Although the first pulsar, or rapidly spinningcollapsed star, to be sighted was in the summer of 1967 by graduate studentJocelyn Bell, it had not been announced until February, 1968. A Althoughthe first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was in thesummer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, it had not been announceduntil February, 1968. B Althoughnot announced until February, 1968, in the summer of 1967 graduate studentJocelyn Bell observed the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, tobe sighted. C Althoughobserved by graduate student Jocelyn Bell in the summer of 1967, the discoveryof the first sighted pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, had not beenannounced before February, 1968. D Thefirst pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was observed inthe summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, but the discovery was notannounced until February, 1968. E Thefirst sighted pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, was not announceduntil February, 1968, while it was observed in the summer of 1967 by graduatestudent Jocelyn Bell. 这道题的正确选项是D,但是我在D里发现了一个问题,to be sighted 和was discovered难道不是重复了吗?求大神指点~