As the honeybee's stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing the bee to sustain a fatal injury.
关于此题我有两个疑问: 第一个就是with到底是不是Dangling?我读prep08语法笔记的感觉就是GMAT不喜欢with结构,除非别的句子都有绝对性错误; 第二个就是“核心内容必须放在主句”这不是绝对要求而是相对要求吗?!我一直拿他直接排除选项来着,而且很少失手。但是符合这条要求的只有C了,但是C又引进了一个新的抽象名词fact,估计GMAT是认为这个fact比较wordy?这两个规律到底优先考虑谁?! 所以我就completed confused了,请各位大牛赐教~~谢谢啦~ As the honeybee's stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing the bee to sustain a fatal injury.
A.As the honeybee's stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing B.As the heavily barbed stinger of the honeybee stays where it is inserted, with the result that the act of stinging causes C.The honeybee's stinger, heavily barbed and staying where it is inserted, results in the fact that the act of stinging causes D.The heavily barbed stinger of the honeybee stays where it is inserted, and results in the act of stinging causing E.The honeybee's stinger is heavily barbed and stays where it is inserted, with the result that the act of stinging causes
个人觉得with结构要是成为dangling结构的话,一般会夹杂在两个句子之间。也就是造成既可以修饰前面,也可以造成修饰后面的现象,类似OG12中第3题的,Until 1900s,。 C:1)Result in是使sth.发生的意思2)主干是The honeybee's stinger...results in the fact..,根据主干得出是 stinger导致了the fact;我觉得到这一步就可以解决掉C了。3)考虑到原文需要的是stinger的heavily barbed and staying where it is inserted这一特征导致了bee死亡 the fact的添加,应该如您所说的一样,属于wordy吧。等后面的大神解答。:) E:with the result that...这部分作The honeybee's stinger...这句的伴随状语。说明了前半句的整个事实导致了后面的发生。