For many years, Benjamin Quarles' seminal account of the participation of African Americans in the American Revolution has remained the standard work in the field. According to Quarles, the outcome of this conflict was mixed for African American slaves who enlisted in Britain's fight against its rebellious American colonies in return for the promise of freedom: the British treacherously resold many into slavery in the West Indies, while others obtained freedom in Canada and Africa. Building on Quarles' analysis of the latter group, Sylvia Frey studied the former slaves who emigrated to British colonies in Canada. According to Frey, these refugees -- the most successful of the African American Revolutionary War participants -- viewed themselves as the ideological heirs of the American Revolution. Frey sees this inheritances reflected in their demands for the same rights that the American revolutionaries had demanded from the British: land ownership, limits to arbitrary authority and burdensome taxes, and freedom of religion.
10.Which of the following is most analogous to the relationship between the African American Revolutionary War participants who settled in Canada after the American Revolution and the American revolutionaries, as that relationship is described in the passage? (A) A brilliant pupil of a great musician rebels against the teacher, but adopts the teacher's musical style after the teacher's unexpected death. (B) Two warring rulers finally make peace after a lifetime of strife when they realize that they have been duped by a common enemy. (C) A child who has sided with a domineering parent against a defiant sibling later makes demands of the parent similar to those once made by the sibling. (D) A writer spends much of her life popularizing the work of her mentor, only to discover late in life that much of the older writer's work is plagiarized from the writings of a foreign contemporary. (E) Two research scientists spend much of their careers working together toward a common goal, but later quarrel over which of them should receive credit for the training of a promising student.
文章讲的是African Americans,他们帮助英国打仗,打压美国的独立。但是这是为了自己的自由(in return for the promise of freedom) C选项同样也是,先帮助打压,但是也具有相同的要求(demands similar to ) 个人认为,这个前后实际上是ETS出题的败笔,C选项的前后变化和文章的叙述并不一致,只是这种“帮助又反抗”的关系,更相似
文章讲的是African Americans,他们帮助英国打仗,打压美国的独立。但是这是为了自己的自由(in return for the promise of freedom) C选项同样也是,先帮助打压,但是也具有相同的要求(demands similar to ) 个人认为,这个前后实际上是ETS出题的败笔,C选项的前后变化和文章的叙述并不一致,只是这种“帮助又反抗”的关系,更相似
AA帮助英国人打美国人,就是为了获得自己的自由(即迁到加拿大等英国的殖民地云云,这个是英国给他们的承诺“ for the promise of freedom”)。这个在上面已经讲了 至于这个ideological heirs,原文最后一句已经做了解释,“因为AA所渴求的,就是独立战争中美国所追求的东西,这2者是一致的,所以AA把自己也看做是独立战争的ideological heirs”