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发表于 2011-6-18 11:35:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The financial crash of October 1987 demonstrated that the world’s capital markets are more closely integrated than ever before and that events in one part of the global village may be transmitted to the rest of thevillage—almost instantaneously.
这是正确句子,我感觉划线部分是不是要在than 和 ever before之间加个表示时间的词have been(例如下句的did),毕竟ever before和前面表示的时态是不一样的,不可以共用谓语are的吧。不过在网上查的例句都是than ever before,是不是这是固定的用法?

As a result of the continuing decline in the birth rate, fewer people will enterthe labor force in the 1980’s thanitdid in the 1960’s and 1970’s, atwenty-year period during which people born after thewar swelled the ranks of workers.


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发表于 2011-6-18 12:25:56 | 只看该作者


open to discuss
发表于 2011-6-18 17:23:41 | 只看该作者
不用补。因为省略原则中只提到 如果主语相同,谓语是be则可以省略。说明时态无碍。另,即便要补也不能补 have been...注意时间背景是1987。。。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-18 20:46:57 | 只看该作者


open to discuss
-- by 会员 若雪 (2011/6/18 12:25:56)

谢谢你!prep08上 212题补充说明:

2.  asthan引导比较从句中的省略原则----form 白勇语法
1)      比较从句谓语与主句谓语相同,可用dodiddoes代替。
2)      比较从句连系动词be与主句连系动词be相同,可以省略be,也可以不省略。
3)      主语谓语动词短语使用“助动词(如havehashadwill)或情态动词(cancouldmayshould+verb”形式时,比较从句往往省略verb,保留助动词或情态动词。
4)      比较从句的主语和谓语与主句的主语和谓语相同时,可以全部省去,常常保留做状语的介词短语或状语从句。(than when…….
5)      比较从句的主语与主句主语相同,可以省略。
10.A large rise in the number of housing starts inthe coming year should boost new construction dollars by several billiondollars, making the construction industry’s economic health much morerobust than five years ago.
(A) making theconstruction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(B) and make theconstruction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(C) making theconstruction industry’s economic health much more robust than it was fiveyears ago
(D) to make theconstruction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(E) in making theconstruction industry’s economic health much more robust than it as five yearsago
the key:C 有时间词出现,加it was表示时态的存在性

22.A recent national study of the public schoolsshows that there are now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils,four times as many than there were four years ago.
(A) there are now onemicrocomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were
(B) there is now onemicrocomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were
(C) there is now onemicrocomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many as there were
(D) every thirty-twopupils now have one microcomputer, four times as many than there were
(E) every thirty-twopupils now has one microcomputer, four times as many as
the key:C
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-18 20:48:51 | 只看该作者
不用补。因为省略原则中只提到 如果主语相同,谓语是be则可以省略。说明时态无碍。另,即便要补也不能补 have been...注意时间背景是1987。。。
-- by 会员 lonelyorchid (2011/6/18 17:23:41)

比较的是在that从句之后的,of 1987不会对时态造成影响,不然句子中的the world’s capital markets are more closely integrated 就必须改成were了
发表于 2011-6-19 02:09:55 | 只看该作者


open to discuss
-- by 会员 若雪 (2011/6/18 12:25:56)

谢谢你!prep08上 212题补充说明:

2.  asthan引导比较从句中的省略原则----form 白勇语法
1)      比较从句谓语与主句谓语相同,可用dodiddoes代替。
2)      比较从句连系动词be与主句连系动词be相同,可以省略be,也可以不省略。
3)      主语谓语动词短语使用“助动词(如havehashadwill)或情态动词(cancouldmayshould+verb”形式时,比较从句往往省略verb,保留助动词或情态动词。
4)      比较从句的主语和谓语与主句的主语和谓语相同时,可以全部省去,常常保留做状语的介词短语或状语从句。(than when…….
5)      比较从句的主语与主句主语相同,可以省略。
10.A large rise in the number of housing starts inthe coming year should boost new construction dollars by several billiondollars, making the construction industry’s economic health much morerobust than five years ago.
(A) making theconstruction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(B) and make theconstruction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(C) making theconstruction industry’s economic health much more robust than it was fiveyears ago
(D) to make theconstruction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(E) in making theconstruction industry’s economic health much more robust than it as five yearsago
the key:C 有时间词出现,加it was表示时态的存在性

这边是make的宾语比较,如果不补出it was容易造成歧义到底是economic health在比还是句子开头的a large rise(make...的主语)在比
22.A recent national study of the public schoolsshows that there are now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils,four times as many than there were four years ago.
(A) there are now onemicrocomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were
(B) there is now onemicrocomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were
(C) there is now onemicrocomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many as there were
(D) every thirty-twopupils now have one microcomputer, four times as many than there were
(E) every thirty-twopupils now has one microcomputer, four times as many as
the key:C

这道题很明显是主语比较,如果没有there were的话很容易造成one microcomputer和every thirty-two pupils的歧义

LZ提出的这道题的原句里面就只有world's capital markets主语的比较。。而且是自己和以前的自己比,没有其他比较对象。。无歧义
-- by 会员 chasekai (2011/6/18 20:46:57)

发表于 2011-6-19 11:17:35 | 只看该作者
不用补。因为省略原则中只提到 如果主语相同,谓语是be则可以省略。说明时态无碍。另,即便要补也不能补 have been...注意时间背景是1987。。。
-- by 会员 lonelyorchid (2011/6/18 17:23:41)

比较的是在that从句之后的,of 1987不会对时态造成影响,不然句子中的the world’s capital markets are more closely integrated 就必须改成were了
-- by 会员 chasekai (2011/6/18 20:48:51)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 13:50:22 | 只看该作者
1.      对主谓宾全的句型主语比较:A do sth thanB do.AB为对等名词,加do是为了显示这是一个可以发出动作的名词,因而确定是主语,进而确定是主语对比)。时态要据后定。There be 句型等同于一般的主谓宾俱全的句型。
As a result of the continuing decline in the birth rate, [fewer people]will enter the labor force [in the 1980’s]than (few people
省略)did [in the 1960’s and 1970’s], a twenty-year period during which people born after the war swelledthe ranks of workers.

2.      对只有主谓(如果主语有定语成分,必须要that/those来指代),没有宾语的句子,因为没有宾语,只可能有主语比较,因而不需要重复do来确认这是一个可发出动作的主语,所以其比较形式如下:
I eat faster than you.注意与下句区别 I eat apple faster than you do 如果写成 I eat apple fasterthan you GMAC的理解,从语法上就变成我吃苹果比吃你快,成了宾语比较。逻辑上显然不通。
3.      主系表结构的比较与主谓结构相同。如果时态不一致,则需补出助词,如:
The economy of Florida is more diversified than it was ten years ago
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 13:54:48 | 只看该作者
不用补。因为省略原则中只提到 如果主语相同,谓语是be则可以省略。说明时态无碍。另,即便要补也不能补 have been...注意时间背景是1987。。。
-- by 会员 lonelyorchid (2011/6/18 17:23:41)

比较的是在that从句之后的,of 1987不会对时态造成影响,不然句子中的the world’s capital markets are more closely integrated 就必须改成were了
-- by 会员 chasekai (2011/6/18 20:48:51)

-- by 会员 lonelyorchid (2011/6/19 11:17:35)

The financial crash of October 1987不是表示时间背景啊,只是说1987年的这个crash说明了一件事情。。。
发表于 2011-6-19 17:33:29 | 只看该作者
不用补。因为省略原则中只提到 如果主语相同,谓语是be则可以省略。说明时态无碍。另,即便要补也不能补 have been...注意时间背景是1987。。。
-- by 会员 lonelyorchid (2011/6/18 17:23:41)

比较的是在that从句之后的,of 1987不会对时态造成影响,不然句子中的the world’s capital markets are more closely integrated 就必须改成were了
-- by 会员 chasekai (2011/6/18 20:48:51)

-- by 会员 lonelyorchid (2011/6/19 11:17:35)

The financial crash of October 1987不是表示时间背景啊,只是说1987年的这个crash说明了一件事情。。。
-- by 会员 chasekai (2011/6/19 13:54:48)

所以我说不能用have been呀
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