欧洲管理与工程学院(ESMT)由25个全球领先的公司于2002年10月成立,地点在德国柏林。所有学位课程均以英语授课。 网站:https://www.esmt.org Rankings:https://www.esmt.org/school-networks/about-esmt/accreditations-and-rankings/rankings#business-schools_
德国ESMT MBA项目分享会
日期:8月25日(星期四) 时间:19:00-21:00 地点:北京德国中心北京市朝阳区东方东路19号DRC亮马桥外交办公大楼D1座1101A室 活动流程 19:00 -19:45: School and programpresentation
19:45 - 20:30: Strategy lecture by Prof. XuLi
20:30 - 21:00: Networking drinks with ESMTstaff, faculty and alumni
The lecture will provide insights intoProfessor Li's research on innovation and technological change and showcase theteaching style at ESMT's prestigious Master's in Management and MBA programs.
Xu Li is an assistant professor of strategyat ESMT European School of Management and Technology. Xu joined ESMT inSeptember 2015 from London Business School, where he received his PhD instrategy and entrepreneurship. In 2012, he was a visiting PhD in management atthe Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is the recipient of the DIIEPhD Stipend Award of Deloitte Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship andthe Fellowship for Doctoral Students of London Business School. Prof. Lireceived his master’s degrees from Columbia University and Carnegie MellonUniversity.