美国西点军校(The United States Military Academy at West Point)建于1802年,是美国历史最悠久的军事学院之一。西点军校校训为职责(Duty)、荣誉(Honor)、国家(Country),曾为美国培养出3700多位将军和两位总统,也是美国企业家的摇篮。在世界500强企业里,西点军校培养出来的董事长有1000多名,副董事长2000多名,总经理董事级别的高级管理人才超过5000名。
Brian Montgomery
Major Brian Montgomery is from Roswell, Georgia. He received his commission from the United States Military Academy at West Point in May of 2004 after receiving a Bachelors of Science in Economics. He is currently assigned to the United States Military Academy as an instructor of General Psychology for Leaders (PL100) after earning a Master of Arts degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at New York University in New York, NY.