首先说观点,比较省略是相对考点(语法论坛上大佬总结过,绝对考点是可以单独拿出来排除选项的,而相对考点必须比较选项再做出选择,戳 https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-1325438-1-1.html)。
OG10- 198. Although Napoleon's army entered Russia with far more supplies than they had in their previous campaigns, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.
(A) they had in their previous campaigns
(B) their previous campaigns had had
(C) they had for any previous campaign
(D) in their previous campaigns
(E) for any previous campaign
就像层主说的,根据主谓一致(绝对考点)直接排除ABCD,E选项的确可能补充成“supplies for any previous campaign”更好。
DO NOT think of comparisons in terms of "omitted" words.
in the vast majority of correct comparison sentences, NO words are actually "omitted", and NO words can be "put back in" (as you're trying to do here).
you do not have to know HOW TO WRITE comparison sentences.
...because this is a multiple-choice exam.
you need only be able to compare answer choices and make relative judgments. (this is a good thing, because writing comparison sentences is VERY hard--even for native speakers of english--and is nearly impossible for english learners to master fully. on the other hand, it's not nearly as hard to make relative judgments.)
Don't make comparisons more complicated than they need to be. Just use pure parallelism to make this decision.
比较中常有的,今年的数据和往年的数据比较,或者今年的行为和往年的行为作比较。有的比较中可以省略主干只留下in any previous election,有的不能省略。重点在于,句中是否有和in previous election平行的成分。
【例】Soaring television costs accounted for more thanhalf the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greaterproportion than in any previouselection. 有平行对象,所以proportion可以省略 【例】In 1998 Massachusetts became the first state in which more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than under it. 有平行对象,所以women可以省略
同样的平行思想不仅可以用在名词比较题上(如上述两个例子),还可以用在动词比较: 【OG18-731】To develop more accurate population forecasts, demographers have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic determinants of fertility. D. would have to know a great deal more thanthey do now about the social and economic E. would have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic 【解】排除完后只剩下DE,唯一不同在于“than they do now”/“than now”。E选项than之后只有now,然而than之前没有时间状语和now平行,错误。D选项虽然也没有时间状语和now平行,但是demographers know与they do now平行。所以相比之下,D更好。
见Ron 3/,也许你会发现这个方适用于众多真题(我也不清楚),但是这个方法有点武断,如果你已经习惯用这个来解题了,那也挺好。如果还没有,可以试试看用平行思想来解。比较省略(相对考点)的问题不可以脱离其他选项分析,最好在排除绝对错误后比较分析:p