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全球商学院Finance PhD Program研究排名

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发表于 2011-3-11 11:20:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
全球商学院Finance Department近十年 JF,JFE,RFS 发表paper数量,算是学术声望的Proxy,供申请PhD的朋友参考

1    148    USA    New York University (Leonard N. Stern School of Business)
2    142    USA    University of Chicago (Booth School of Business)
3    121    USA    University of Pennsylvania (The Wharton School)
4    119    USA    Harvard University (Harvard Business School)
5    99    USA    University of California at Los Angeles (Anderson School of Management)
6    97    USA    Columbia University (Graduate School of Business)
7    95    USA    Duke University (The Fuqua School of Business)
8    86    USA    University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (Ross School of Business)
9    78    USA    Stanford University (Graduate School of Business)
10    78    UK    London Business School
11    78    USA    University of Texas at Austin (McCombs School of Business)
12    74    USA    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan School of Management)
13    72    USA    Northwestern University (Kellogg School of Management)
14    65    USA    Ohio State University (Fisher College of Business)
15    64    USA    University of Maryland at College Park (Robert H. Smith School of Business)
16    61    USA    Cornell University (Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management)
17    59    USA    University of California at Berkeley (Walter A. Haas School of Business)
18    59    USA    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler Business School)
19    53    USA    Boston College (Carroll School of Management)
20    53    USA    Emory University (Goizueta Business School)
21    50    USA    University of Southern California (Marshall School of Business)
22    48    China    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
23    47    USA    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (College of Business)
24    47    USA    Washington University at St. Louis (Olin School of Business)
25    45    USA    Yale University (School of Management)
26    42    USA    University of Utah (David Eccles School of Business)
27    38    FRANCE    INSEAD
28    37    USA    Indiana University at Bloomington (Kelley School of Business)
29    36    USA    University of Washington at Seattle (Michael G. Foster School of Business)
30    36    USA    Arizona State University (W.P. Carey School of Business)
31    33    USA    University of Notre Dame (Mendoza College of Business)
32    33    USA    Dartmouth College (Tuck School of Business)
33    32    USA    ennsylvania State University at University Park (Smeal College of Business)
34    32    USA    urdue University (Krannert Graduate School of Management)
35    32    USA    Michigan State University (The Eli Broad College of Business)
36    31    Canada    University of British Columbia (Sauder School of Business)
37    31    UK    CEPR
38    30    Canada    University of Toronto (Joseph L. Rotman School of Management)
39    29    USA    University of Minnesota at Twin Cities (Carlson School of Management)
40    29    USA    Rice University (Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management)
41    29    USA    University of Georgia (Terry College of Business)
42    29    NL    Tilburg University (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration)
43    28    USA    University of Florida (Warrington College of Business)
44    28    USA    University of Rochester (William E. Simon Graduate School of Business)
45    27    USA    Tulane University (A. B. Freeman School of Business)
46    26    USA    Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper School of Business)
47    26    Canada    McGill University (Desautels Faculty of Management)
48    25    USA    Georgetown University (The McDonough School of Business)
49    25    UK    Oxford University (Said Business School)
50    24    USA    "City University of New York, Baruch College (Zicklin School of Business)"
51    24    USA    Texas A&M University at College Station (Mays Business School)
52    24    USA    University of Arizona (Eller College of Management)
53    23    USA    University of Wisconsin at Madison (Wisconsin School of Business)
54    23    USA    Vanderbilt University (Owen Graduate School of Management)
55    23    France    HEC France
56    22    USA    Southern Methodist University (Edwin L. Cox School of Business)
57    20    USA    University of California at Irvine (Paul Merage School of Business)
58    19    USA    University of Houston (C.T. Bauer College of Business)
59    19    USA    Rutgers University at New Brunswick and Newark (Rutgers Business School)
60    19    USA    Georgia State University (J. Mack Robinson School of Business)
61    18    USA    University of Iowa (Henry B. Tippie College of Business)
62    18    USA    "University of Virginia, Darden (Darden Graduate School of Business Administration)"
63    18    USA    Virginia Polytechnic Institute of Technology and State University (Pamplin College of Business)
64    17    Sw    University of Lausanne ( Faculty of Business & Economics)
65    17    USA    University of California at Davis (Graduate School of Management)
66    17    USA    Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge (E.J. Ourso College of Business Administration)
67    17    USA    Boston University (School of Management)
68    17    USA    University of South Carolina at Columbia (Moore School of Business)
69    17    USA    University of Texas at Dallas (School of Management)
70    16    USA    University of Oregon (Charles H. Lundquist College of Business)
71    16    Sg    Singapore Management University (Lee Kong Chian School of Business)
72    15    USA    University of Delaware (Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics)
73    15    USA    Case Western Reserve University (Weatherhead School of Management)
74    15    USA    "University of Virginia, McIntire (McIntire School of Commerce)"
75    14    USA    Brigham Young University (Marriott School of Management)
76    14    Canada    University of Alberta (School of Business)
77    14    Korea    Korea University ( )
78    13    USA    University of Miami (School of Business Administration)
79    13    Sg    Nanyang Technological University (Nanyang Business School)
80    13    USA    Georgia Institute of Technology (College of Management)
81    13    USA    "University of Missouri at Columbia (Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of Business)"
82    13    Sg    National University of Singapore (Business School)
83    12    USA    University of Pittsburgh (The Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business)
84    12    USA    University of Colorado at Boulder (Leeds School of Business)
85    12    USA    Drexel University (Bennett S. LeBow College of Business)
86    12    NL    University of Amsterdam ( )
87    11    USA    American University (Kogod School of Business)
88    11    USA    University of California at San Diego (School of Management)
89    11    Israel    Hebrew University of Jerusalem ( )
90    11    USA    George Mason University (School of Management)
91    11    China    Chinese University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Business Administration)
92    10    USA    Babson College ( )
93    10    China    City University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Business)
94    9    Norway    Norwegian School of Management ( )
95    8    China    Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Graduate School of Business)
96    8    USA    Texas Christian University (Neeley School of Business)
97    8    USA    Bentley College ( )
98    7    Canada    University of Western Ontario (Richard Ivey School of Business)
99    6    USA    University of Illinois at Chicago (College of Business Administration)
100    6    Spain    Universitat Pompeu Fabra ( )
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发表于 2011-3-11 12:28:35 | 只看该作者

请问LZ这个排名是哪里来的?另外我觉得各个排名都有自己的局限性,像这个排名的话没有考虑到各个学校finance department的size。Stern明显要比其他finance department大不少,这样这个排名就会favor Stern(though Stern is still fantastic and arguably top 5 overall)。所以如果有个排名能control such idiosyncratic effects就更好了。

其他同学有不同意见的可以讨论讨论!毕竟finance department的学术排名太少了。对了,我看到过一个排名,供大家参考:
发表于 2011-3-11 12:39:19 | 只看该作者

请问LZ这个排名是哪里来的?另外我觉得各个排名都有自己的局限性,像这个排名的话没有考虑到各个学校finance department的size。Stern明显要比其他finance department大不少,这样这个排名就会favor Stern(though Stern is still fantastic and arguably top 5 overall)。所以如果有个排名能control such idiosyncratic effects就更好了。

其他同学有不同意见的可以讨论讨论!毕竟finance department的学术排名太少了。对了,我看到过一个排名,供大家参考:
-- by 会员 howardzou (2011/3/11 12:28:35)

发表于 2011-3-11 12:43:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-3-11 12:46:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-3-11 13:44:45 | 只看该作者

1 University of Chicago (Booth School of Business) 95 56.03 USA
2 Harvard University (Harvard Business School) 89 55.33 USA
3 New York University (Leonard N. Stern School of Business) 95 50.96 USA
4 University of Pennsylvania (The Wharton School) 78 45.83 USA
5 University of California at Los Angeles (Anderson School of Management) 63 38.58 USA
6 Columbia University (Graduate School of Business) 62 33.95 USA
7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan School of Management) 53 31.00 USA
8 Duke University (The Fuqua School of Business) 63 30.93 USA
9 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (Ross School of Business) 55 28.16 USA
10 Stanford University (Graduate School of Business) 50 27.23 USA
11 London Business School  46 27.16 United Kingdom
12 University of Texas at Austin (McCombs School of Business) 51 25.20 USA
13 Northwestern University (Kellogg School of Management) 49 23.43 USA
14 University of Maryland at College Park (Robert H. Smith School of Business) 40 22.58 USA
15 University of California at Berkeley (Walter A. Haas School of Business) 36 21.20 USA
16 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (College of Business) 31 20.91 USA
17 Emory University (Goizueta Business School) 42 20.75 USA
18 Ohio State University (Fisher College of Business) 46 20.35 USA
19 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler Business School) 40 19.50 USA
20 Boston College (Carroll School of Management) 38 19.41 USA
21 Cornell University (Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management) 43 19.33 USA
22 University of Southern California (Marshall School of Business) 33 19.25 USA
23 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology  36 18.53 China
24 University of Notre Dame (Mendoza College of Business) 26 18.16 USA
25 University of Utah (David Eccles School of Business) 33 16.78 USA
26 Washington University at St. Louis (Olin School of Business) 29 16.75 USA
27 University of Washington at Seattle (Michael G. Foster School of Business) 29 15.91 USA
28 INSEAD  19 14.16 FRANCE
29 Dartmouth College (Tuck School of Business) 24 13.91 USA
30 Purdue University (Krannert Graduate School of Management) 26 13.75 USA
31 Indiana University at Bloomington (Kelley School of Business) 26 13.58 USA
31 Pennsylvania State University at University Park (Smeal College of Business) 23 13.58 USA
33 Arizona State University (W.P. Carey School of Business) 26 12.41 USA
34 University of Toronto (Joseph L. Rotman School of Management) 24 11.70 Canada
35 University of Rochester (William E. Simon Graduate School of Business) 19 11.50 USA
36 Yale University (School of Management) 23 11.00 USA
37 University of British Columbia (Sauder School of Business) 18 10.75 Canada
38 Tilburg University (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) 23 10.58 The Netherlands
38 City University of New York, Baruch College (Zicklin School of Business) 20 10.58 USA
40 Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper School of Business) 16 10.00 USA
41 Vanderbilt University (Owen Graduate School of Management) 17 9.91 USA
42 McGill University (Desautels Faculty of Management) 18 9.83 Canada
43 Michigan State University (The Eli Broad College of Business) 17 9.75 USA
44 Rice University (Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management) 18 9.50 USA
45 University of Florida (Warrington College of Business) 17 9.41 USA
46 Tulane University (A. B. Freeman School of Business) 18 9.20 USA
47 CEPR  21 9.11 United Kingdom
48 University of Minnesota at Twin Cities (Carlson School of Management) 19 8.75 USA
48 University of Georgia (Terry College of Business) 19 8.75 USA
50 University of California at Irvine (Paul Merage School of Business) 15 8.25 USA
51 Oxford University (Said Business School) 16 8.16 United Kingdom
52 Georgetown University (The McDonough School of Business) 16 7.90 USA
53 Texas A&M University at College Station (Mays Business School) 15 7.75 USA
54 University of Delaware (Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics) 15 7.50 USA
55 University of Wisconsin at Madison (Wisconsin School of Business) 12 7.33 USA
56 University of Arizona (Eller College of Management) 16 7.16 USA
57 HEC France  14 7.00 France
58 University of Iowa (Henry B. Tippie College of Business) 11 6.91 USA
59 University of Oregon (Charles H. Lundquist College of Business) 11 6.83 USA
60 University of Pittsburgh (The Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business) 12 6.75 USA
61 University of Miami (School of Business Administration) 12 6.33 USA
62 Southern Methodist University (Edwin L. Cox School of Business) 15 6.28 USA
63 Drexel University (Bennett S. LeBow College of Business) 12 6.00 USA
64 Rutgers University at New Brunswick and Newark (Rutgers Business School) 13 5.86 USA
65 Nanyang Technological University (Nanyang Business School) 11 5.83 Singapore
66 Georgia State University (J. Mack Robinson School of Business) 13 5.75 USA
67 Brigham Young University (Marriott School of Management) 9 5.50 USA
68 Virginia Polytechnic Institute of Technology and State University (Pamplin College of Business) 14 5.41 USA
69 University of Virginia, McIntire (McIntire School of Commerce) 13 5.28 USA
70 Case Western Reserve University (Weatherhead School of Management) 10 5.25 USA
71 University of South Carolina at Columbia (Moore School of Business) 11 5.20 USA
72 Georgia Institute of Technology (College of Management) 10 5.16 USA
73 National University of Singapore (Business School) 10 4.58 Singapore
73 University of Virginia, Darden (Darden Graduate School of Business Administration) 9 4.58 USA
75 University of Lausanne ( Faculty of Business & Economics) 10 4.50 Switzerland
75 University of Missouri at Columbia (Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of Business) 10 4.50 USA
77 University of Alberta (School of Business) 9 4.33 Canada
78 University of Texas at Dallas (School of Management) 12 4.28 USA
79 City University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Business) 10 4.16 China
79 Texas Christian University (Neeley School of Business) 7 4.16 USA
79 Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Graduate School of Business) 7 4.16 China
82 Fordham University ( ) 12 4.11 USA
83 George Mason University (School of Management) 9 4.08 USA
83 University of Amsterdam ( ) 10 4.08 The Netherlands
83 Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge (E.J. Ourso College of Business Administration) 10 4.08 USA
83 Singapore Management University (Lee Kong Chian School of Business) 9 4.08 Singapore
83 University of Houston (C.T. Bauer College of Business) 8 4.08 USA
88 Korea University ( ) 8 3.83 Korea
88 Bentley College ( ) 7 3.83 USA
90 University of Connecticut (School of Business) 5 3.66 USA
91 American University (Kogod School of Business) 8 3.58 USA
91 University of California at Davis (Graduate School of Management) 8 3.58 USA
93 University of Colorado at Boulder (Leeds School of Business) 6 3.45 USA
94 Centre for Economic Policy Research  7 3.41 United Kingdom
95 Boston University (School of Management) 8 3.33 USA
95 Lancaster University ( ) 7 3.33 United Kingdom
95 Norwegian School of Management ( ) 7 3.33 Norway
98 University of Cincinnati (College of Business) 6 3.16 USA
99 Imperial College ( )

没有考虑到各个学校finance department的size。以Stern和MIT为例,Stern 金融FULL-TIME FACULTY 48人,MIT金融FACULTY在去年重建前只有它三分之一,不过现在扩展到34人了。
发表于 2011-3-11 16:59:17 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 金融 (2011/3/11 12:46:28)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-11 22:15:42 | 只看该作者

请问LZ这个排名是哪里来的?另外我觉得各个排名都有自己的局限性,像这个排名的话没有考虑到各个学校finance department的size。Stern明显要比其他finance department大不少,这样这个排名就会favor Stern(though Stern is still fantastic and arguably top 5 overall)。所以如果有个排名能control such idiosyncratic effects就更好了。

其他同学有不同意见的可以讨论讨论!毕竟finance department的学术排名太少了。对了,我看到过一个排名,供大家参考:
-- by 会员 howardzou (2011/3/11 12:28:35)

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