60. (27602-!-item-!-188;#058&003606)
Pioneered by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, BEAM robots are not programmed to
walk; instead they use brainlike circuits called neural networks to learn to walk through trial and
(A) BEAM robots are not programmed to walk; instead they use brainlike circuits called neural
networks to learn to walk through trial and error
(B) BEAM robots learn to walk through trial and error by using brainlike circuits called neural
networks instead of by programming them
(C) BEAM robots are not being programmed to walk but instead using brainlike circuits called
neural networks and learning to walk through trial and error
(D) brainlike circuits called neural networks are used instead of programming for BEAM robots learning to walk through trial and error
(E) brainlike circuits called neural networks are being used for BEAM robots that learn to walk through trial and error instead of being programmed
答案选A我没有异议啊,就是B的解释啊我很费解啊。。。(估计是晚上脑子转不过来了但是我还是急切的想知道。。)语法笔记上说B选项“B. Instead of by programming them的主语为BEAM robots,机器人自己不能为自己编程,该句逻辑含义不通”。这里这个them是指robots么,如果是的话是不是属于神马代词优先回指主语。。。为啥不说是指brainlike circuits呢。。。by using brainlike circuits called.....instead of by programming them.... 我纠结啊。。。谁来帮帮我。。。 单调哥。。。小卡。。。饭饭。。我可以呼叫baby姐姐么=。= |