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CKGSB hired three Chaired Professors from top US business schools including Colu

发表于 2011-5-10 09:36:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
孙宝红教授目前为长江商学院市场营销教授、杰出院长讲席教授。她在美国南加州大学获得博士学位。在加入长江商学院之前,曾任教于Carengie Mellon University, UC Berkeley, UNC Chapel Hill作为营销领域专家,曾任Carnegie Bosch讲席教授,Xerox研究讲席教授。孙宝红博士拥有丰富的公司咨询经验,服务过的公司包括PNC银行,Bell South,青岛啤酒和IBM公司等。她是《市场营销科学》和《市场营销学刊》等专业学术期刊编委会成员,并在包括芝加哥大学、沃顿商学院、康奈尔大学、加州大学伯克利分校、印弟安那大学等美国多所知名大学发表过演讲。此外,她还分别是美国市场营销学会和美国经济学委员会成员。


    Carnegie Bosch Chair Professor, CMU, 2009-present
    MBA George Leland Bach Teaching Award, CMU, 2006
    Faculty fellow for 2007 Doctoral Consortium, AMA, 2006
    Faculty fellow for 2006 Doctoral Consortium, AMA, 2006
    CART Research Frontier Award for Innovative Research, CMU, 2005
    Xerox Research Chair Professor, CMU, 2004-05
    Selected to Marketing Young Scholars Program, MSI, 2004
    MBA All Star Teaching Award, UNC, 2003
    MBA Master Teacher, UNC, 2003
    Academic Achievement Award, USC, 1995
    Academic Achievement Award, USC, 1993


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 09:37:20 | 只看该作者
王能博士是长江商学院金融学访问教授,同时也是哥伦比亚大学商学院金融学以及房地产讲席教授,以及美国国家经济研究院研究员.2002年获得斯坦福大学金融学博士学位。现任Finance Research Letters和Frontiers of Economics in China的共同主编以及Journal of Mathematical Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Management Science杂志副主编。在国际著名刊物如American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Review of Financial Studies等发表多篇论文。他曾在罗切斯特大学西蒙商学院任助理教授,美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院任访问教授。因其杰出的研究工作,获得了Journal of Finance Smith Breeden Prize,亚利桑那州立大学(ASU) Carr and Stephanie Bettis杰出金融学者奖, 欧洲公司管制协会( ECGI )Standard Life Investments Finance以及Caesarea Center Academic Conference IDC最佳论文等多个奖项。


?The Carr and Stephanie Distinguished Scholar Award, 2011, by W. P.Carey School, Arizona State University

?2009 Best Paper Award, the Caesarea Center 6th Annual Academic Conference
IDC, Herzliya, Israel, for "A unified theory of Tobin’s q, corporate investment, financing, and risk management," joint with Patrick Bolton and Hui Chen
?2008 Smith-Breeden Distinguished Paper Prize for the Journal of Finance,
"Agency Conflicts, Investment, and Asset Pricing," joint with Rui Albuquerque
?2008 Standard Life Investments Finance Prize for the best paper in European
Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) Finance Series awarded by ECGI,
"Agency Conflicts, Investment, and Asset Pricing," joint with Rui Albuquerque
?2005 FMA Competitive Paper Award Runner Up on Investments,
"Agency Conflicts, Investment, and Asset Pricing," joint with Rui Albuquerque
?Lang Entrepreneurship Center, Columbia Business School, 2005
?Jaedicke Merit Award, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 1998-99
?Larry Yung Asia Pacific Scholar, Stanford University, 1997-99
?Allison Award for the Highest Academic Achievement, IR/PS, UCSD, 1997

1."Dynamic agency and the q theory of investment," with Peter DeMarzo, Michael Fishman, and Zhiguo He, forthcoming, Journal of Finance
2."A unified theory of Tobin's q, corporate investment, financing, and risk management," with Patrick Bolton and Hui Chen, forthcoming, Journal of Finance
3."Risk, uncertainty, and option exercise," with Jianjun Miao, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35(4), 442-461, (2011)
4."Entrepreneurial finance and non-diversifiable risk," with Hui Chen and Jianjun Miao, Review of Financial Studies, 23(12), 4348-88, (2010)
5."Optimal consumption and asset allocation with unknown income growth," Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(4), 524-34, (2009)
6."Capital reallocation and growth," with Janice Eberly, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 99(2), 560-66, (2009)
7."Agency conflicts, investment, and asset pricing," with Rui Albuquerque, Journal of Finance, 63(1), 1-40, (2008) (lead article), Smith-Breeden Distinguished Paper Prize by the Journal of Finance
8."Investment, consumption, and hedging under incomplete markets," with Jianjun Miao, Journal of Financial Economics, 86(3), 608-642, (2007)
9."Investment under uncertainty with strategic debt service," with Suresh Sundaresan, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 97 (2), 256-261 (2007)
10."An equilibrium model of wealth distribution," Journal of Monetary Economics, 54 (7), 1882-1904 (2007)
11."Investment under uncertainty and time-inconsistent preferences," with Steven Grenadier, Journal of Financial Economics, 84 (1), 2-39, (2007) (lead article).
12."Generalizing the permanent-income hypothesis: Revisiting Friedman's conjecture on consumption," Journal of Monetary Economics, 53 (4), 737-52 (2006)
13."Investment timing, agency, and information," with Steven Grenadier, Journal of Financial Economics, 75 (3), 493-533, (2005) (lead article).
14."recautionary saving and partially observed income," Journal of Monetary Economics, 51 (8), 1645-1681, (2004)
15."Caballero meets Bewley: The permanent-income hypothesis in general equilibrium," American Economic Review 93 (3), 927-936, (2003)
16."Robust permanent income and pricing with filtering," with Lars Peter Hansen and Thomas J. Sargent, Macroeconomic Dynamics 6, 40-84, (2002)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 09:38:15 | 只看该作者
李海涛博士是长江商学院金融学访问教授,他同时是密歇根大学Stephen M. Ross School of Business ,Jack D.Sparks Whirlpool Corporation 金融学讲席教授。李海涛博士曾在康奈尔大学约汉逊管理学院任教。李海涛博士是耶鲁大学金融学博士。


?Sanford R. Robertson Professorship, University of Michigan, 2007-2008.
?NTT Research Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2006-2007.
?Nomination for Ph.D. Teaching Excellence Award, University of Michigan, 2006.
?Q-Group Research Grant, 2004.
?Best Student Paper Award, Eastern Finance Association, 1997.
?Trefftz Award for the Best Student Paper, Western Finance Association, 1996.
?Sterling Prize Fellowship, Yale University, 1991-1993.
?Yale University Fellowships, 1991-1996.

?Return Dynamics with Lévy Jumps: Evidence from Stock and Option Prices (with M. Wells and L. Yu), Mathematical Finance forthcoming.
?Investing in Talents: Manager Characteristics and Hedge Fund Performances (with R. Zhao and X. Zhang), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis forthcoming.
?Short Rate Dynamics and Regime Shifts (with Y. Xu), International Review of Finance forthcoming.
?Evaluating Asset Pricing Models Using the Second Hansen-Jagannathan Distance (with Y. Xu and X. Zhang), Journal of Financial Economics forthcoming.
?Nonparametric Estimation of State-Price Densities Implicit in Interest Rate Cap Prices (with F. Zhao), Review of Financial Studies forthcoming.
?Reduced-Form Valuation of Callable Corporate Bonds: Theory and Evidence (with R. Jarrow, S. Liu, and C. Wu), Journal of Financial Economics forthcoming.
?Are Liquidity and Information Risks Priced in the Treasury Bond Market? (with Y. He, J. Wang, and C. Wu), Journal of Finance forthcoming.
?A Tale of Two Yield Curves: Modeling the Joint Term Structure of Dollar and Euro Interest Rates (with A. Egorov and D. Ng) Journal of Econometrics forthcoming.
?A Bayesian Analysis of Return Dynamics with Lévy Jumps (with M. Wells and L. Yu), Review of Financial Studies 21, 2345-2378, 2008.
?Can the Random Walk Model be Beaten in Out-of-Sample Density Forecasts: Evidence from Intraday Foreign Exchange Rates (with Y. Hong and F. Zhao), Journal of Econometrics 141, 736-776, 2007.
?Interest Rate Caps "Smile" Too! But Can the LIBOR Market Models Capture Smile? (with R. Jarrow and F. Zhao), Journal of Finance 62, 345-382, 2007.
?Validating Forecasts of the Joint Probability Density of Bond Yields: Can Affine Models Beat Random Walk? (with A. Egorov and Y. Hong), Journal of Econometrics 135, 255-284, 2006.
?Unspanned Stochastic Volatility: Evidence from Hedging Interest Rate Derivatives (with F. Zhao), Journal of Finance 61, 341-378, 2006.
?Is Investor Misreaction Economically Significant? Evidence from Short- and Long-Term S& 500 Index Options (with C. Cao and F. Yu), Journal of Futures Markets 25, 717-752, 2005.
?Nonparametric Specification Testing for Continuous-Time Models with Applications to Term Structure of Interest Rates (with Y. Hong), Review of Financial Studies 18, 37-84, 2005.
?Out-of-Sample Performance of Discrete-Time Spot Interest Rate Models (with Y. Hong and F. Zhao), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 22, 457-473, 2004.
?Regulation FD and Earnings Information: Market, Analyst, and Corporate Responses (with W. Bailey, C. Mao, and R. Zhong), Journal of Finance 58, 2489-2516, 2003.
?Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Time-Inhomogeneous Diffusions (with A. Egorov and Y. Xu), Journal of Econometrics 114, 107-139, 2003.
?Corporate Use of Interest Rate Swaps: Theory and Evidence (with C. Mao), Journal of Banking and Finance 27, 1511-1538, 2003.
?Survival Bias and the Equity Premium Puzzle (with Y. Xu), Journal of Finance 57, 1981-1996, 2002.
?Pricing of Swaps with Default Risk, Review of Derivatives Research 2, 231-250, 1998.

Working Papers

?Hedge Fund Performance Evaluation: A Stochastic Discount Factor Approach (with W. Bailey and X. Zhang).
?Estimating Liquidity Premium of Corporate Bonds Using the Spread Information in On- and Off-the-Run Treasury Bonds (with J. Shi and C. Wu).
 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 09:39:50 | 只看该作者
Professor Sun visited CKGSB for 3 years before becoming a full time faculty at CKGSB.
发表于 2011-5-10 09:41:05 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 09:43:45 | 只看该作者
Professor Sun has taught EMBA, FMBA and MBA for years. professor wang has taught FMBA and will teach MBA. Professor Li will teach FMBA and MBA
发表于 2011-5-10 10:35:20 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 18:41:45 | 只看该作者
Recent hires in 2010-2011:

Accounting: Liu jing from ucla, professor. Phd Columbia. Vicki tang from Georgetown visiting associate professor, phd Michigan

Economics: li Wei from darden, professor, phd u of Michigan. Tian guoqiang from texas am, visiting professor, phd u of Minnesota

Finance: gan Jie from hkust/columbia, professor, phd mit, ouyang hui from unc/duke, professor, phd uc Berkeley, Chen long from wash u, professor, phd Toronto, liu tingjun from asu, assistant professor, phd, cmu, song zhongzhi, assistant professor, phd from ubc, li xiaoyang, assistant professor, phd michigan, Wang neng from Columbia, visiting professor, phd, Stanford. Li haitao from Michigan, visiting professor, phd Yale. Liu xiaolei, visiting assistant professor from hkust, phd, Rochester, Erica li, visiting assistant professor from Michigan, phd Rochester, Jennifer hung, visiting associate professor from Texas Austin, phd mit, Zhang hong visiting assistant professor from insead, phd Yale. He hua, professor of financial practice, from Yale/uc berkeley, phd mit.

Marketing, sun baohong from cmu, dean's distinguished chair professor, phd USC, Jack Chen from ubc visiting associate professor, phd u Minnesota,
Juliet zhu from ubc, visiting associate professor, phd u Minnesota, Tony cue, visiting assistant professor from u of minnesota, phd Wharton, guo liang, Visiting Assoiate Professor from HKUST, PHD, UC berkeley
 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-10 18:45:01 | 只看该作者

Wang heli from hkust, associate professor, phd Ohio state u
发表于 2011-5-10 19:44:35 | 只看该作者
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