Despite recent increases in sales and cash flow that have propelled automobile companies' common stocks to new highs, several industry analysts expect automakers, in order to conserve cash, to set dividends more conservatively than they were
Despite recent increases in sales and cash flow that have propelled automobile companies' common stocks to new highs, several industry analysts expect automakers, in order to conserve cash, to set cash more conservatively than they were.
A) to set dividends more conservatively than they were
B) to set dividends more conservatively than they have been
C) to be more conservative than they have been in setting dividends
D) that they will be more conservative than they were in setting dividends
E) that they will be more conservative than they have been to set dividends
答案是C。解释中说C的时态用的很好,to be 表示现在到未来,have been 表示从过去到现在,因此在时间轴上没有空缺。解释中又说D的were时态不正确,但我个人认为用were没有问题,意思上很说的过去啊。求帮忙。