the laws of EU and within EU members should be each clear, up to date, all work well together. (句意大概就是欧盟的法条每条都要清晰,及时,有放一起很和谐)
A 如题 B each up to date, all work together well C be up to date, and they should work well together D ? E ?
请问在这道题里,work well together中well的位置是否会引起歧义?
Version 1. by首席爱你
After researching for 2 months, she found herselfmuch farther than she had expected
B found that she was much further than she had expeected by then
C found that she was much further than she had expeected at that time
D discovered that was much further than she had expeected by then 大概类似的选项吧
请问这道题中BC中BY THEN和 at that time哪个比较合适?我知道宾从不能省that,discovered语义不妥,C选项中的that好像无所指,B中的by then感觉怪怪的