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- 2011-10-18
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- 1970-1-1
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Since the First Industry Revolution, theunscrupulous looting of naturalresources and destruction of other species' habitats by human race hasjeopardized the survival ofendangered species. The speaker claims that human are supposed to only rescueendangered species whose potential extinction is attributable to humanactivities. While I concede there exist several problems concerning saving more endangeredspecies, the speaker's statement is problematic in both providing an invalidstandard and neglecting the potentially counterproductive influences.
Commendably, preventing endangered wildlife,whose extinction is not the consequences of human wrongdoings, from extinction mightarise some vital problems thatthe public are concerned about. Firstly, every year hundreds of speciesextinct. Saving all species, which are at the brink of extinction, demands atremendous amount of money, is inevitably to lead to huge financial pressure.The government and other institutions will not possess sufficient funding tosupport other significant issues, such as ameliorating public transportationsystem, enhancing the quality of primary education, because of the overload offinancial budget. Secondly, during the process of natural selection, it's an irreversible natural principle thatseveral species is doomed to confront extinction. As limited as the power ofhuman-kind, no matter how much efforts the society put into, human still cannot preclude every endangered speciesfrom disappearing forever.
However, the interplay between a mass ofspecies is so marvelous and mysterious, which make it impossible for people toaccurately这里缺一词儿 whether humanactivities has threatened theexistence of a certain species. For instance, increasing emission of carbondioxide, accompanied by the remarkable development of modern industry, hasresulted in global warming, which completely changes the living environment ofmany species. The drastic climate change has madethe formerly optimal environment of some species no longer appropriate to theirsurvival. If we apply the speaker's recommendation, we should investigate at first which species suffer from the climate change. Butthe predicament lies in that the influence of global warmingis so immeasurable that we cannot affirm how many species are prone to extinctdue to the carbon dioxide emissions. On the basis of the demonstration above,we can state that the speaker's prerequisite, the human activities, is not avalid criterion to determine whether endangered specie shouldbe preserved or not.
Furthermore, the society should save severalspecies, which are blessed with massive research values, from extinction.Endangered species play a crucial role on many academic fields,especially on pharmacy, biology and history study. They serve as the raw materials ofmedical research and the living evidence of prehistoric study. To illustrate,people now are capable of extracting precious substance against fatal diseases,such as throat cancer and HIV, from endangered herbs. If we do not rescue thesespecies, we will absolutely miss a significant opportunity to discover analternative evolutional treatment to throat cancer and HIV. Thus, even if the society cannot protect all endanger species, we can at leastpreserve the endanger species, which are beneficent to the general welfare ofhuman civilization.
Conclusively, saving endanger species is arational choice rather than a slapdash decision made by a spark of nerve impulse. The society areobliged to establish a more comprehensive and complete evaluating system torescue valuable endangered species as many aspossible, instead of merely grounded on the so-called human activities as astandard to judge whether an endangered species deserves protection. |