The computer company's present troubles are a result of technological stagnation, marketing missteps, and managerial blunders so that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct it.
正确答案---that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct
我选择的答案--so that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct
OG说最后的结构是作为managerial blunders的定语从句,但我觉得不是要以原句的逻辑为准吗?而且前面说company现在有这些troubles,所以(so that)这些attempts会failed,也说得通啊,,,,,还有attempts在这里作名词,不表动作,用to do不合适吧?attempts at doing哪里错了呢??? 哪位NN能帮我解答一下啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
作名词的情况 attempt (to do sth/at doing sth) ~ (at sth) ~ (on sth) so that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct这个选项so that 之后SVO不完整,OG上好像也是这么解释的