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发表于 2012-11-29 17:35:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
题目: In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge.

The speaker states that one should focus on imagination more than knowledge in professions and academic fields. I fundamentally agree with the speaker’s statement. In my view, imagination but not knowledge can always make innovation when someone is doing research. It seems that much more important to focus on imagination when in most professions and academic.

Firstly and admittedly, most inventions are not based on the knowledge but on the imagination. Imagination is to the professions what heart to the body. With imagination, one can more easily succeed in academic fields. It seems that knowledge will sometimes limit one’s ability in a field that pre-knowledge has based. Knowledge can largely restrict one’s imagination and make him lack of creativity. For an example, Wright brothers liked flight when they were young. The time when Wright brothers came to invent plane is not they had much knowledge. They invented plane just basing on their imagination but not on much knowledge. Undoubtedly, imagination made them succeed. On the other hand, imagination benefits you more than knowledge when you focus on professions and academic fields.
On the other hand, imagination could help you better to remember the knowledge and utilize them in academic fields even enlarge them to a new fields. Nowadays, people seem to fail to take into account the importance of imagination but focus more on knowledge which made them hard to remember the uncountable knowledge. They start to be tired of learning new knowledge and lose the interests in academic fields. In fact, imagination not only can help to remember the knowledge but also can help you make more innovations when you are doing your research. Thus, imagination plays an important role in the professions and academic fields which can not replace by knowledge.
However, knowledge can not be ignored in the academic fields for it is the basement and the indispensable element in the research. Without knowledge, imagination seems to be the illusion in any academic fields which establish on the solid basement of knowledge. For an example, Apple’s products are the indispensable electric products in modern lives. But the fascinating products invented by Steve Jobs not only because of his surmounting the average man’s imagination, but also his deep research of electric knowledge. Admittedly, knowledge can not be ignored in academic fields even if how your imagination is superior others.
In the final analysis, there is no doubt that imagination plays an important role that is irreplaceable in the professions and academic field. It is thoroughly not only because of it can help you better understand the knowledge but also it can help you easily create an innovation. Besides, if you want to succeed in your academic fields, the importance of knowledge which is the basement of everything can not be ignored before you are ready to do your research although imagination seems more important.
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发表于 2012-11-29 23:31:01 | 只看该作者
The speaker states that one should focus onimagination more than knowledge in professions and academic fields. Ifundamentally agree with the speaker’s statement. In my view, imagination butnot knowledge can always make innovation when someone is doing research. Itseems that much more important to focus on imagination when in most professionsand academic.
Firstly and前面两次完全没必要 admittedly, mostinventions are not based on the knowledge but on the imagination. Imaginationis to the professions what heart to the body. With imagination, one can moreeasily succeed in academic fields. It seems that knowledge will sometimes limitone’s ability in a field that pre-knowledge has based. Knowledge can largelyrestrict one’s imagination and make him lack of creativity. For an example,Wright brothers liked flight when they were young. The time when Wrightbrothers came to invent plane is not they had much knowledge. Theyinvented plane just basing on their imagination but not on much knowledge.Undoubtedly, imagination made them succeed. 你这么分析这个例子是很欠妥当的,如果没有只是的积累和前人的经验积累,仅靠想象力是不可能的,你自己也是知道的,想象力最终实现还是要依赖于知识和技术。所以建议举例子的最好对例子有很好的了解,不然为了例子而举例子,只会破坏你的逻辑性Onthe other hand, imagination benefits you more than knowledge when you focus onprofessions and academic fields.
On the other hand, imagination could help you better toremember the knowledge and utilize them in academic fields even enlarge them toa new fields. Nowadays, people seem to fail to take into account the importanceof imagination but focus more on knowledge which made them hard to remember theuncountable knowledge. They start to be tired of learning new knowledge andlose the interests in academic fields. In fact, imagination not only can helpto remember the knowledge but also can help you make more innovations when youare doing your research. Thus, imagination plays an important role in theprofessions and academic fields which can not replace by knowledge.我建议一段里面不要同时说两个点,说一个并且说清楚具体就很好了,两个纠结到一起,看起来内容多了,看的人就纠结了。
However, knowledge can not be ignored in the academicfields for it is the basement and the indispensable element in theresearch. Without knowledge, imagination seems to be the illusion in anyacademic fields which establish on the solid basement of knowledge. For anexample, Apple’s products are the indispensable electricproducts in modern lives. But the fascinating products invented by Steve Jobsnot only because of his surmounting the average man’s imagination, but also hisdeep research of electric knowledge. Admittedly, knowledge can not be ignoredin academic fields even if how your imagination is superior others.
In the final analysis, there is no doubt that imaginationplays an important role that is irreplaceable in the professions and academicfield. It is thoroughly not only because of it can help you better understandthe knowledge but also it can help you easily create an innovation. Besides, ifyou want to succeed in your academic fields, the importance of knowledge whichis the basement of everything can not be ignored before you are ready to doyour research although imagination seems more important.
发表于 2012-11-29 23:32:22 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-30 10:50:17 | 只看该作者
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