最近纠结很久,想问一下,我大一第一学期有一门Composition for English language Learners挂了,不过这是一门Pass/Fail的课程不影响GPA,重修过了而且其高阶课程我拿了个A,然后我后几个学期gpa都是不断增长(大三下拿到个满绩点),雅思7,GMAT710,两个都还在刷
Thank you! If there is an Optional essay, then yes, I would address the transcript issue. In terms of schools, what degree are you seeking? Generally, you want to apply to a diverse set of schools, not simply top-ranked ones, since your GMAT is 710 and you come from an extremely competitive applicant pool.
Thank you! If there is an Optional essay, then yes, I would address the transcript issue. In terms of schools, what degree are you seeking? Generally, you want to apply to a diverse set of schools, not simply top-ranked ones, since your GMAT is 710 and you come from an extremely competitive applicant pool.