, however, one month later I ended up with hundreds of books stored in my hardware yet none of them finished or ever clicked.
Furthermore, modern technology gives students an illusion that information and real knowledge is easy to learn just by clicking mouse or watching videos. But in fact this forms only the first step towards useful information and effective learning, as learning of any kind requires full concentration and interactive thinking, which are almost absent in the pocess of popular e-learning experience.
To summarize, modern technology does not help students learn more information and learn it more quickly, though it does make access to information and resources much more easily. The popular e-learning still lacks the concentration, depth, and interaction that are the hallmark of traditional ways of educating and learning.

The most important book
I’d like to say Jane Eyre is the most importantbook to me.
First, to be honest, this book enlightened me. Iread this book in secondary school. I was impatient, you know, so I had neverfinished a book until this one.After that, I began to read, since I knew there were so many amazing bookswaiting for me.
On the other hand, I learned a lot from thisbook. It is a kind of power supporting me all the time. When the novel begins,Jane is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old girl living with an aunt andcousins who dislike her. However, by novel’s end she has become a powerful, independent woman. I learned that people should be strong enough not only physically but also mentally to overcome all the difficulties.
So this book meansa lot to me.
Qualifications of good parents
I would have to say that parents shouldfirstly have a sense of responsibility.Because, you know, parenting is a tough task: parentsmust be patient enough to take care of their kids when they are little, toaccept all the flaws of their kids when they are grown up and help to cope withall the troubles in the whole lives of kids.And I think loving alone is not enough to support parents to deal with allthese stuff. So, that’s why they need a sense of responsibility.
What’s more, being good at communication is another crucial qualification of goodparents. Cauz, you know,communication could help children and parents get toknow each other better, especially when kids are going through adolescence. And a goodrelationship between parents and kids will do good to growing of kids.
离开家以后最想念的东西(dishes cooked by parents)
When I am away from my home, I missed the dishes cooked by my parents most.
First, you know, different regions are different in diet culture. Even two neighboring villagescan have different local dishes. So I can’t adapt to diet when I am away fromhome, especially in the first few weeks. And that will make me missing thedishes of my hometown.
What’s more, both my mom and dad are good at cooking. They cook for me every day when I was home. And I can always recall the picture of us sitting around, eating delicious dishes.It’s warm and I really miss these days.
The mostmemorable photograph is the picture in which mom, dad and I were sittingaround, eating. This photo was taken before I was going to leave for college.And my sister took the picture for us. Now I go back home every three months,because it takes 6 hours to go back and forth. So that mains we rarely see eachother. When I miss them I’ll look at this picture, and it will recall me someof the best memories.
What’smore, I really miss dished cooked by my parents. You know, it is hard for me toadapt to diet in college. Well, I had lost a few pounds after I enteredcollege. Just looking at this photo makes my mouth watering.
Well, if my foreign friends are coming, I will bring them tothe park in our community.
You know, most of foreigners come to China to check out theprofound Chinese culture. And most of people think museum is the best place togo. However, in my opinion, having a walk in a park is the best way to touchChinese culture.
There are lots of people practicing tai ji, playingtraditional instruments, performing pecking opera, playing Chinese chess anddoing other kinds of stuff related to Chinese culture. You name it. And mostimportantly, unlike collections in museum, all these stuff are alive. Myfriends can enjoy the free display on alive, talk to these folks and even learnsome stuff if they like. These people are really enthusiastic.

今天整理口语,可真是思如泉涌啊 思如泉涌怎么说 ideas pouring out of my mind?

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-6 22:52:07 | 只看该作者



木哈哈睡觉了,盼了46天的亲戚今天终于也来了  真是个珍贵的清明~~
发表于 2013-4-7 18:08:13 | 只看该作者
过来支持一下!一战710,so cool~ 祝杀T成功!加油
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